Célia Manaia

Professor(a) Associado(a)


Doutorada em Microbiologia e licenciada em Bioquímica, ambos pela Universidade de Coimbra, Célia Manaia é Professora Associada com Agregação na Escola Superior de Biotecnologia e é vice-presidente para a Investigação e Internacionalização do Centro Regional do Porto da UCP. É responsável pelo Laboratório de Investigação “Bacterial Ecology” do Centro de Biotecnologia e química Fina e docente nas áreas da Genética e da Microbiologia, que coincidem com os seus interesses de investigação.

A sua investigação incide no estudo da taxonomia, diversidade e ecologia bacteriana, com especial interesse na interface humanos-ambiente e na dispersão ambiental de bactérias resistentes a antibióticos. Neste contexto, tem integrado diversos consórcios internacionais e trabalhado com entidades empresarias e públicas, interessadas na avaliação e desenvolvimento de políticas públicas (p.e. FAO, JRC-EU). No âmbito da sua atividade como microbióloga, atualmente é Vice-Presidente da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia, é membro do International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes, é editora do International Journal of Systematics and Evolutionary Microbiology e co-edito- in-chief do jornal Environmental Science: Advances.


2023 Outstanding Papers published in the Environmental Science journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Célia Manaia (with Zongwei Cai). 2024. Environmental Science: Nano

2023 Outstanding Papers published in the Environmental Science journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Célia Manaia (with Zongwei Cai). 2024. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology

2023 Outstanding Papers published in the Environmental Science journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Célia Manaia (with Zongwei Cai). 2024. Environmental Science: Atmospheres

2023 Outstanding Papers published in the Environmental Science journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Célia Manaia (with Zongwei Cai). 2024. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts

2023 Outstanding Papers published in the Environmental Science journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Célia Manaia (with Zongwei Cai). 2024. Environmental Science: Advances

Environmental Science - Advances: reflections and welcome to another year of the journal

Célia Manaia (with Jones, Kevin C.). 2024.

Author Correction: Genomic analysis of sewage from 101 countries reveals global landscape of antimicrobial resistance (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (7251), 10.1038/s41467-022-34312-7)

Célia Manaia (with Global Sewage Surveillance Consortium). 2023.

Best Papers from 2022 published in the Environmental Science journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Célia Manaia (with Zongwei Cai). 2023. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts

Best Papers from 2022 published in the Environmental Science journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Célia Manaia (with Zongwei Cai). 2023. Environmental Science: Advances

Best Papers from 2022 published in the Environmental Science journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Célia Manaia (with Zongwei Cai). 2023. Environmental Science: Nano

Best Papers from 2022 published in the Environmental Science journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Célia Manaia (with Zongwei Cai). 2023. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology

Best Papers from 2022 published in the Environmental Science journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Célia Manaia (with Zongwei Cai). 2023. Environmental Science: Atmospheres

Biomarkers for monitoring antibiotic resistance in aquatic environments

Célia Manaia (with Teixeira, Ana Margarida Ribeiro). 2023. Bageco2023

Candidate biomarkers of antibiotic resistance for the monitoring of wastewater and the downstream environment

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Teixeira, A. Margarida). 2023. Water Research

Characterization of environmental and clinical antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli isolates

Célia Manaia (with Filipe, Daniel Fernandes Magalhães). 2023.

Comparative assessment of post-secondary treatment processes to reduce the bacterial load in treated domestic effluents

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Leão, Inês). 2023. Bageco2023, Denmark, 26/06/23

Dissemination of metallo-ß-lactamase-producing pseudomonas aeruginosa in Serbian Hospital settings: expansion of ST235 and ST654 clones

Célia Manaia (with Kabic, Jovana). 2023.

Insight into phylogenomic bias of blaVIM-2 or blaNDM-1 dissemination amongst carbapenem resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Célia Manaia (with Fortunato, Gianuario). 2023.

Microbiome and resistome profiles along a sewage-effluent-reservoir trajectory underline the role of natural attenuation in wastewater stabilization reservoirs

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Leão, Inês). 2023. Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Mitigating risks and maximizing sustainability of treated wastewater reuse for irrigation

Célia Manaia (with Yalin, David). 2023.

One year of Environmental Science: Advances

Célia Manaia (with Celia Manaia). 2023. Environmental Science: Advances

Performance of polycarbonate, cellulose nitrate and polyethersulfone filtering membranes for culture-independent microbiota analysis of clean waters

Célia Manaia (with Abreu-Silva, Joana). 2023.

Profiling of the oral cavity microbiota of young adults and the possible influence of their habits

Célia Manaia (with Silva, Maria Inês Leão). 2023.

Pseudomonadota in the oral cavity: a glimpse into the environment-human nexus

Célia Manaia (with Inês Leão). 2023. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Quantitative PCR versus metagenomics for monitoring antibiotic resistance genes: balancing high sensitivity and broad coverage

Célia Manaia (with Catarina Ferreira). 2023. FEMS Microbes

Searching for links between environmental and clinical mecA+ Staphylococcus aureus: a comparative genomics study

Célia Manaia (with Rocha, Jaqueline). 2023.

Study of the application of ultraviolet radiation technology in water treatment processes

Célia Manaia (with Camelo, Verónica Filipa da Rocha). 2023.

Survival of clinical and environmental carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST147 in surface water

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Catarina Ferreira). 2023. Environmental Research

Common and distinctive genomic features of Klebsiella pneumoniae thriving in the natural environment or in clinical settings

Célia Manaia (with Jaqueline Rocha). 2022. Scientific Reports

Development and validation of novel PCR primers for identification of plasmid-mediated colistin resistance (mcr) genes in various environmental settings

Célia Manaia (with Gorecki, Adrian). 2022. Journal of Hazardous Materials

Editorial introducing Environmental Science: Advances

Célia Manaia (with Zongwei Cai). 2022. Environmental Science: Advances
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia (with Célia Maria Manaia Rodrigues). 2022. Bergey’s manual of systematics of archaea and bacteria

High Frequency of the EMRSA-15 Clone (ST22-MRSA-IV) in Hospital Wastewater

Célia Manaia (with Silva, Vanessa). 2022. Microorganisms

Monitoring antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater environments: The challenges of filling a gap in the One-Health cycle

Célia Manaia (with Milobedzka, Aleksandra). 2022. Journal of Hazardous Materials
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia (with Olga C. Nunes). 2022. Bergey’s manual of systematics of archaea and bacteria

The complex interplay between antibiotic resistance and pharmaceutical and personal care products in the environment

Célia Manaia (with Célia Maria Manaia Rodrigues). 2022. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

Third generation cephalosporin-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae thriving in patients and in wastewater: what do they have in common?

Célia Manaia (with Rocha, Jaqueline). 2022. BMC Genomics

Antibiotic resistance in wastewater, does the context matter? Poland and Portugal as a case study

Ivone Vaz Moreira & Célia Manaia (with Vaz-Moreira, Ivone). 2021. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2021. Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Célia M. Manaia). 2021. Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria

Characterization of Oral Enterobacteriaceae Prevalence and Resistance Profile in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Undergoing Peritoneal Dialysis

António Rangel & Célia Manaia (with Costa, Carolina F. F. A.). 2021. Frontiers in Microbiology

Effect of copper and zinc as sulfate or nitrate salts on soil microbiome dynamics and bla-positive Pseudomonas aeruginosa survival

Célia Manaia (with Fortunato, Gianuario). 2021.
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, Ivone). 2021. Bergey’s Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria

Reduction of antibiotic resistance determinants in urban wastewater by ozone: Emphasis on the impact of wastewater matrix towards the inactivation kinetics, toxicity and bacterial regrowth

Célia Manaia (with Iakovides, I.C.). 2021. Journal of Hazardous Materials
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2021. Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria

The risk of transmitting antibiotic resistance through endophytic bacteria

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Nazareno Scaccia). 2021. Trends in Plant Science

A Pilot Study Combining Ultrafiltration with Ozonation for the Treatment of Secondary Urban Wastewater: Organic Micropollutants, Microbial Load and Biological Effects

Célia Manaia (with Cátia A. L. Graça). 2020. Water

Antibiotic residues in final effluents of European wastewater treatment plants and their impact on the aquatic environment

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Rodriguez-Mozaz, Sara). 2020. Environment International

Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2020. Springer International Publishing
Capítulo de Livro

Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment: Expert Perspectives

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, Célia M.). 2020. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry

Cell-based internal standard for qPCR determinations of antibiotic resistance indicators in environmental water samples

Célia Manaia (with Jaqueline Rocha). 2020. Ecological Indicators
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia (with Manaia, Célia). 2020. Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria

Every fifth published metagenome is not available to science

Célia Manaia (with Eckert, Ester M.). 2020. PLOS Biology

Farewell Milton

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, Célia M.). 2020. Environmental Microbiology

Genetic Characterization of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolates from Human Bloodstream Infections: Detection of MLSB Resistance

Célia Manaia (with Vanessa Silva). 2020. Antibiotics
Capítulo de Livro

Hydrogenophilus Hayashi, Ishida, Yokota, Kodama and Igarashi 1999, 785vp

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Manaia, Célia). 2020. Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia (with Manaia, Célia). 2020. Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria

Identification of Emerging Hazards in Mussels by the Galician Emerging Food Safety Risks Network (RISEGAL). A First Approach

Célia Manaia (with Marta López Cabo). 2020. Foods

Inter-laboratory calibration of quantitative analyses of antibiotic resistance genes

Célia Manaia (with Rocha, Jaqueline). 2020. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Investigating the impact of UV-C/H2O2 and sunlight/H2O2 on the removal of antibiotics, antibiotic resistance determinants and toxicity present in urban wastewater

Célia Manaia (with Stella G. Michael). 2020. Chemical Engineering Journal

Living with sulfonamides: a diverse range of mechanisms observed in bacteria

Célia Manaia (with Olga C. Nunes). 2020. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia (with Manaia, Célia). 2020. Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria

Metagenomic analysis of an urban resistome before and after wastewater treatment

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Lira, Felipe). 2020. Scientific Reports
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia (with Manaia, Célia). 2020. Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria

Persistence of wastewater antibiotic resistant bacteria and their genes in human fecal material

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Nazareno Scaccia). 2020. FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia (with Manaia, Célia). 2020. Bergey's manual of systematics of archaea and bacteria
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2019. Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria

Antibiotic Resistance Genes in the Human-Impacted Environment: A One Health Perspective

Célia Manaia (with TIEDJE, James M.). 2019. Pedosphere

Antibiotic resistance genes in treated wastewater and in the receiving water bodies: A pan-European survey of urban settings

Célia Manaia (with Damiano Cacace). 2019. Water Research

Antibiotic resistance in European wastewater treatment plants mirrors the pattern of clinical antibiotic resistance prevalence

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Pärnänen, Katariina M. M.). 2019. Science Advances

Assessment of full-scale tertiary wastewater treatment by UV-C based-AOPs: Removal or persistence of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes?

Célia Manaia (with Rodríguez-Chueca, Jorge). 2019. Science of The Total Environment

Betaproteobacteria are predominant in drinking water: are there reasons for concern?

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Ferro, Pompeyo). 2019. Critical Reviews in Microbiology

Comparison of Culture- and Quantitative PCR-Based Indicators of Antibiotic Resistance in Wastewater, Recycled Water, and Tap Water

Célia Manaia (with Jaqueline Rocha). 2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Continuous ozonation of urban wastewater: Removal of antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli and antibiotic resistance genes and phytotoxicity

Célia Manaia (with I.C. Iakovides). 2019. Water Research

Genetic variation in the conjugative plasmidome of a hospital effluent multidrug resistant Escherichia coli strain

Célia Manaia (with Catarina Ferreira). 2019. Chemosphere

Heterogeneous photocatalysis using UVA-LEDs for the removal of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria from urban wastewater treatment plant effluents

Célia Manaia (with Biancullo, Francesco). 2019. Chemical Engineering Journal

Immobilised cerium-doped Zinc oxide as a photocatalyst for the degradation of antibiotics and the inactivation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Célia Manaia (with Zammit, Ian). 2019. Catalysts

Invited keynote: Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment: causes and consequences for human health

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2019.

Invited keynote: Assessing the Risk of Antibiotic Resistance Transmission from the Environment to Humans

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2019.

Invited keynote: Contaminant antibiotic resistance in water environments

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2019.

Neighbor urban wastewater treatment plants display distinct profiles of bacterial community and antibiotic resistance genes

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Fernandes, T.). 2019. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

One Health Approach Reveals the Absence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Autochthonous Cattle and Their Environments

Célia Manaia (with Correia, Susana). 2019. Frontiers in Microbiology
Capítulo de Livro


Célia Manaia (with Olga C. Nunes). 2019. Bergey’s manual of systematics of archaea and bacteria

Performance of secondary wastewater treatment methods for the removal of contaminants of emerging concern implicated in crop uptake and antibiotic resistance spread: A review

Célia Manaia (with Krzeminski, Pawel). 2019. Science of The Total Environment

Removal of microorganisms and antibiotic resistance genes from treated urban wastewater: A comparison between aluminium sulphate and tannin coagulants

Célia Manaia (with Bárbara W.N. Grehs). 2019. Water Research
Capítulo de Livro

Sources of Antibiotic Resistance: Zoonotic, Human, Environment

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2019. Antibiotic Drug Resistance

A rationale for the high limits of quantification of antibiotic resistance genes in soil

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Gianuario Fortunato). 2018. Environmental Pollution

Antibiotic resistance in wastewater treatment plants: Tackling the black box

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Célia M. Manaia). 2018. Environment International

Association between gentamicin resistance and stress tolerance in water isolates of Ralstonia pickettii and R. mannitolilytica

Célia Manaia (with Ferro, Pompeyo). 2018. Folia Microbiologica

Bacterial lineages putatively associated with the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes in a full-scale urban wastewater treatment plant

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Carlos Narciso-da-Rocha). 2018. Environment International

Critical knowledge gaps and research needs related to the environmental dimensions of antibiotic resistance

Célia Manaia (with Larsson, D.G. Joakim). 2018. Environment International

Fate of cefotaxime-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and ESBL-producers over a full-scale wastewater treatment process with UV disinfection

Célia Manaia (with Silva, Isabel). 2018. Science of The Total Environment

Insights on sulfamethoxazole bio-transformation by environmental Proteobacteria isolates

Célia Manaia (with Patrícia J.M. Reis). 2018. Journal of Hazardous Materials

Invited keynote: Antibiotic Resistance: from Nature to Environmental Contaminants

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2018.

Invited keynote: Contaminant antibiotic resistome in wastewater: evidence and implications

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2018.

Invited keynote: Evidence and Implications of Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2018.

Invited keynote: Resistência a antibióticos: da natureza a contaminante ambiental

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2018.

Reusing Treated Wastewater: Consideration of the Safety Aspects Associated with Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance Genes

Célia Manaia (with Hong, Pei-Ying). 2018. Water

Solar treatment (H2O2, TiO2-P25 and GO-TiO2 photocatalysis, photo-Fenton) of organic micropollutants, human pathogen indicators, antibiotic resistant bacteria and related genes in urban wastewater

Célia Manaia (with Moreira, Nuno F.F.). 2018. Water Research

Water and sanitation: an essential battlefront in the war on antimicrobial resistance

Célia Manaia (with Bürgmann, Helmut). 2018. FEMS Microbiology Ecology

Applications of optical DNA mapping in microbiology

Célia Manaia (with Bogas, Diana). 2017. BioTechniques

Assessing the Risk of Antibiotic Resistance Transmission from the Environment to Humans: Non-Direct Proportionality between Abundance and Risk

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, C.M.). 2017. Trends in Microbiology

Characterization of bacterial communities from Masseiras, a unique Portuguese greenhouse agricultural system

Célia Manaia (with Becerra-Castro, C.). 2017. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology

Invited keynote: Antibiotic resistance in treated wastewater: evidences, mitigation and risks.

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2017.

Invited keynote: Antibiotic resistance in wastewater: evidences, mitigation and risks. Antimicrobial Resistance and One Health

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2017.

Invited keynote: Antimicrobial resistance in European wastewaters

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2017.

Oryzisolibacter propanilivorax gen. nov., sp. nov., a propanil-degrading bacterium

Célia Manaia (with Vaz-Moreira, Ivone). 2017. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Ozonation and UV<inf>254</inf><inf>nm</inf> radiation for the removal of microorganisms and antibiotic resistance genes from urban wastewater

Célia Manaia (with Sousa, J.M.). 2017. Journal of Hazardous Materials

The influence of the autochthonous wastewater microbiota and gene host on the fate of invasive antibiotic resistance genes

Célia Manaia (with Carlos Narciso-da-Rocha). 2017. Science of The Total Environment

The potential implications of reclaimed wastewater reuse for irrigation on the agricultural environment: The knowns and unknowns of the fate of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria and resistance genes – A review

Célia Manaia (with Christou, Anastasis). 2017. Water Research

Toward a Comprehensive Strategy to Mitigate Dissemination of Environmental Sources of Antibiotic Resistance

Célia Manaia (with Vikesland, Peter J.). 2017. Environmental Science & Technology

Ubiquitous and persistent Proteobacteria and other Gram-negative bacteria in drinking water

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2017. Science of the Total Environment

Antibiotic resistance in urban aquatic environments: can it be controlled?

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, C.M.). 2016. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Draft genome sequences of two Ralstonia pickettii strains with different aminoglycoside resistance phenotypes

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2016. Genome Announcements

High Throughput Analysis of Integron Gene Cassettes in Wastewater Environments

Célia Manaia (with Gatica, J.). 2016. Environmental Science and Technology

Invited keynote: Antibiotic resistance in aquatic environments: from the evidences to the mitigation measures

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2016.

Invited keynote: Culture-dependent methods on the analysis of antibiotic resistant bacteria in the urban water cycle

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2016.

Irrigation with treated wastewater: Potential impacts on microbial function and diversity in agricultural soils

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Lopes, A.R.). 2016. Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
Capítulo de Livro

Microbial diversity and ecology of bottled water

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, C.M.). 2016. Quantitative Microbiology in Food Processing

Multidrug Resistance in Quinolone-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria Isolated from Hospital Effluent and the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2016. Microbial Drug Resistance

Multidrug resistance phenotypes are widespread over different bacterial taxonomic groups thriving in surface water

Célia Manaia (with Carlos Narciso-da-Rocha). 2016. Science of The Total Environment

Photocatalytic ozonation of urban wastewater and surface water using immobilized TiO<inf>2</inf> with LEDs: Micropollutants, antibiotic resistance genes and estrogenic activity

Célia Manaia (with Moreira, N.F.F.). 2016. Water Research

Proteobacteria become predominant during regrowth after water disinfection

Célia Manaia (with Cristina Becerra-Castro). 2016. Science of The Total Environment

Quinolone resistant Aeromonas spp. as carriers and potential tracers of acquired antibiotic resistance in hospital and municipal wastewater

Célia Manaia (with Ana Rita Varela). 2016. Science of The Total Environment

Antibiotic resistance in the environment: can it be controlled?

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2015.

Assessment of copper and zinc salts as selectors of antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative bacteria

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Becerra-Castro, C.). 2015. Science of the Total Environment

Bombella intestini gen. nov., sp. nov., an acetic acid bacterium isolated from bumble bee crop

Célia Manaia (with Li, L.). 2015. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Bordetella bronchialis sp. nov., bordetella flabilis sp. nov. and bordetella sputigena sp. nov., isolated from human respiratory specimens, and reclassification of Achromobacter sediminum Zhang et al. 2014 as verticia sediminum gen. nov., comb. nov

Célia Manaia (with Vandamme, P.A.). 2015. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

COST Action ES1403: New and Emerging challenges and opportunities in wastewater REUSe (NEREUS)

Célia Manaia (with Fatta-Kassinos, D.). 2015. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Genetic characterization of fluoroquinolone resistant Escherichia coli from urban streams and municipal and hospital effluents

Célia Manaia (with Varela, A.R.). 2015. FEMS Microbiology Ecology

Hydromonas duriensis gen. Nov., sp. nov., Isolated from freshwater

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2015. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Invited keynote: Antibiotic resistance in the urban water cycle: origins, fate and risks

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2015.

Invited keynote: Antibiotic resistance: an emerging water quality threat

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2015.
Capítulo de Livro

Irrigation with Treated Wastewater: Potential Impacts on Microbial Function and Diversity in Agricultural Soils

Célia Manaia (with Lopes, Ana Rita). 2015. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry

Molecular evidence of the close relatedness of clinical, gull and wastewater isolates of quinolone-resistant Escherichia coli

Célia Manaia (with Ana Rita Varela). 2015. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance

Relationships among bulk soil physicochemical, biochemical, and microbiological parameters in an organic alfalfa-rice rotation system

Célia Manaia (with Lopes, A.R.). 2015. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Tackling antibiotic resistance: The environmental framework

Célia Manaia (with Berendonk, T.U.). 2015. Nature Reviews Microbiology

Wastewater reuse in irrigation: A microbiological perspective on implications in soil fertility and human and environmental health

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Becerra-Castro, C.). 2015. Environment International

Acetobacter sicerae sp. nov., isolated from cider and kefir, and identification of species of the genus Acetobacter by dnaK, groEL and rpoB sequence analysis

Célia Manaia (with Li, L.). 2014. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Antibiotic resistance in wastewater: Origins, fate, and risks | Antibiotikaresistenz im Abwasser - Ursprung, Verhängnis und Risiken

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, C.M.). 2014. Pravention und Gesundheitsforderung

Bacterial community variations in an alfalfa-rice rotation system revealed by 16S rRNA gene 454-pyrosequencing

Célia Manaia (with Lopes, A.R.). 2014. FEMS Microbiology Ecology

Bacterial diversity and antibiotic resistance in water habitats: Searching the links with the human microbiome

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2014. FEMS Microbiology Reviews

Biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole and other sulfonamides by Achromobacter denitrificans PR1

Célia Manaia (with Reis, P.J.M.). 2014. Journal of Hazardous Materials

BlaTEM and vanA as indicator genes of antibiotic resistance contamination in a hospital-urban wastewater treatment plant system

Célia Manaia (with Narciso-Da-Rocha, C.). 2014. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance

Genotypic diversity and antibiotic resistance in Sphingomonadaceae isolated from hospital tap water

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Narciso-da-Rocha, C.). 2014. Science of the Total Environment

GES-5 among the β-lactamases detected in ubiquitous bacteria isolated from aquatic environment samples

Célia Manaia (with Manageiro, V.). 2014. FEMS Microbiology Letters

Insights into the relationship between antimicrobial residues and bacterial populations ina hospital-urban wastewater treatment plant system

Célia Manaia (with Varela, A.R.). 2014. Water Research

Invited keynote: Antibiotic resistance in urban wastewater: environmental contamination and risks of water reuse

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2014.

Molecular characterization of quinolone resistance mechanisms and extended-spectrum β-lactamase production in Escherichia coli isolated from dogs

Célia Manaia (with Meireles, D.). 2014. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Quinolone-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from birds of prey in Portugal are genetically distinct from those isolated from water environments and gulls in Portugal, Spain and Sweden

Célia Manaia (with Vredenburg, J.). 2014. Environmental Microbiology

Wastewater disinfection by solar heterogeneous photocatalysis: Effect on tetracycline resistant/sensitive enterococcus strains

Célia Manaia (with Rizzo, L.). 2014. Global Nest Journal

A brief multi-disciplinary review on antimicrobial resistance in medicine and its linkage to the global environmental microbiota

Célia Manaia (with Cantas, L.). 2013. Frontiers in Microbiology

Antibiotic resistance, Antimicrobial residues and bacterial community composition in urban wastewater

Célia Manaia (with Novo, A.). 2013. Water Research

Bacterial diversity from the source to the tap: A comparative study based on 16S rRNA gene-DGGE and culture-dependent methods

Célia Manaia, Maria da Conceição Venâncio Egas & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2013. FEMS Microbiology Ecology

Diversity and antibiotic resistance of Acinetobacter spp. in water from the source to the tap

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Narciso-Da-Rocha, C.). 2013. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Human health implications of clinically relevant bacteria in wastewater habitats

Célia Manaia (with Varela, A.R.). 2013. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Invited keynote: Antibiotic resistance in water environments: what is natural, what is not?

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2013.

Invited keynote: Characteristics of antibiotic resistant bacteria in wastewater

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2013.

Microbial degradation of the herbicide molinate by defined cultures and in the environment

Célia Manaia (with Nunes, O.C.). 2013. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Molinate biodegradation in soils: Natural attenuation versus bioaugmentation

Célia Manaia (with Lopes, A.R.). 2013. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Photoinactivation of various antibiotic resistant strains of Escherichia coli using a paint coat

Célia Manaia (with Sousa, V.M.). 2013. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry

Urban wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes spread into the environment: A review

Célia Manaia (with Rizzo, L.). 2013. Science of the Total Environment

Urban wastewater treatment plants as hotspots for the release of antibiotics in the environment: A review

Célia Manaia (with Michael, I.). 2013. Water Research

Vancomycin resistant enterococci: From the hospital effluent to the urban wastewater treatment plant

Célia Manaia (with Varela, A.R.). 2013. Science of the Total Environment

Bottled mineral water as a potential source of antibiotic resistant bacteria

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Falcone-Dias, M.F.). 2012. Water Research

Comparison of ubiquitous antibiotic-resistant Enterobacteriaceae populations isolated from wastewaters, surface waters and drinking waters

Célia Manaia, Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Figueira, V.). 2012. Journal of Water and Health

Diversity and antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas spp. from drinking water

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2012. Science of the Total Environment

Environmental factors influencing molinate biodegradation by a two-member mixed culture in rice paddy field floodwater

Célia Manaia (with Barreiros, L.). 2012. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation
Capítulo de Livro

Genus Gulosibacter

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2012. Bergey’s Manual® of Systematic Bacteriology
Capítulo de Livro

Genus Humibacter

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2012. Bergey’s Manual® of Systematic Bacteriology

Genus Pseudoclavibacter

Célia Manaia (with Célia Manaia). 2012. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology

Invited keynote: Antibiotic resistance in urban wastewater: environmental contamination and risks of water reuse

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2012.

Invited keynote: Resistência a antibióticos no ciclo urbano da água

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2012.

Solar photo-Fenton process on the abatement of antibiotics at a pilot scale: Degradation kinetics, ecotoxicity and phytotoxicity assessment and removal of antibiotic resistant enterococci

Célia Manaia (with Michael, I.). 2012. Water Research

A survey of the bacterial diversity in the cup filler of dental chair units

Célia Manaia (with Silva, V.). 2011. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology

Acinetobacter rudis sp. nov., isolated from raw milk and raw wastewater

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2011. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
Capítulo de Livro

Antibiotic Resistance in Waste Water and Surface Water and Human Health Implications

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, Célia M.). 2011. Emerging Organic Contaminants and Human Health

Association of financial or professional conflict of interest to research outcomes on health risks or nutritional assessment studies of genetically modified products

Célia Manaia (with Diels, J.). 2011. Food Policy

Bacillus purgationiresistans sp. nov., isolated from a drinking-water treatment plant

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2011. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Bacterial diversity and bioaugmentation in floodwater of a paddy field in the presence of the herbicide molinate

Célia Manaia (with Barreiros, L.). 2011. Biodegradation

Candidimonas nitroreducens gen. nov., sp. nov. and candidimonas humi sp. nov., isolated from sewage sludge compost

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2011. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Comparative study of the microbial diversity of bulk paddy soil of two rice fields subjected to organic and conventional farming

Célia Manaia (with Lopes, A.R.). 2011. Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Culture-dependent and culture-independent diversity surveys target different bacteria: A case study in a freshwater sample

Célia Manaia, Maria da Conceição Venâncio Egas & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2011. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology

Differential patterns of antimicrobial resistance in population subsets of Escherichia coli isolated from waste- and surface waters

Célia Manaia (with Figueira, V.). 2011. Science of the Total Environment

Diversity and antibiotic resistance of Aeromonas spp. in drinking and waste water treatment plants

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Figueira, V.). 2011. Water Research

Diversity and antibiotic resistance patterns of Sphingomonadaceae isolates from drinking water

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2011. Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Invited keynote: Antibiotic resistance and the Urban water Cycle

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2011.

Ciprofloxacin resistance in domestic wastewater treatment plants

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, C.M.). 2010. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution

Factors influencing antibiotic resistance burden in municipal wastewater treatment plants

Célia Manaia (with Novo, A.). 2010. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Paenibacillus residui sp. nov., isolated from urban waste compost

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2010. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Shinella fusca sp. nov., isolated from domestic waste compost

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2010. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
Capítulo de Livro

A água e a vida

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2009. Água: um desafio sem espaço nem tempo

Antibiotic resistance in coagulase negative staphylococci isolated from wastewater and drinking water

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Faria, C.). 2009. Science of the Total Environment

Microbacterium invictum sp. nov., isolated from homemade compost

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2009. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Sphingobium vermicomposti sp. nov., isolated from vermicompost

António César Ferreira, Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2009. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Diversity of bacterial isolates from commercial and homemade composts

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2008. Microbial Ecology
Capítulo de Livro

From planting to harvest: environmental dissipation of the herbicide molinate and proposal of a clean-up methodology

Célia Manaia (with Célia M. Manaia). 2008. Environmental Biodegradation Research Trends

Genotypic analysis of Candida albicans isolates obtained from removable prosthesis wearers

Célia Manaia (with Costa, F.). 2008. Letters in Applied Microbiology

Humibacter albus gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from sewage sludge compost

António César Ferreira, Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2008. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Microbacterium luticocti sp. nov., isolated from sewage sludge compost

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2008. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Municipal wastewater treatment and antibiotic resistance - a case study

Célia Manaia (with Nunes, O.C.). 2008. Trends in Water Resources Research

New insights into a bacterial metabolic and detoxifying association responsible for the mineralization of the thiocarbamate herbicide molinate

António César Ferreira & Célia Manaia (with Barreiros, L.). 2008. Microbiology

Antimicrobial resistance patterns in Enterobacteriaceae isolated from an urban wastewater treatment plant

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Ferreira Da Silva, M.). 2007. FEMS Microbiology Ecology

Gulbenkiania mobilis gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from treated municipal wastewater

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2007. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Paenibacillus humicus sp. nov., isolated from poultry litter compost

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2007. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Pseudosphingobacterium domesticum gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from home-made compost

Célia Manaia & Ivone Vaz Moreira (with Vaz-Moreira, I.). 2007. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Antibiotic resistance of enterococci and related bacteria in an urban wastewater treatment plant

Célia Manaia (with Da Silva, M.F.). 2006. FEMS Microbiology Ecology

Treatment of cork boiling wastewater using chemical oxidation and biodegradation

Célia Manaia (with Dias-Machado, M.). 2006. Chemosphere

A case study of molinate application in a Portuguese rice field: Herbicide dissipation and proposal of a clean-up methodology

António César Ferreira & Célia Manaia (with Castro, M.). 2005. Chemosphere

Genetically modified foods: law, safety and practical implications for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, Célia). 2005. Faculty of Agriculture, University of West Mostar, Bosnia Herzegovina

Isolation and characterization of polymeric galloyl-ester-degrading bacteria from a tannery discharge place

Célia Manaia & Paula Castro (with Franco, A.R.). 2005. Microbial Ecology

Micróbios: pequenos seres com poderes de gigantes

Célia Manaia (with Helena Pena Pereira, Lucia). 2005. Universidade Católica Editora

Caenibacterium thermophilum is later synonym of Schlegelella thermodepolymerans

Célia Manaia (with Lütke-Eversloh, T.). 2004. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Gulosibacter molinativorax gen. nov., a molinate-degrading bacterium, and classification of 'Brevibacterium helvolum' DSM 20419 as Pseudoclavibacter helvolus gen. nov., sp. nov

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, C.M.). 2004. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Metabolic and genetic diversity of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria isolated from composted municipal sludge on poly-ε-caprolactones

Célia Manaia (with Tiago, I.). 2004. Current Microbiology

Preliminary feasibility study for the use of an adsorption/bio-regeneration system for molinate removal from effluents

Célia Manaia (with Silva, M.). 2004. Water Research

A novel pathway for mineralization of the thiocarbamate herbicide molinate by a defined bacterial mixed culture

António César Ferreira & Célia Manaia (with Barreiros, L.). 2003. Environmental Microbiology

Caenibacterium thermophilum gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a thermophilic aerobic digester of municipal sludge

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, C.M.). 2003. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Tepidiphilus margaritifer gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a thermophilic aerobic digester

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, C.M.). 2003. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Pseudomonas thermotolerans sp. nov., a thermotolerant species of the genus Pseudomonas sensu stricto

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, C.M.). 2002. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

Influence of plant components on the degradation of 4-nitrophenol by a bacterial consortium isolated from the rhizosphere of Phragmites australis

Célia Manaia & Paula Castro (with Oliveira, R.S.). 2001. Minerva Biotecnologica

Compatible solutes in the thermophilic bacteria Rhodothermus marinus and 'Thermus thermophilus'

Célia Manaia (with Nunes, O.C.). 1995. Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Halotolerant Thermus strains from marine and terrestrial hot springs belong to Thermus thermophilus nom. rev. emend.

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, C.M.). 1995. Systematic and Applied Microbiology

The polar lipid and fatty acid composition of Rhotothermus strains

Célia Manaia (with Nunes, O.C.). 1992. Systematic and Applied Microbiology

Characterization of halotolerant Thermus isolates from shallow marine hot springs on S. Miguel, Azores

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, C.M.). 1991. Journal of General Microbiology

Heterotrophic plate counts and the isolation of bacteria from mineral waters on selective and enrichment media

Célia Manaia (with Manaia, C.M.). 1990. Journal of Applied Bacteriology