Cristina L. M. Silva

Professor(a) Associado(a)


Engenheira Química e Doutorada em Biotecnologia com especialidade em Ciência e Engenharia Alimentar, é Professora Associada da Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Diretora Adjunta para a Internacionalização e responsável pelos 3º ciclos de estudos. Leciona em temas de tecnologias alimentares e fenómenos de transferência. È responsável pelo laboratório de investigação “Food Processing Engineering” do CBQF. Em 2022 foi distinguida a nível internacional na área de engenharia e tecnologia alimentar, através da eleição para Fellow da Academia Internacional de Ciência e Tecnologia Alimentar (IAFoST), o mais elevado reconhecimento internacional pela sua contribuição para o avanço e coordenação do ensino em ciência e engenharia alimentar a nível mundial, e pelo seu trabalho de investigação na área de modelização e otimização de processos alimentares.

Cristina Silva preside o grupo de trabalho de educação 1.2 da IUFoST (União Internacional de Ciência e Tecnologia Alimentar) sobre Questões Emergentes, Principais Áreas de Trabalho.  Foi também fundadora, e líder durante 9 anos, da rede ISEKI-Food que incluiu mais de 150 instituições de ensino superior na área da ciência e engenharia alimentar, de mais de 100 países em todos os continentes. Atualmente, é membro do conselho consultivo da Associação internacional ISEKI-Food, editora-chefe do International Journal of Food Studies e editora associada dos periódicos Journal of Food Process Engineering, Brazilian Journal of Food Technology e Foods.


Application of Ultrasound Treatments in the Processing and Production of High-Quality and Safe-to-Drink Kiwi Juice

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sharayu Bhutkar). 2024. Foods

Author Correction: Emerging challenges and opportunities in innovating food science technology and engineering education

Cristina L. M. Silva (with I. S. Saguy). 2024. npj Science of Food
Capítulo de Livro

Biopreservation of vegetables

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Bárbara Ramos). 2024. Novel approaches in biopreservation for food and clinical purposes

Emerging challenges and opportunities in innovating food science technology and engineering education

Cristina L. M. Silva (with I. S. Saguy). 2024. npj Science of Food
Capítulo de Livro

Insight Into Postdoctoral Position in Tunisia

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Nourhene Boudhrioua). 2024.

Shelf-Life Management and Ripening Assessment of ‘Hass’ Avocado (Persea americana) Using Deep Learning Approaches

Cristina L. M. Silva & Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Xavier). 2024. Foods

Advancements in preservation technologies for clean label products

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 2023. 37th EFFoST International Conference 2023: Sustainable Food and Industry 4.0: Towards the 2030 Agenda
, Valencia, Spain, 6/11/23

Aprendizagem baseada em projetos

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Beatriz G. Bernardes). 2023.

Contribution to the characterization of cork's use-life

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ana Lopes Cardoso). 2023. Book of abstracts

Development of a smart tool for avocado fruits (Persea americana) ripening evaluation, shelf-life management and waste reduction

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pedro A. E. L. Xavier). 2023. 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference, Paris, France, 5/07/23

Effect of sonication pre-treatment and drying temperature on avocado seeds (Persea americana) drying kinetics and flour quality

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Annalisa Carboni). 2023. ICEF 14 - International Congress on Engineering and Food, Nantes, France, 20/06/23

Emerging issues and key focus areas in food science, technology, and engineering higher education

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 2023. 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference, Paris, France, 5/07/23

Enhancing the safety and quality of blueberry juice by thermosonication

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Eleonora Panaro). 2023. 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference, Paris, France, 5/07/23

Enhancing the safety and quality of blueberry juice by thermosonication

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Eleonora Panaro). 2023. 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference – ISEKI-Food 2023 : Next-Generation of Food Research, Education and Industry

Enhancing the safety and quality of blueberry juice by thermosonication

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Eleonora Panaro). 2023. 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference

Exploring non-edible parts of pineapples as fat replacers in cake formulations

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Marialuce Lapetina). 2023. 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference, Paris, France, 5/07/23

Exploring non-edible parts of pineapples as fat replacers in cake formulations

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Marialuce Lapetina). 2023. 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference – Book of Abstracts

Exploring non-edible parts of pineapples as fat replacers in cake formulations

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Marialuce Lapetina). 2023. 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference

Exploring the potential of solar cooking

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ana Catarina Campos Araújo). 2023. 37th EFFoST International Conference 2023: Sustainable Food and Industry 4.0: Towards the 2030 Agenda
, Valencia, Spain, 6/11/23

Impact of roasting temperature and seed presence on carob flour (ceratonia siliqua l.)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Maria Emilia Brassesco). 2023. ACS Food Science and Technology

Modification of carob powder (Ceratonia siliqua L.) for by-product valorisation in the food industries

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ana M. Vilas-Boas). 2023. Dare2Change , Porto, Portugal, 21/03/23

Modification of carob powder (Ceratonia siliqua L.) for by-product valorisation in the food industries

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ana M. Vilas-Boas). 2023. Innovation driven agrifood business - Abstract Book

New Approaches for Improving the Quality of Processed Fruits and Vegetables and Their By-Products

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Fátima A. Miller). 2023. Foods

Reshaping food science, technology and engineering education embracing nutrition integration and sustainability

Cristina L. M. Silva (with I. Sam Saguy). 2023. 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference, Paris, France, 5/07/23

Syllabus proposal for a self-paced, modular e-learning platform aiming to empower young European agrifood entrepreneurs

Eduardo Luís Cardoso & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pedro A. E. L. Xavier). 2023. 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference, Paris, France, 5/07/23

Thermal processing of food: Challenges, innovations and opportunities. A position paper

Cristina L. M. Silva & Fátima Poças (with Mirian T. K. Kubo). 2023. Food Reviews International

Thermosonication Applied to Kiwi Peel: Impact on Nutritional and Microbiological Indicators

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Magali Boghossian). 2023. Foods

Assessment of the impact of drying processes on orange peel quality characteristics

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vichearavann Phuon). 2022. Journal of Food Process Engineering

CIBIA XII—Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering, 2019

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Rui M. S. Cruz). 2022. Journal of Food Process Engineering

Delivering functionality in foods

Cristina L. M. Silva (with António Vicente). 2022. Food Engineering Series

Freeze-drying processes applied to melon peel


Freeze-drying processes applied to melon rinds to attain a value-added food ingredient

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Teresa R.S. Brandão). 2022. 36th EFFoST International Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 7/11/22

Impact of thermosonication on kiwi juice quality

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 2022. 21st World Congress of Food Science & Technology , Singapore, 31/10/22

Influence of processing temperature on quality and drying kinetics of a mixed fruit leather

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ines N. Ramos). 2022. 21st World Congress of Food Science & Technology , Singapore, 31/10/22

Influence of roasting and seed presence on physicochemical, antioxidant and functional properties of carob powder (Ceratonia siliqua L.)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Maria E. Brassesco). 2022.
Capítulo de Livro


Cristina L. M. Silva (with Chelo González-Martínez). 2022. Delivering functionality in foods


Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2022. 21st World Congress of Food Science & Technology , Singapore, 31/10/22

Modelling and Optimization of the Processing of a Healthy Snack Bar Made of Grape and Tomato Pomaces

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Rocío Santiago-Ramos). 2022. Foods

Modelling oxygen ingress through cork closures. Impact of test conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva & Fátima Poças (with Ana C. Lopes Cardoso). 2022. Journal of Food Engineering

Multifunctionality of Rapeseed Meal Protein Isolates Prepared by Sequential Isoelectric Precipitation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Radoslav Georgiev). 2022. Foods

Multifunctionality of rapeseed meal protein isolates prepared by sequential isoelectric precipitation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Radoslav Georgiev). 2022. 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives & Health, Parma, Italy, 21/06/22

Particle size effect of integral carob flour on bioaccessibility of bioactive compounds during simulated gastrointestinal digestion

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ana M. Vilas-Boas). 2022. Foods

Perception and satisfaction level of students regarding the teaching practices during the COVID-19 pandemic

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Magali Boghossian). 2022. 21st World Congress of Food Science & Technology , Singapore, 31/10/22
Capítulo de Livro


Cristina L. M. Silva (with António Vicente). 2022. Delivering functionality in foods

Role of food engineering in sustainability

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Margarida C. Vieira). 2022. Journal of Food Engineering

Sugar, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of integral carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) powder during the simulated gastrointestinal tract digestion as related to the particle-size effect

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ana M. Vilas-Boas). 2022. 3.º BioIberoAmerica 2022, Braga, Portugal, 7/04/22

Thermosonication applied to blueberry juice – impact on quality properties

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 2022. 36th EFFoST International Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 7/11/22

A fruit snack including grape and tomato pomaces

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Rocío Santiago-Ramos). 2021. 6th International ISEKI-food conference

A fruit snack including grape and tomato pomaces

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Rocio Santiago). 2021. 6th International ISEKI-Food Conference , Austria, 23/06/21

Application of ultrasound treatments in processing and production of high quality and safe juices and added-value by-products

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2021. 35th EFFoST International Conference 2021 , Lausanne, Switzerland, 1/11/21

Application of UV-C radiation light in fruit juice processing

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Joana F. Fundo). 2021. CABI Reviews

Carob bean (Ceratonia siliqua L.): A new perspective for functional food

Cristina L. M. Silva (with María Emilia Brassesco). 2021. Trends in Food Science & Technology

Chemical composition, antioxidant capacity and phenolic contents of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) flour as related to seed presence and roasting effects

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Maria Emilia Brassesco). 2021. CMR|International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research, Viseu, Portugal, 1/07/21

Comparison of the dietary fiber content of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) flour as related to seed presence and roasting effects

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ana M. Vilas-Boas). 2021. MICROBIOTEC'21, Lisboa, Portugal, 23/11/21

Effect of Gaseous Ozone Process on Cantaloupe Melon Peel: Assessment of Quality and Antilisterial Indicators

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Fátima A. Miller). 2021. Foods

Inactivation kinetics of Listeria innocua in thermosonicated kiwi juice

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sharayu Bhutkar). 2021. 6th International ISEKI-Food Conference , Austria, 23/06/21

Inactivation kinetics of Listeria innocua in thermosonicated kiwi juice

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sharayu Bhutkar). 2021. 6th International ISEKI-food conference

Influence and comparison of thermal, ultrasonic and thermosonic treatments on physicochemical quality of orange juice

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Akila Amir-Tahi). 2021. 35th EFFoST International Conference 2021 , Lausanne, Switzerland, 1/11/21

Microwave and Ultrasound Pre-Treatments for Drying of the “Rocha” Pear: Impact on Phytochemical Parameters, Color Changes and Drying Kinetics

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Begüm Önal). 2021. Foods

Prediction of solar cooking impact on products quality

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Loïse Baudier). 2021. Book of abstracts 4th ISEKI-Food E-Conference

Process optimization and shelf-life determination of processed food. Review of same case studies

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elsa M. Gonçalves). 2021. Dare2Change - Innovation-Driven Agrifood Business, Porto, Portugal, 18/11/21

Thermal and non-thermal orange juice pasteurization

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Akila Amir-Tahi). 2021. 6th International ISEKI-food conference

Thermal and non-thermal orange juice pasteurization

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Akila Amir-Tahi). 2021. 6th International ISEKI-Food Conference , Austria, 23/06/21

Thermosonication applied to kiwi peel

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Magali Boghossian). 2021. 6th International ISEKI-food conference

Thermosonication applied to kiwi peel

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Magali Boghossian). 2021. 6th International ISEKI-Food Conference , Austria, 23/06/21

Thermosonication applied to kiwi peel – a mild technology for quality preservation

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Magali Boghossian). 2021. 35th EFFoST International Conference 2021 , Lausanne, Switzerland, 1/11/21

Ultrasound and heat treatment effects on Staphylococcus aureus cell viability in orange juice

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Akila Amir Tahi). 2021. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry

Biopreservation approaches to reduce Listeria monocytogenes in fresh vegetables

Paula Teixeira, Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, Bárbara). 2020. Food Microbiology

Enhanced Solubility of Rapeseed Meal Protein Isolates Prepared by Sequential Isoelectric Precipitation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Hristo Kalaydzhiev). 2020. Foods

Freeze and freeze drying applied as preservation processes of melon peel

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Aida Sabinova). 2020. ISEKI E-Conference, Austria, 18/11/20

Modelling of the rehydration process of dried broccoli (brassica oleracea l. var. italica) stems

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Irem Erdem). 2020. 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry, FOODSIM 2020

Physicochemical and bioactive caracterisation of edible and waste parts of “piel de sapo” melon

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2020. Horticulturae

Quality changes of carrots under different frozen storage conditions: A kinetic study

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Elsa M. Gonçalves). 2020. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Stability of corn and olive oil-in-water emulsions supplemented with ethanol-treated rapeseed meal protein isolate

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with H. Kalaydzhiev). 2020. International Food Research Journal

Valorization of rapeseed meal: influence of ethanol antinutrients removal on protein extractability, amino acid composition and fractional profile

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Kalaydzhiev, Hristo). 2020.

A two-step factorial design for optimization of protein extraction from industrial rapeseed meal after ethanol-assisted reduction of antinutrients

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with H. Kalaydzhiev). 2019. International Food Research Journal

Assessment of thermosonication as postharvest treatment applied on whole tomato fruits: optimization and validation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pinheiro, Joaquina). 2019.

Colour profile analysis of Port wines by various instrumental and visual methods

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Francisco AG Soares‐da‐Silva). 2019. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Combined pre-treatments effects on zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) squash microbial load reduction

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Filipa I.G. Neves). 2019. International Journal of Food Microbiology

Cross-European initial survey on the use of mathematical models in food industry

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Djekic, Ilija). 2019.

Effect of non-thermal processing on the aromatic profile of Cantaloupe melon juice

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Radoslav Georgiev). 2019. ICEF13 - International Congress on Engineering and Food, Melbourne, Canada, 23/09/19

Effect of nonthermal processing on the aromatic profile of Cantaloupe melon juice

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Radoslav Georgiev). 2019. ICEF13 - International Congress on Engineering and Food, Melbourne, Canada, 23/09/19

Functional properties of protein isolate an acid soluble protein-rich ingredient co-product from ethanol-tretaed industrial rapeseed meal

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Kalaydzhiev, H.). 2019. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences

Impact of ozone processing on microbiological, physicochemical, and bioactive characteristics of refrigerated stored Cantaloupe melon juice

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Sengly Sroy). 2019. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Microwave and ultrasound pre-treatments for ‘Rocha’ pear

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Begum Onal). 2019. 24th International Conference on Food Fraud and Safety, Vancouver, Canada, 7/12/19

Modelling Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris inactivation in apple juice using thermosonication treatments

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Andréia Tremarin). 2019. LWT

Phytochemical and physicochemical properties of dried orange peel as affected by processing conditions

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vichearavann Phuon). 2019. Book of abstract XII Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering

Phytochemical and physicochemical properties of dried orange peel as affected by processing conditions

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vichearavann Phuon). 2019. XII Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering, Faro, Portugal, 1/07/19

Phytochemical and physicochemical properties of dried orange peel as affected by processing conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vichearavann Phuon). 2019. Challenging food engineering as a driver towards sustainable food processing

Preservation processes applied to kiwi peel as strategies to add value to fruit wastes

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Federica Striglio). 2019. Book of abstract XII Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering

Stability of sunflower and rapeseed oil-in-water emulsions supplemented with ethanol-treated rapeseed meal protein isolate

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Hristo Kalaydzhiev). 2019. Journal of Food Science and Technology

Thermosonication applied to kiwi juice processing

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Federica M. Striglio). 2019. 6th International Conference - Sustainable Postharvest and Food Technologies (INOPTEP 2019) and XXXI National Conference - Processing and Energy in Agriculture (PTEP 2019), Kladovo, Serbia, 7/04/19

UV-C light processing of Cantaloupe melon juice: Evaluation of the impact on microbiological, and some quality characteristics, during refrigerated storage


Assessment of nutritional quality and color parameters of convective dried watercress ( Nasturtium officinale )

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Pichmony Ek). 2018. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Avaliação e otimização da termossonicação como tratamento alternativo de pós-colheita de tomate fresco (Lycopersicum esculentum, cv. Zinac)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pinheiro, Joaquina). 2018.

EuFooD-STA Centre developed a free and open access digital library for the food sector

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 2018. 5th International ISEKI_Food Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 3/07/18

Foaming properties of acid-soluble protein-rich ingredient obtained from industrial rapeseed meal

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ivanova, Petya). 2018.

Impact of UV-C radiation on melon peel

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2018. 19th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Mumbai, India, 23/10/18

Innovation and program

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Leandro Oliveira). 2018. 5th International ISEKI_Food Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 3/07/18

Letter to the editor

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Andréia Tremarin). 2018. Food Control

Ozonation of Adzuki beans (Vigna angularis): Effect on the hydration kinetics, phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Allana Patrícia Santos Alexandre). 2018. Journal of Food Process Engineering

Physicochemical and bioactive compounds of ‘cantaloupe’ melon

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2018. Ozone: Science and Engineering

Physicochemical characteristics, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in juice, pulp, peel and seeds of Cantaloupe Melon

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Fundo, Joana F.). 2018. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization

Quality assessment of Cantaloupe melon juice under ozone processing

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Joana F. Fundo). 2018. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies

Thermal and non-thermal cantaloupe melon juice pasteurization

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sengly Sroy). 2018. 5th International ISEKI_Food Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, 3/07/18

Application of ultraviolet radiation and ultrasound treatments for Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris spores inactivation in apple juice

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Andréia Tremarin). 2017. LWT

Comparative biochemical profile of protein-rich products obtained from industrial rapeseed meal

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ivanova, Petya). 2017.

Evaluation of Drying and Storage Conditions on Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Dried Galega Kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. Acephala)


Impact of ozonisation on quality parameters, nutritional aspects and inactivation of Listeria innocua in beans

Cristina L. M. Silva (with A. P .S. Alexandre). 2017. Latin American Symposium of Food Science, Campinas, Brazil, 4/11/17

Inactivation kinetics of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in apple juice submitted to ultraviolet radiation

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Andréia Tremarin). 2017. Food Control

Influences of physicochemical stresses on injury and inactivation behaviour of Listeria innocua

Paula Teixeira, Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2017. International Journal of Food Studies

Mathematical models for prediction of temperature effects on kinetic parameters of microorganisms’ inactivation: tools for model comparison and adequacy in data fitting

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gil, Maria M.). 2017.

Mathematical models for prediction of temperature effects on kinetic parameters of microorganisms’ inactivation: tools for model comparison and adequacy in data fitting

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gil, Maria M.). 2017. Food and Bioprocess Technology
Capítulo de Livro

Microstructure, composition and their relationship with molecular mobility, food quality and stability

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Joana F. Fundo). 2017. Food microstructure and its relationship with quality and stability

Modeling the soluble solids rolids and storage temperature effects on byssochlamys fulva growth in apple juices

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Tremarin, Andréia). 2017.

Modelling of alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris inactivation in apple juice using thermosonication technologies

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Andréia Tremarin). 2017. 10th International Conference on Predictive Modelling in Food -ICPMF10 , Cordoba, Spain, 26/09/17
Capítulo de Livro

Portuguese galega kale

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Brandão, Teresa R. S.). 2017. Mediterranean foods

Responsible research and innovation in the food value chain

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, Cristina L.M.). 2017.
Capítulo de Livro

Simulation of food solar drying

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ines N. Ramos). 2017. Solar drying rechnology

UV-C radiation as an effective non-thermal process for ‘Cantaloupe’ melon juice decontamination

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gabriela Mandro). 2017. EFFoST International Conference – Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Century , Sitges, Spain, 13/11/17

UV-C radiation as an effective nonthermal process for Cantaloupe melon juice decontamination

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gabriela Mandro). 2017. EFFoST International Conference – Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Century , Sitges, Spain, 13/11/17

Valorisation of Cantaloupe melon peel by freeze drying process

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sengly Sroy). 2017. EFFoST International Conference – Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Century , Sitges, Spain, 13/11/17

Valorization of Cantaloupe melon peel by freeze drying process

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sengly Sroy). 2017. EFFoST International Conference – Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Century , Sitges, Spain, 13/11/17

A feasibility study of Lactobacillus plantarum in fruit powders after processing and storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Cristina L. M. Silva & Paula Teixeira (with Borges, S.). 2016. International Journal of Food Science and Technology

Antilisterial active compound from lactic acid bacteria present on fresh iceberg lettuce

Paula Teixeira, Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Bárbara Ramos). 2016. Acta Alimentaria

Combined effects of temperature, pH and water activity on predictive ability of microbial kinetic inactivation model

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Maria M Gil). 2016. Procedia Food Science

Effect of convective and freeze-drying processes on galega kale quality

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Luca Tasin). 2016. 30th EFFoST International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 28/11/16
Capítulo de Livro

Emerging sanitation techniques for fresh-cuts

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2016. Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables

Evaluation of alternative preservation treatments (water heat treatment, ultrasounds, thermosonication and UV-C radiation) to improve safety and quality of whole tomato

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pinheiro, J.C.). 2016. Food and Bioprocess Technology

Influence of pretreatments on quality parameters and nutritional compounds of dried galega kale(Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala)

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Araújo, A.C.). 2016. Food and Bioprocess Technology

Mathematical modelling of convective drying of Galega kale

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ines N. Ramos). 2016. 4th International ISEKI_Food Conference 2016, Vienna, Austria, 6/07/16

NMR water transverse relaxation time approach to understand storage stability of fresh-cut ‘Rocha’ pear

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Joana F. Fundo). 2016. LWT
Capítulo de Livro

Nuts and dried fruits potential as functional foods

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Marta Magalhães). 2016. Functional Properties of Traditional Foods
Capítulo de Livro

Physical-chemical quality and nutritional composition of tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) fruits as influenced by different factors during postharvest life

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Joaquina Pinheiro). 2016. Solanum Lycopersicum


Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Ana Maria Gomes, Manuela Pintado, Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Freixo, R.). 2016. Scientific Study and Research: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry

Predictions of microbial thermal inactivation in solid foods

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Maria M Gil). 2016. Procedia Food Science

Career path of food science and technology professionals: Entry to the world of work

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Oreopoulou, V.). 2015. Trends in Food Science and Technology

Combined effects of temperature, pH and water activity on predictive ability of microbial kinetic inactivation model

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Gil, M.M.). 2015. 9th International Conference on Predictive Modelling in Food

Effect of air-drying temperature on the quality and bioactive characteristics of dried galega kale (Brassica oleraceaL. var. Acephala)

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Oliveira, S.M.). 2015. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Effect of pretreatments on quality parameters and nutritional compounds of dried Galega kale (Brassica Oleracea L. Var. Acephala)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ana Catarina Campos Araújo). 2015. 29th EFFoST International Conference, Athens, Greece, 10/11/15

Effect of pretreatments on quality parameters and nutritional compounds of dried Galega kale (Brassica Oleracea L. Var. Acephala)

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ana Catarina Campos Araújo). 2015. Food Science Research and Innovation

Effects of convective air drying temperature on nutritional quality and color of watercress (Nasturtium officinale)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with E. K. Pichmony). 2015. 29th EFFoST International Conference, Athens, Greece, 10/11/15

Effects of convective air drying temperature on nutritional quality and colour of watercress (Nasturtium officinale)

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with E. K. Pichmony). 2015. Food Science Research and Innovation

Food safety regulations based on science. Invited oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Huub Lelieveld). 2015. 5th MoniQA International Conference, Porto, Portugal, 16/09/15

Food science and technology for a sustainable bioeconomy - ISEKI-Food 2014

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 2015. Journal of Food Engineering

Food structure design: Innovation in food structure-properties relationships

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C. L. M.). 2015. Journal of Food Engineering

Fresh-cut melon quality during storage: An NMR study of water transverse relaxation time

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Fundo, J.F.). 2015. Journal of Food Engineering

Inactivation of Alicyclobacillu acidoterrestris in apple juice under ultraviolet irradiation treatments

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Andréia Tremarin). 2015. Food Science Research and Innovation

Influence of air-drying temperature on the quality and bioactive characteristics of dried galega kale (Brassica Oleracea L. Var. Acephala)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sara M. Oliveira). 2015. 29th EFFoST International Conference, Athens, Greece, 10/11/15

Influence of air-drying temperature on the quality and bioactive characteristics of dried galega kale (Brassica Oleracea L. Var. Acephala)

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sara M. Oliveira). 2015. Food Science Research and Innovation

Influence of drying processes and pretreatments on nutritional and bioactive characteristics of dried vegetables: A review

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Oliveira, S.M.). 2015. Food Engineering Reviews

Influence of postharvest ultrasounds treatments on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum, cv. Zinac) quality and microbial load during storage

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pinheiro, J.). 2015. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry

Molecular dynamics and structure in physical properties and stability of food systems

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Fundo, J.F.). 2015. Food Engineering Reviews

Non-thermal technologies for Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris inactivation in apple juice

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with A. Tremarin). 2015. 2015 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop, Athens, Greece, 12/11/15

Qualifications of food science and technology /engineering professionals at the entrance in the job market.

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Giannou, V.). 2015. International Journal of Food Studies

Relationship between molecular mobility, microstructure and functional properties in chitosan/glycerol films

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Fundo, J.F.). 2015. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies

Simulation of solar drying of grapes using an integrated heat and mass transfer model

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Ramos, I.N.). 2015. Renewable Energy

The effect of polymer/ plasticiser ratio in film forming solutions on the properties of chitosan films

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Fundo, J.F.). 2015. Food Biophysics

Use of UV-C postharvest treatment for extending fresh whole tomato (Solanum lycopersicum, cv. Zinac) shelf-life

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pinheiro, J.). 2015. Journal of Food Science and Technology

Application of optimal experimental design concept to improve the estimation of model parameters in microbial thermal inactivation kinetics

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Gil, M.M.). 2014. Journal of Food Engineering

Balsamic vinegar from Modena: An easy and effective approach to reduce Listeria monocytogenes from lettuce


Effect of pre-treatment on solar drying kinetics of red seedless graoes (cv. Monukka)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, I.N.). 2014. International Journal of Food Studies

Effects of UV pre-treatments on frozen vegetables quality

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Neves, F.I.G.). 2014. UV Radiation - Properties, Effects, and Applications
Capítulo de Livro

Effects of UV pre-treatments on frozen vegetables quality

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Filipa I.G. Neves). 2014. UV radiation

Modelling food quality changes kinetics during thermal processing. Invited oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 2014. Thermal Processing Conference, Chipping Campden, United Kingdom, 12/06/14

Molecular mobility, composition and structure analysis in glycerol plasticised chitosan films

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Fundo, J.F.). 2014. Food Chemistry

Ozone Processing

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Miller, F.A.). 2014. Conventional and Advanced Food Processing Technologies

PhD competences in food studies

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonzalez-Martinez, C.). 2014. International Journal of Food Studies
Capítulo de Livro

Pigments in fruit and vegetables

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sara M. Oliveira). 2014. Methods in food analysis

Pigments in Fruits and Vegetables

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Oliveira, S.). 2014. Methods in Food Analysis

Postharvest quality of refrigerated tomato fruit (solanum lycopersicum, cv. zinac) at two maturity stages following heat treatment

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pinheiro, J.). 2014. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
Capítulo de Livro

Processing and preservation of meat, poultry and seafood

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2014. Advances in Food Science and Technology

Processing and preservation of meat, poultry and seefood

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Alexandre, E.M.C.). 2014. Advances in Food Science and Nutrition

Stability of cupuaçu (Theobroma grandi orum) nectar during storage

Cristina L. M. Silva (with M.M.C. Vieira). 2014. International Journal of Food Studies

Stability of cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) nectar during storage

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vieira, M.C.). 2014. International Journal of Food Studies
Capítulo de Livro

Traditional and emerging technologies for strawberry processing

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2014. Strawberries

Traditional and emerging technologies for strawberry processing

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Alexandre, E.M.C.). 2014. Strawberries Cultivation, Antioxidant Properties and Health Benefits

A review on ozone-based treatments for fruit and vegetables preservation

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Miller, F.A.). 2013. Food Engineering Reviews

Alternative technologies for tomato post-harvest quality preservation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pinheiro, J.). 2013. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources

An accessible approach to reduce Listeria monocytogenes from lettuce

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Bárbara Ramos). 2013. 27th EFFoST Annual Meeting, Bologna, Italy, 13/11/13

Avaliação da qualidade da abóbora durante o processo de congelação

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2013. 6º Encontro de Química de Alimentos
Capítulo de Livro

Bioconservação de alimentos tradicionais por adição de bactérias ácido-lácticas e das suas bacteriocinas

Ana Maria Gomes & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Samuel Jácome). 2013. Estratégias inovadoras para desenvolver alimentos mais saudáveis
Capítulo de Livro

Dynamic approach to assessing food quality and safety characteristics

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Teresa R.S. Brandão). 2013. Food engineering series

Dynamic approach to assessing food quality and safety characteristics: The case of processed foods

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Brandão, T.R.S.). 2013. Advances in Food Process Engineering Research and Applications

Effect of pH upon viability of probiotic strains in contact with fruit pulps

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Cristina L. M. Silva (with C. Rodrigues). 2013. IV Workshop Probióticos, Prebióticos y Salud, Madrid, Spain, 31/01/13

Effect of pH upon viability of probiotic strains in contact with fruit pulps

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Cristina L. M. Silva (with C. Rodrigues). 2013. Nutricion Hospitalaria

Fresh fruits and vegetables - An overview on applied methodologies to improve its quality and safety

Cristina L. M. Silva, Paula Teixeira & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Ramos, B.). 2013. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies

Frozen food and technology

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Alexandre, E.M.C.). 2013. Advances in Food Science and Technology

Impact of non-thermal technologies and sanitizer solutions on microbial load reduction and quality factor retention of frozen red bell peppers

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Alexandre, E.M.C.). 2013. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies

Kinetics of changes in the physical quality parameters of fresh tomato fruits (Solanum lycopersicum, cv. 'Zinac') during storage

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pinheiro, J.). 2013. Journal of Food Engineering

Kinetics of ethylene oxide desorption from sterilized materials

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Mendes, G.C.). 2013. Journal of AOAC International
Capítulo de Livro

Novel Thermal and Non-thermal Food Processing Technologies

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2013. Processed Foods: Quality, Safety Characteristics and Health Implications

The impact of cold chain temperature abuses on the quality of frozen strawberries ( Fragaria × ananassa )

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R. M. S.). 2013. International Journal of Food Studies

Viability throughout storage of potential probiotic strains, when in contact with fruit pulps

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Ana Maria Gomes, Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sérgio Sousa). 2013. MicroBiotec’13, Aveiro, Portugal, 6/12/13

Assessment of the impact of hydrogen peroxide solutions on microbial loads and quality factors of red bell peppers, strawberries and watercress

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Alexandre, E.M.C.). 2012. Food Control

Efficacy of non-thermal technologies and sanitizer solutions on microbial load reduction and quality retention of strawberries

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Alexandre, E.M.C.). 2012. Journal of Food Engineering
Capítulo de Livro

Emerging technologies to improve the safety and quality of fruits and vegetables

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2012. Novel technologies in food science

Emerging technologies to improve the safety and quality of fruits and vegetables

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Alexandre, E.M.C.). 2012. Integratiing Food Science and Engineering Knowledge into the Food Chain

Ethylene oxide (EO) sterilization of healthcare products

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Mendes, G.C.). 2012. Sterilisation of Biomaterials and Medical Devices

Impact of water heat treatment on physical-chemical, biochemical and microbiological quality of whole tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Joaquina Pinheiro). 2012. XXVIII International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC2010)
Capítulo de Livro

Impact of Water Heat Treatment on Physical-Chemical, Biochemical and Microbiological Quality of Whole Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Fruit

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pinheiro, J.). 2012. Xxviii International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People

Inactivation kinetics of peroxidase in zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) by heat and UV-C radiation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Neves, F.I.G.). 2012. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies

Mathematical modelling of the growth of Byssochlamys fulva in concentrated apple juices under isothermal conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Andréia Tremarin). 2012. 16th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Paraná, Brazil, 5/08/12

Optimization of spray-drying of strawberry juice

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Ana Maria Gomes & Cristina L. M. Silva (with R. Freixo). 2012. 2012 EFFoST Annual Meeting - A lunch box for tomorrow, Montpellier, France, 20/11/12

Optimization, heat stability and kinetic characterization of pectin-methylesterase enzyme from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Zinac') fruits

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Joaquina Pinheiro). 2012. XXVIII International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC2010)
Capítulo de Livro

Optimization, Heat Stability and Kinetic Characterization of PectinMethylesterase Enzyme from Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum 'Zinac') Fruits

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pinheiro, J.). 2012. Xxviii International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People

Prior experimental learning (APEL): A way to short-cut the university studies in technical degree?

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Marco Dalla Rosa). 2012. AgroLife Scientific Journal

Survival of Lactobacillus strains when in contact with fruit pulps

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Ana Maria Gomes, Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sofia Sousa). 2012. 2012 EFFoST Annual Meeting - A lunch box for tomorrow, Montpellier, France, 20/11/12
Capítulo de Livro

Thermal treatment effects in fruit juices

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2012. Advances in fruit processing technologies
Capítulo de Livro

Track_Fast project – Job market needs and career development in food science and technology (Hungarian and Slovenian experiences in the Central European region)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with K. Gyula). 2012. Biotechnology and Microbiology for Knowledge and Benefit

Degradation kinetics of colour, vitamin C and drip loss in frozen broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. ssp Italica) during storage at isothermal and non-isothermal conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2011. International Journal of Refrigeration

Development of a safer formulation of egg yolk cream: Physicochemical and sensorial characteristics assessment

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Fundo, J.F.). 2011. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Dynamic approach for assessing food quality and safety characteristics

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Teresa R.S. Brandão). 2011. Procedia Food Science

Heat inactivation of Listeria innocua in broth and food products under non-isothermal conditions


Impact of Thermal Blanching and Thermosonication Treatments on Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) Quality: Thermosonication Process Optimisation and Microstructure Evaluation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.S.). 2011. Food and Bioprocess Technology

Influence of aqueous ozone, blanching and combined treatments on microbial load of red bell peppers, strawberries and watercress

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Alexandre, E.M.C.). 2011. Journal of Food Engineering

Kinetics of quality changes of pumpkin (Curcurbita maxima L.) stored under isothermal and non-isothermal frozen conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2011. Journal of Food Engineering
Capítulo de Livro

Microorganisms and safety

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2011. Practical food and research

Modeling the inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores by ethylene oxide processing

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Mendes, G.C.). 2011. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology

Modelling microbial load reduction in foods due to ozone impact

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2011. Procedia Food Science

Modelling microbial load reduction in foods due to ozone impact

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete M. C. Alexandre). 2011. 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Athens, Greece, 22/05/11

On the use of the Gompertz model to predict microbial thermal inactivation under isothermal and non-Isothermal conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Gil, M.M.). 2011. Food Engineering Reviews

Recognition of prior learning - a research under ISEKI_Food 3 project

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Marco Dalla Rosa). 2011. 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF)

Study on Thermosonication and Ultraviolet Radiation Processes as an Alternative to Blanching for Some Fruits and Vegetables

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Alexandre, E.M.C.). 2011. Food and Bioprocess Technology

Antilisterial effect of vinegar solutions in fresh salads preparation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Bárbara Ramos). 2010. 22nd International ICFMH Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 30/08/10

Carrot (Daucus carota L.) peroxidase inactivation, phenolic content and physical changes kinetics due to blanching

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2010. Journal of Food Engineering

Comparison of recovery methods for the enumeration of injured Listeria innocua cells under isothermal and non-isothermal treatments

Cristina L. M. Silva, Paula Teixeira & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Miller, F.A.). 2010. Food Microbiology

Corrigendum to "The response of watercress (Nasturtium officinale) to vacuum impregnation: Effect of an antifreeze protein type I" [Journal of Food Engineering 95/2 (2009) 339-345] (DOI:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2009.05.013)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.S.). 2010. Journal of Food Engineering

Estimation of water diffusivity parameters on grape dynamic drying

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Ramos, I.N.). 2010. Journal of Food Engineering

Integrated heat and mass transfer model for solar drying simulation of grapes

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ines N. Ramos). 2010. 5th International Conference on the Food Factory for the Future, Gothenburg, Sweden, 30/06/10

ISEKI_Food E-Journal - O contributo da biblioteca na sua criação

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 2010. 1ª Conferência Luso-Brasileira sobre Acesso Aberto, Braga, Portugal, 25/11/10

Sucrose in the Concentrated Solution or the Supercooled "State'': A Review of Caramelisation Reactions and Physical Behaviour

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Quintas, M. A. C.). 2010. Food Engineering Reviews

An overview concerning methodologies applied to guarantee fruits and vegetables safety

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Bárbara Ramos). 2009. 2009 EFFoST Annual Conference - New Challenges in Food Preservation, Budapest, Hungary, 11/11/09

Biochemical and colour changes of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) during freezing and frozen storage

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2009. Journal of Food Engineering

Degradation kinetics of peroxidase enzyme, phenolic content, and physical and sensorial characteristics in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. ssp. Italica) during blanching

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2009. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Effect of cold chain temperature abuses on the quality of frozen watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.S.). 2009. Journal of Food Engineering

Enterococcus faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa behaviour in frozen watercress (Nasturtium officinale) submitted to temperature abuses

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Oliveira, S.R.). 2009. International Journal of Refrigeration

Heating foods

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Mafalda Quintas). 2009. Second European Conference – Harmonization of standards in thermal processing, Porto, Portugal, 27/10/09

Influence of pH, type of acid and recovery media on the thermal inactivation of Listeria innocua

Cristina L. M. Silva, Paula Teixeira & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Miller, F.A.). 2009. International Journal of Food Microbiology
Capítulo de Livro

Introduction to integrated predictive modeling

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Brandão, T.R.S.). 2009. Predictive Modeling and Risk Assessment

Modelling the inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores by ethylene oxide processing

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with G. C. Mendes). 2009. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of Sterilization

Predicting combined effects of temperature, pH and water activity on microbial inactivation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with M. M. Gil). 2009. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo, Anaheim, United States, 6/06/09

Sigmoidal thermal inactivation kinetics of Listeria innocua in broth: Influence of strain and growth phase


Study of the influence of ethylene oxide sterilization variables on Bacillus subtilis inactivation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with G. Mendes). 2009. 3rd International Conference on Environmental, Industrial, and Applied Microbiology, Lisboa, Portugal, 2/12/09

The effect of ultrasound in food processing

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.S.). 2009. Food Processing: Methods, Techniques and Trends
Capítulo de Livro

The effect of ultrasound in food processing

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Rui Cruz). 2009. Food processing
Capítulo de Livro

The importance of food processing on vitamin C

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Rui Cruz). 2009. Handbook of vitamin C research

The importance of food processing on Vitamin C: present and future trends

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.S.). 2009. Handbook of Vitamin C Research: Daily Requirements, Dietary Sources and Adverse Effects

The response of watercress (Nasturtium officinale) to vacuum impregnation: Effect of an antifreeze protein type I

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.S.). 2009. Journal of Food Engineering

Chemical treatments impact on safety and quality of frozen red bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete M. C. Alexandre). 2008. First European Food Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4/11/08

Development of innovative non-thermal pre-treatments for frozen vegetables

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2008. 1º International ISEKI_Food Conference, Porto, Portugal, 10/09/08

Effect of heat and thermosonication treatments on watercress (Nasturtium officinale) vitamin C degradation kinetics

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.S.). 2008. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies

Ethylene oxide potential toxicity

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Mendes, G.C.C.). 2008. Expert Review of Medical Devices

Freezing fruits and vegetables

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 2008. Frozen Food Science and Technology
Capítulo de Livro

Freezing of fruits and vegetables

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 2008. Frozen food science and technology

ISEKI-Food: Integrating Safety and Environmental Knowledge into Food Studies Towards European Sustainable Development

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 2008. Food Engineering: Integrated Approaches

Non-thermal treatments impact on safety and quality aspects of refrigerated strawberry (Fragaria anannassa)

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2008. Nonthermal Processing of Food, Madrid, Spain, 18/11/08

Spray drier - Atomization of milk

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.). 2008. Experiments in Unit Operations and Processing of Foods

Storage stability of an egg yolk cream formulation: Texture and microbiological assessment

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Fundo, J.F.). 2008. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

An overview of the global food safety issues and the role of ISEKI_Food network.

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 2007. Food Safety and Security: Global Holistic Approaches for the Future and Environmental Impacts, Galati, Romania, 4/09/07

An overview of the global food safety issues and the role of ISEKI_Food network. Invited oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 2007. Food Safety and Security: Global Holistic Approaches for the Future and Environmental Impacts

Designing experiments for microbial inactivation kinetic studies

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Maria M Gil). 2007. 5th International Conference on “Predictive Modelling in Foods”, Athens, Greece, 16/09/07

Designing experiments for microbial inactivation kinetics studies

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with M. M. Gil). 2007. 5th International Conference on “Predictive Modelling in Foods”, Athens, Greece, 16/09/07

Differential scanning calorimetry as a tool for optimizing vegetables freezing and storage conditions

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with E. M. Gonçalves). 2007. EFFoST/EHEDG Joint Conference 2007 – Practical Application of Research Results, Lisbon, Portugal, 14/11/07

Efeito dos abusos de temperatura no teor de ácido ascórbico em agrião congelado ao longo da cadeia de distribuição. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M. S.). 2007. CYTEF-IV Congresso Ibérico e II Congresso Iberoamericano de Ciências e Técnicas de Frio

Effect of ozone on Listeria innocua in bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) and in contaminated water

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2007. EFFoST/EHEDG Joint Conference 2007 – Practical Application of Research Results, Lisbon, Portugal, 14/11/07

Estudo do efeito de pré-tratamento com ozono aquoso e agentes químicos na segurança de morango (Fragaria anannassa)

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2007. Congreso Iberoamericano de Tecnologia Postcosecha y Agroexportaciones, Cartagena, Spain, 29/05/07

Ethylene oxide sterilization of medical devices: A review

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Mendes, G.C.C.). 2007. American Journal of Infection Control

Heat inactivation of Listeria innocua in broth and parsley under non-isothermal conditions

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2007. BioMicroworld - II International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, Sevilha, Spain, 28/11/07

Microbial interference in fruits

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Bárbara Ramos). 2007. Microbiotec’07, Lisboa, Portugal, 30/11/07

Modelling autocatalytic behaviour of a food model system - Sucrose thermal degradation at high concentrations

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Quintas, M.). 2007. Journal of Food Engineering

Modelling colour changes during the caramelisation reaction

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Quintas, M.A.C.). 2007. Journal of Food Engineering

Modelling kinetics of watercress (Nasturtium officinale) colour changes due to heat and thermosonication treatments

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.S.). 2007. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies

Modelling the kinetics of peroxidase inactivation, colour and texture changes of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) during blanching

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2007. Journal of Food Engineering

Modelling viscosity temperature dependence of supercooled sucrose solutions - The random-walk approach

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Quintas, M.). 2007. Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Multiresponse modelling of the caramelisation reaction

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Quintas, M.). 2007. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies

Ozone effect on some fruits and vegetables microbial contamination

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2007. Microbiotec’07, Lisboa, Portugal, 30/11/07

Quality changes of frozen brocolli stored at different temperatures

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elsa M. Gonçalves). 2007. 3rd International Symposium - Food and Agricultural Products, Naples, Italy, 24/09/07

A modified Gompertz model to predict microbial inactivation under time-varying temperature conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Gil, M.M.). 2006. Journal of Food Engineering

Effect of heat and thermosonication treatments on peroxidase inactivation kinetics in watercress (Nasturtium officinale)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.S.). 2006. Journal of Food Engineering

Effect of non-thermal methods on the safety of strawberries (Fragaria anannassa) and watercress (Nasturtium officinale)

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2006. CEFood 2006, Sófia, Bulgaria, 22/05/06

Effect of non-thermal methods on the safety of strawberries (Fragaria anannassa) and watercress (Naturtium officinale)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with E. M. C. Alexandre). 2006. 3rd Central European Congress on Food, Sofia, Bulgaria, 22/05/06

Effect of ultrasonication, thermosonication and ultraviolet irradiation on the quality of strawberies (fragaria anannassa) and red bell peppers (capsicum annuum L.)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with D. M. Santos Pedro). 2006. 3rd Central European Congress on Food, Sofia, Bulgaria, 22/05/06

Effect of ultrasonication, thermosonication and UV-C irradiation on the quality of strawberries (fragaria anannassa) and red bell peppers (capsicum annuum L.)

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with D. M. Santos Pedro). 2006. CEFood 2006, Sófia, Bulgaria, 22/05/06

Effect of ultrasonication, thermosonication and UV-C irradiation on the quality of strawberries (Fragaria anannassa) and red bell peppers (Capsium annuum L.)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with D. M. Santos Pedro). 2006. 3rd Central European Congress on Food, Sofia, Bulgaria, 22/05/06

Influence of disinfectant technologies on red bell peppers safety

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2006. Traditional Food Processing and Technological Innovation in the Peripheral Regions, Faro, Portugal, 26/05/06

Innovating portuguese traditional pastry – on the use of pasteurised egg yolk in “ovos moles”

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Joana F. Fundo). 2006. Traditional Food Processing and Technological Innovation in the Peripheral Regions, Faro, Portugal, 26/05/06

Integrated approach on heat transfer and inactivation kinetics of microorganisms on the surface of foods during heat treatments-software development

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Gil, M.M.). 2006. Journal of Food Engineering

New pre-processing technologies for fruits and vegetables

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 2006. Traditional Food Processing and Technological Innovation in the Peripheral Regions, Faro, Portugal, 26/05/06

On the assessment of an agar overlay method for the recovery of heat-injured Listeria innocua in parsley

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2006. 20th International ICFMH Symposium, Bolonha, Italy, 29/08/06

Quality changes of frozen broccoli stored at different temperatures

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elsa M. Gonçalves). 2006. 2006 EFFoST Annual Meeting - Total Food 2006, Haia, Netherlands, 7/11/06

Recovery of heat-injured Listeria innocua

Cristina L. M. Silva, Paula Teixeira & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Miller, F.A.). 2006. International Journal of Food Microbiology

Rheology of supersaturated sucrose solutions

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Quintas, M.). 2006. Journal of Food Engineering

Variability in quality of white and green beans during in-pack sterilization

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ávila, I.M.L.B.). 2006. Journal of Food Engineering

Accelerated life testing of frozen green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) quality loss kinetics: Colour and starch

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2005. Journal of Food Engineering

Application of optimal experimental design concept in microbial inactivation studies

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with M. M. Gil). 2005. V Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Alimentos, Jalisco, Mexico, 4/09/05

Effect of conventional and thermosonication treatments on broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) total phenolic content

Cristina L. M. Silva (with E. M. Gonçalves). 2005. INTRADFOOD 2005 – Innovations in Traditional Foods, Valencia, Spain, 25/10/05

Effect of conventional heat and thermosonication treatments on broccoli (brassica oleracea L.) total phenolic content

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elsa M. Gonçalves). 2005. INTRADFOOD 2005 – Innovations in Traditional Foods, Valencia, Spain, 25/10/05

Effect of ozone on the quality of fresh-cut green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.)

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Alexandre, E.M.C.). 2005. 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos

Effect of ozone on the quality of fresh-cut green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.)

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2005. 7º Encontro de química dos alimentos, Viseu, Portugal, 13/04/05

Effect of ozone on the quality of fresh-cut green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Alexandre, E.M.C.). 2005. 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos

Effect of temperature, pH and type of acid on the inactivation of Listeria innocua

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2005. International Union of Microbiological Societies, San Francisco, United States, 23/07/05

Effect of temperature, pH and type of acid on the inactivation of Listeria innocua. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, F.A.). 2005. 2005 Congress of the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS 2005)

Influence of blanching treatments on colour, texture, chlorophylls content and sensory quality of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.)

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elsa M. Gonçalves). 2005. INTRADFOOD 2005 – Innovations in Traditional Foods, Valencia, Spain, 25/10/05

Influence of maturaty stage on texture, pectin composition and microstructure of pumpkin

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2005. 2º Congresso Mercosul de Engenharia Química - 4º Congresso Mercosul de Engenharia de Sistema e Processos (ENPROMER 2005)

Influence of maturaty stage on texture, pectin composition and microstructure of pumpkin. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2005. 2º Congresso Mercosul de Engenharia Química - 4º Congresso Mercosul de Engenharia de Sistema e Processos (ENPROMER 2005)

Influence of ozone pre-treatment on the quality of frozen red bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.)

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elisabete Alexandre). 2005. Fruit, Vegetable and Potato Processing, Brugge, Belgium, 7/11/05

Influence of ozone pre-treatment on the quality of frozen strawberries (Fragaria ananassa D.)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with E. M. C. Alexandre). 2005. Microbiotec’05, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, 30/11/05

Integrated approach on solar drying, pilot convective drying and microstructural changes

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Ramos, I.N.). 2005. Journal of Food Engineering

Microstructural analysis of fresh-cut red bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) for postharvest quality optimization

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Susana Caldas-Fonseca). 2005. Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Microstructural analysis of fresh-cut red bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) aiming at postharvest quality optimization. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Fonseca, S.C.). 2005. 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos

Microstructural analysis of fresh-cut red bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) for postharvest quality optimization

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Fonseca, S.C.). 2005. 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos

Modelling peroxidase inactivation kinetics in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) and pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) using blanching and thermosonication

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elsa M. Gonçalves). 2005. V Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Alimentos, Jalisco, Mexico, 4/09/05

Modelos para inactivação de microrganismos em alimentos. Invited oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Brandão, T.R.S.). 2005. Workshop on Predictive Microbiology – Aplicações e Novas Fronteiras

Multiresponse modelling of the caramelisation reaction

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Mafalda Quintas). 2005. INTRADFOOD 2005 – Innovations in Traditional Foods / 2005 EFFoST Annual Meeting

Multiresponse modelling of the caramelisation reaction

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Mafalda Quintas). 2005. INTRADFOOD 2005 – Innovations in Traditional Foods, Valencia, Spain, 25/10/05

Processing zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) with low UV-C radiation

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Mauro Portela). 2005. 7º Encontro de química dos alimentos, Viseu, Portugal, 13/04/05

Processing zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) with low UV-C radiation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Portela, M.). 2005. 7º Encontro da Química dos Alimentos

Processing zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) with low UV-C radiation. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Portela, M.). 2005. 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos

Safety of frozen vegetables

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with M. Elsa Gonçalves). 2005. 7º Encontro de química dos alimentos, Viseu, Portugal, 13/04/05

Safety of frozen vegetables: a case study on carrots

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2005. 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos

Safety of frozen vegetables: a case study on carrots. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2005. 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos

Thermal inactivation of Alicyclobacillus spores in fruit products processing

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Teresa R.S. Brandão). 2005. Summer Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom, 4/07/05

Thermal inactivation of Alicyclobacillus spores in fruit products processing. Invited oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 2005. Summer Conference: Spore forming bacteria – emerging and re-emerging issues

A microbiologia preditiva como instrumento da garantia da segurança de produtos alimentares

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2004. Boletim de Biotecnologia

Cenoura. Qualidade e transformação

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2004. Frutas, Legumes e Flores

Computational design of accelerated life testing applied to frozen green beans

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2004. Journal of Food Engineering

Frozen green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) quality profile evaluation during home storage

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R. C.). 2004. Journal of Food Engineering

Green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) quality loss upon thawing

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2004. Journal of Food Engineering

Inactivation kinetics of peroxidase in watercress (Nasturtium officinale) by heat and thermosonication. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.). 2004. Europen Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST)

Inverse problem methodology for thermal-physical properties estimation of frozen green beans

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2004. Journal of Food Engineering

ISEKI-Food – Integrating safety and environmental knowledge into food studies towards european sustainable development – a Socrates TN

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 2004. International Conference Engineering and Food (ICEF9-2004)

ISEKI-Food – Integrating safety and environmental knowledge into food studies towards european sustainable development – a Socrates TN. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 2004. International Conference Engineering and Food (ICEF9-2004)

Mathematical modelling of viscosity near the glass transition: the random-walk approach

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Quintas, M.). 2004. International Conference Engineering and Food (ICEF9-2004)

Mathematical modelling of viscosity near the glass transition: the random-walk approach. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Quintas, M.). 2004. International Conference Engineering and Food (ICEF9-2004)

Microstructural studies aimed at undersatnding postharvest quality of fruits and vegetables. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Fonseca, S.C.). 2004. IV Simpósio Ibérico Maturação e Pós-colheira

Microstructural studies aimed at understanding postharvest quality of fruits and vegetables

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Fonseca, S.C.). 2004. IV Simpósio Ibérico Maturação e Pós-colheira

Modelling microbial inactivation kinetics under time-varying temperature conditions.

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gil, M.M.,). 2004. International Conference Engineering and Food (ICEF9-2004)

Modelling microbial inactivation kinetics under time-varying temperature conditions. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gil, M.M.). 2004. International Conference Engineering and Food (ICEF9-2004

Novas tecnologias de pré-tratamento de hortofrutícolas. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2004. Food Protection 2004

Novas tecnologias de prétratamento de hortofrutícolas

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with E. M. Gonçalves). 2004. Food Protection 2004, Monte da Caparica, Portugal, 20/05/04

Optimization of a Cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum) nectar formulation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vieira, M. C.). 2004. Journal of Food Process Engineering

Qualidade e transformação da cenoura

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elsa M. Gonçalves). 2004. Frutas, Legumes e Flores

Quantification of microstructural changes during first stage air drying of grape tissue

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, I.N.). 2004. Journal of Food Engineering

Recovery of heat-injured Listeria innocua. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, F.A.). 2004. 19th International ICFMA Symposium, FoodMicro2004

Study of the effect of freezing on the visco-elastic properties of strawberries

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Joana F. Fundo). 2004. Encontro Ibérico de Reologia, IBEREO’04

Study of the effect of freezing on the visco-elastic properties of strawberries. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Fundo, J.). 2004. Encontro Ibérico de Reologia, IBEREO’04

The effect of home storage conditions and packaging materials on the quality of frozen green beans

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2004. International Journal of Refrigeration

Using learning outcomes at ISEKI_Food. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Costa, R.M.). 2004. Conference in “Using Learning Outcomes”

A importância dos sistemas computacionais na optimização da qualidade dos alimentos. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2003. X Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia (BIOTEC’2003)

Avaliação da qualidade da abóbora durante o processo de congelação. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2003. 6º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

Behaviour of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus faecalis in frozen watercress (Nasturtium officinale) during temperature abuses along the cold chain. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Oliveira, S.R.). 2003. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 2003)

Colour evaluation during frozen storage of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elsa M. Gonçalves). 2003. 6º Encontro de Química de Alimentos, Lisboa, Portugal, 22/06/03

Colour evaluation during frozen storage of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.)

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2003. 6º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

Colour evaluation during frozen storage of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.). Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2003. 6º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

Computational design of accelerated life testing applied to frozen foods. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2003. IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA IV)

Design and optimization of hot-filling pasteurization conditions: Cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum) fruit pulp case study

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F. V. M.). 2003. Biotechnology Progress

Efeito dos abusos de temperatura na cor de agrião (Nasturtium officinale) congelado ao longo da cadeia de distribuição

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.). 2003. 6º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

Efeito dos abusos de temperatura na cor de agrião (Nasturtium officinale) congelado ao longo da cadeia de distribuição. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.). 2003. 6º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

Effect of temperature abuses on the quality of frozen strawberry (Fragaria xananassa) during the cold chain. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.). 2003. 12th World Food Congress - IUFoST

Effect of temperature abuses on the quality of frozen watercress (Nasturtium officinale) during the cold chain. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.). 2003. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 2003)

Evaluation of quality changes during frozen storage of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with I. Teixeira). 2003. X Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia, Lisboa, Portugal, 6/12/03

Evaluation of quality changes during frozen storage of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.). Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Teixeira, I.). 2003. X Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia (BIOTEC’2003)

Feasible approaches to optimise in-pack sterilisation processes

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Isabel M. L. B. Ávila). 2003. Actas do 6º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos

Feasible approaches to optimise in-pack sterilisation processes.

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ávila, I.M.L.B.). 2003. 6º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

Feasible approaches to optimise in-pack sterilisation processes. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ávila, I.M.L.B.). 2003. 6º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

Frozen green beans accelerated life testing computational simulation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2003. IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Frozen green beans accelerated life testing. Computational simulation. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2003. IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Frozen green beans quality profile evaluation during home storage

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, RC.). 2003. 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration

Frozen green beans quality profile evaluation during home storage. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2003. 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration

Green beans quality affected by thawing: a simulation case study

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2003. 4th International Congress of Predictive Modelling in Foods

Green beans quality affected by thawing: a simulation case study. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2003. 4th International Congress of Predictive Modelling in Foods

Heat resistance of Listeria innocua in liquid medium as affected by the culture growth phase

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2003. Microbiotec2003

Heat resistance of Listeria innocua in liquid medium as affected by the culture growth phase

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). 2003. X Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia, Lisboa, Portugal, 6/12/03

Heat resistance of Listeria innocua in liquid medium as affected by the culture growth phase. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, F.A.). 2003. X Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia (BIOTEC’2003)

Influence of low O2 and high CO2 concentrations on shelf life extension of fresh-cut red bell peppers. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Kaminska, A.). 2003. X Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia (BIOTEC’2003)

Kinetics of frozen stored green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) quality changes: Texture, vitamin C, reducing sugars, and starch

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R. C.). 2003. Journal of Food Science

Mathematical models to predict thermal inactivation kinetics of Listeria innocua 10528

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with M. M. Gil). 2003. X Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia, Lisboa, Portugal, 6/12/03

Mathematical models to predict thermal inactivation of Listeria innocua 10528. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gil, M.M.). 2003. X Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia (BIOTEC’2003)

Microstructural changes during fruits drying. Correlation between fundamental studies, with air drying and solar drying applications. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, I.N.). 2003. IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA IV)

Modelling inactivation kinetics of Listeria monocytogenes in a dairy product

Cristina L. M. Silva (with M. M. Gil). 2003. World Food Congress, Chicago, United States, 16/07/03

Modelling inactivation kinetics of Listeria monocytogenes in a dairy product. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gil, M.M.). 2003. 12th World Food Congress - IUFoST

Products of sucrose caramelisation kinetics: fructose, glucose and aromatic and coloring agents. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Quintas, M.). 2003. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 2003)

Rheological behaviour of concentrated sucrose solutions. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Quintas, M.). 2003. IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA IV)

Storage conditions and packaging materials effects on frozen green beans quality during home storage

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2003. 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration

Storage conditions and packaging materials effects on frozen green beans quality during home storage. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2003. 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration

Structural changes during air drying of fruits and vegetables

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Ramos, I. N.). 2003. Food Science and Technology International

Studies on the temperature effect on colour and vitamin C contents of frozen storage strawberries (Fragaria xananassa Duchesne)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Isabel Teixeira). 2003. X Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia, Lisboa, Portugal, 6/12/03

Studies on the temperature effect on colour and vitamin C contents of frozen storage strawberries (Fragaria xananassa Duschesne). Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Teixeira, I.). 2003. X Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia (BIOTEC’2003)

The role of mathematical modelling in chemical and food engineering studies

Cristina L. M. Silva & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Teresa R.S. Brandão). 2003. The 2003 International Workshop on Finite Element Modelling in Chemical and Food Engineering – FEMo’03, Salerno, Italy

The role of mathematical modelling in chemical and food engineering studies. Invited oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Brandão, T.R.S.). 2003. The 2003 International Workshop on Finite Element Modelling in Chemical and Food Engineering – FEMo’03

Thermal-physical properties of frozen green beans estimation by the inverse problem methodology

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2003. IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Thermal-physical properties of frozen green beans estimation by the inverse problem methodology. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2003. IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris spores as a target for Cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) nectar thermal processing: Kinetic parameters and experimental methods

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vieira, M.C.). 2002. International Journal of Food Microbiology

Degradation of ascorbic acid during the freezing process. A review

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elsa M. Gonçalves). 2002. Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar , Lisboa, Portugal, 20/05/02

Degradation of ascorbic acid during the freezing process. A review. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2002. Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar – Seminário

Efeito das temperaturas de armazenagem no teor de ácido ascórbico em cenoura e feijão verde congelados. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2002. FoodProtection 2002

Kinetic study on microstructural changes during convective air drying of grapes

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ines N. Ramos). 2002. 13th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2002)

Kinetic study on microstructural changes during convective air drying of grapes. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, I.N.). 2002. 13th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2002)

Modelling colour and chlorophyll lossed of frozen green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2002. International Journal of Refrigeration

Modelling inactivation kinetics of microorganisms in foods

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Maria M Gil). 2002. FoodProtection 2002

Modelling inactivation kinetics of microorganisms in foods

Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Maria M Gil). 2002. FoodProtection 2002, Monte da Caparica, Portugal, 22/02/02

Modelling inactivation kinetics of microorganisms in foods. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gil, M.M.). 2002. FoodProtection 2002

NMR studies of water physical changes during carrots freezing. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E.M.). 2002. 6th International Conference on Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food Science
Capítulo de Livro

Postharvest Processes and Fruit and Vegetable Spoilage (Part IV)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Tanchev, S.). 2002. Postharvest Technologies of Fruit and Vegetables
Capítulo de Livro

Postharvest Technologies of Fruit and Vegetables (Part V)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Tanchev, S.). 2002. Postharvest Technologies of Fruit and Vegetables

Processamento térmico de alimentos – O presente! Que futuro?

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 2002. V Jornadas de Engenharia Biológica / III Encontro de Jovens Biotecnologos – Biotecnologia na Vanguarda da Ciência

Structural changes during air drying of fruits and vegetables – a review

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ines N. Ramos). 2002. Symposium DRYING, Processes, Structure and Functionality (IberDESH 2002)

Structural changes during air drying of fruits and vegetables – a review. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, I.N.). 2002. Symposium DRYING, Processes, Structure and Functionality (IberDESH 2002)

Thermal inactivation kinetics of peroxidase in watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cruz, R.M.). 2002. Simposio Nacional y III Ibérico, Maduración y Post-Recolección 2002

A new methodology for optimizing solar drying of fruits. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, I. N.). 2001. III Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Air relative humidity effect on drying kinetics of Lambertin apricots. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, I. N.). 2001. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 2001)

Characterization of tradicional degrees of sugar boiling: sucrose degradation and water content. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Quintas, M.). 2001. III Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Characterization of traditional degrees of sugar boiling: hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), 5-methylfurfural and 2- furaldehyde

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Quintas, M.). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos - Qualidade, Segurança & Inovação

Characterization of traditional degrees of sugar boiling: hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), 5-methylfurfural and 2- furaldehyde

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Mafalda A. C. Quintas). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos - Qualidade, Segurança & Inovação

Characterization of traditional degrees of sugar boiling: hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), 5-methylfurfural and 2- furaldehyde. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Quintas, M.). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos - Qualidade, Segurança & Inovação

Efeito dos tratamentos térmicos brandos na cor e textura da pêra rocha minimamente processada

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Marta M. M. N. Abreu). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos - Qualidade, Segurança & Inovação

Efeito dos tratamentos térmicos brandos na cor e textura da pêra rocha minimamente processada

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Abreu, M.). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos - Qualidade, Segurança & Inovação

Efeito dos tratamentos térmicos brandos na cor e textura da pêra rocha minimamente processada. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Abreu, M.). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos - Qualidade, Segurança & Inovação

Hot-filling pasteurisation cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) pulp: Process design and implementation under Amazonian conditions. Poster presentatiom

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F. M.). 2001. European Conference on Advanced Technology for Safe and High Quality Foods (EUROCAFT 2001)

Kinetic parameters estimation for ascorbic acid degradation in fruit nectar using the partial equivalent isothermal exposures (PEIE) method under non-isothermal continuous heating conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vieira, M.C.). 2001. Biotechnology Progress

Kinetics of frozen stored green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) quality changes: vitamin C, reducing sugars and starch

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos - Qualidade, Segurança & Inovação

Kinetics of frozen stored green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) quality changes: vitamin C, reducing sugars and starch

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Rui Costa Martins). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos - Qualidade, Segurança & Inovação

Kinetics of frozen stored green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) quality changes: vitamin C, reducing sugars and starch. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos - Qualidade, Segurança & Inovação

Kinetics of high temperature degradation of concentrated sucrose solutions. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Quintas, M.). 2001. European Conference on Advanced Technology for Safe and High Quality Foods (EUROCAFT 2001)

Shelf-life study on the stability of ascorbic acid in Cupuaçu (Theobroma gradiflorum) nectar. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vieira, M. C.). 2001. III Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Simulation of green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) quality loss throughout the frozen foods distribution chain. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.,). 2001. III Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Simulation of green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) quality loss throught the frozen foods distribution chain

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Rui Costa Martins). 2001. III Congreso Ibero-Americano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Simulation of green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) quality loss throught the frozen foods distribution chain. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2001. III Congreso Ibero-Americano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Texture and Colour Kinetics of Change in Balanched Carrots

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E. M.). 2001. III Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Texture and colour kinetics of change in balanched carrots. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E. M.). 2001. III Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Texture and colour kinetics of change in blanched carrots

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Elsa M. Gonçalves). 2001. III Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Texture and colour kinetics of change in blanched carrots. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Gonçalves, E. M.). 2001. III Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA)

Texture losses of green beans along frozen storage. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2001. 1st European PhD Forum in Food Science (EPIFO 2000)

A secagem de uva flame seedless e D. Maria em secador solar na região de Borba (Alentejo-Portugal)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Maria José P. Silva). 2000. V Simpósio Nacional y Ibérico de Post-Recolección de Frutos y Hortalizas

A secagem de uva flame seedless e D. Maria em secador solar na região de Borba (Alentejo-Portugal). Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, M.J.P.). 2000. V Simpósio Nacional y Ibérico de Post-Recolección de Frutos y Hortalizas

Colour and chlorophyll's degradation kinetics of frozen green beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris, L.)

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Rui Costa Martins). 2000. 3rd International Conference on Predictive Modelling in Foods

Colour and chlorophyll's degradation kinetics of frozen green beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris, L.). Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 2000. 3rd International Conference on Predictive Modelling in Foods

Design and optimization of the pasteurization conditions for cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) pulp. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F.M.). 2000. ICEF8 – 8th International Congress on Engineering and Food

Establishing a new pasteurization criterion based on Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris spores for shelf-stable high-acidic fruit products

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Filipa Silva). 2000. Fruit Processing

Influence of rotational speed on the statistical variability of heat penetration parameters and on the non-uniformity of lethality in retort processing

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Smout, C.). 2000. Journal of Food Engineering

Kinetics of flavour and aroma changes in thermally processed cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum) pulp

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F.M.). 2000. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Mathematical modeling of the thermal degradation kinetics of vitamin C in Cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum) nectar

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vieira, M.C.). 2000. Journal of Food Engineering

Modeling drying kinetics of dominga grapes

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ines N. Ramos). 2000. 12th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2000), Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 28/08/00

Modelling drying kinetics of Dominga grapes

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, I.N.). 2000. 12th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2000)

Modelling drying kinetics of Dominga grapes. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, I.N.). 2000. 12th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2000)

Modelling drying kinetics of Dominga grapes. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, I. N.). 2000. 12th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2000)

Quality evaluation of cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum) puree after pasteurization and during storage

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F. M.). 2000. Food Science and Technology International

Quantification of the effect of drying conditions on plum microstructure. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, I.N.). 2000. ICEF8 – 8th International Congress on Engineering and Food

Colour changes in thermally processed cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum) puree: critical times and kinetics modelling

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F. M.). 1999. International Journal of Food Science and Technology

Development of a novel methodology to validate optimal sterilization conditions for maximizing texture quality of white beans in glass jars. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ávila, I.M.L.B.). 1999. IUFost99

Development of a novel methodology to validate optimal sterilization conditions for maximizing the texture quality of white beans in glass jars

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ávila, I.M.L.B.). 1999. Biotechnology Progress

Efeito da Aplicação de Películas, como Pré-tratamento, na Qualidade da Uva e da Passa D. Maria da Região de Palmela. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, M. J.). 1999. 1º Encontro Nacional de Uva de Mesa

Establishing a new pasteurization criterion for high acidic fruit products: cupuaçu pulp (Theobroma Grandiflorum) case study. Poster presentation n.37B-11

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F.M.). 1999. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 99)

Influence of temperature abuses on the quality of frozen broad beans

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 1999. 20th International Congress of Refrigeration, IIR/IIF

Influence of temperature abuses on the quality of frozen broad beans. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 1999. Plenary 6 - The Preservation of Frozen Food Quality and Safety Throughout the Distribution Chain

Influence of temperature abuses on the quality of frozen broad beans. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 1999. 20th International Congress of Refrigeration

Interactive training for the agro food industry - Modelização dos abusos de temperatura em vegetais congelados: efeitos na qualidade

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 1999. Aspectos de Qualidade e Inovação. Project developed with the collaboration of the Europen Commission in the scope of Leonardo da Vinci program, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Porto, Portugal

Introdução ao processo de esterilização de produtos pré-embalados: objectivos, critérios de segurança. Seminário

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1999. Trainining European Professionals of the Canning Food Industry – Ciclo temático de formação para a indústria das conservas – Aspectos de Qualidade e Inovação

Mathematical modelling of thermal degradation of white beans evaluated by a tenderometer and a texturometer. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ávila, I.M.L.B.). 1999. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 99)
Capítulo de Livro

Methodologies to optimize thermal processing conditions: an overview

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Isabel M. L. B. Ávila). 1999. Processing Foods: Quality Optimization and Process Assessment

Metodologia de optimização de processamento: objectivos, variáveis de projecto, restrições. Seminário

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1999. Trainining European Professionals of the Canning Food Industry – Ciclo temático de formação para a indústria das conservas – Aspectos de Qualidade e Inovação
Capítulo de Livro

Modelização dos abusos de temperatura em vegetais congelados: efeitos na qualidade

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Rui Costa Martins). 1999. Aspectos de Qualidade e Inovação

Modelização dos abusos de temperatura em vegetais congelados: Efeitos na qualidade

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 1999. Projecto SPIRAL - Interactive training for the agro food industry

Modelização dos abusos de temperatura em vegetais congelados: efeitos na qualidade. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Martins, R.C.). 1999. Interactive training for the agro food industry - : Aspectos de Qualidade e Inovação. Project developed with the collaboration of the Europen Commission in the scope of Leonardo da Vinci program

Modelling kinetics of thermal degradation of colour in peach puree

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ávila, I.M.L.B.). 1999. Journal of Food Engineering
Capítulo de Livro

Modelling quality changes during frozen storage: An integrated perspective

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Rui Costa Martins). 1999. Projecto SPIRAL - Interactive training for the agro food industry

Optimização da Secagem de Frutos. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ramos, I. N.). 1999. Hortofrutícolas: da colheita ao consumidor (Spiral) - Seminar

Optimization of a Cupuaçu (Theobroma Grandiflorum) nectar formulation. Poster presentation n.37C-27

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vieira, M.M.C.). 1999. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 99)

Temperature, soluble solids and pH effects on heat resistance of Alicyclobacillus Acidoterrestris spores. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F.M.). 1999. 10th world congress of Food Science and Technology

Thermal degradation kinetics of vitamin C in cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) nectar for process design and optimization. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vieira, M.M.C.). 1999. The 10th World Congress of Food Science and Technology

Thermal inactivation of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris spores under different temperature, soluble solids and pH conditions for the design of fruit processes

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F.M.). 1999. International Journal of Food Microbiology

Alterações das características microbiológicas, fisico-químicas, enzimáticas e sensoriais do puré de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) durante o processamento térmico e armazenagem. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F.M.). 1998. II Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia de Alimentos

Congelação e armazenamento de sucos de laranja e laranja/melão: efeito na atividade da pectinesterase e na qualidade. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Molinari, A.F.). 1998. II Congresso Íbero-Americano de Engenharia de Alimentos

Determinação de propriedades térmicas de frutos tropicais: polpa e néctar de cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) e de açaí (Euterpe oleracea). Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Afonso, M.). 1998. BIOTEC'98 - IV Iberian Congress on Biotechnology and I Ibero-American Meeting on Biotechnology

Freezing and storage of orange and orange/melon juices: effects on pectinesterase activity and quality

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Andreia Molinari). 1998. Congresso Íbero-Americano de Engenharia de Alimentos: Tecnologias para el Procesamiento y conservacion de los Alimentos

Kinetic parameters estimation using the Paired Equivalent Isothermal Exposures (PEIE) Method under non-isothermal heating conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Margarida C. Vieira). 1998. Congresso Chempor'98

Kinetic parameters estimation using the Paired Equivalent Isothermal Exposures (PEIE) method under non-isothermal heating conditions. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vieira, M.M.C.,). 1998. Congresso Chempor'98

Kinetics of sensory quality in thermally processed cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) fruit. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F.M.,). 1998. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 98)

Mathematical modelling of the thermal degradation kinetics of dehydroascorbic acid in cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) nectar. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vieira, M.M.C.). 1998. : Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 98)

Quality and pectinesterase inactivation in fruit juices affected by different temperatures of freezing and frozen storage. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Molinari, A.F.). 1998. Madrid98-Cost915 Conference Physiological and Technological Aspect of Gaseous and Thermal Treatments of Fresh Fruit & Vegetables

Temperature abuses on frozen boccoli: influence on quality

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Betty Despré). 1998. plenary 5 - The IIR International Conference: Advances in the Refrigeration Systems Food Technologies and cold Chain

Temperature abuses on frozen broccoli: influence on quality

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Betty Despré). 1998. Plenary 4 - The Preservation of Frozen Food Quality and Safety Throughout the Distribution Chain

Temperature abuses on frozen broccoli: influence on quality. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Despré, B.). 1998. Plenary 4 - The Preservation of Frozen Food Quality and Safety Throughout the Distribuition Chain

Use of electronic nose to detect changes in pasteurized cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) pulp aroma. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F.M.). 1998. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 98)

Effect of frozen storage on thermal inactivation kinetics of orange juice pectinesterase

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Andreia Molinari). 1997. Proceedings of Food Quality Modelling

Effect of frozen storage on thermal inactivation kinetics of orange juice pectinesterase

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Molinari, A.F.). 1997. Food Quality Modelling

Effect of frozen storage on thermal inactivation kinetics of orange juice pectinesterase. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Molinari, A.F.). 1997. Food Quality Modelling

Experimental validation of optimal sterilization conditions for maximising quality of carotenoids and colour in canned peach puree. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ávila, I.B.). 1997. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 97)

Freezing and storage of orange juice: effects on pectinesterase activity and quality

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Andreia Molinari). 1997. Workshop of a Copernicus project - Process Optimization and Minimal Processing of Foods

Freezing and storage of orange juice: effects on pectinesterase activity and quality. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Molinari, A.F.). 1997. Workshop of a Copernicus project - Process Optimization and Minimal Processing of Foods

Kinetics of the color changes in thermal processed cupuaçu (Theobroma gradiflorum) puree. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F.M.). 1997. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 97)

Mathematical modelling of the thermal degradation kinetics of ascorbic acid in cupuaçu (Theobroma gradiflorum) nectar. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Vieira, M.M.C.). 1997. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 97)

Optimisation of thermal processing conditions: Effect of reaction type kinetics

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1997. Modelling of Thermal Properties and Behavior of Foods During Production, Storage and Distribution

Optimisation of thermal processing conditions: Effect of reaction type kinetics

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 1997. Proceedings of Modelling of Thermal Properties and Behavior of Foods During Production, Storage and Distribution

Optimisation of thermal processing conditions: Effect of reaction type kinetics. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1997. Modelling of Thermal Properties and Behavior of Foods During Production, Storage and Distribution

Quality optimization of hot filled pasteurized fruit purees: Container characteristics and filling temperatures

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F.V.M.). 1997. Journal of Food Engineering

Temperature abuses on fresh orange and orange/melon juices: influence on quality. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Molinari, A.F.). 1997. Plenary 2 - The Preservation of Frozen Food Quality and Safety Throughout the Distribuition Chain

Temperature abuses on frozen orange and orange/melon juices: influence on quality

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Andreia Molinari). 1997. Plenary 3 - The Preservation of Frozen Food Quality and Safety Throughout the Distribution Chain

Thermal degradation kinetics of pectinesterase in a mixed orange and melon juice. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Molinari, A.F.). 1997. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 97)

Design and optimization of food processing conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1996. The Preservation of Frozen Food Quality and Safety Throughout the Distribution Chain

Mathematical modelling of thermal degradation kinetics of peach puree total carotenoids and colour. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ávila, I.L.M.B.). 1996. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 96)

Modelling the thermal sterilisation of foods inside packs with two divisions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with I. M. L. B. Ávila). 1996. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

Optimization of thermal processing conditions: Objectives, opportunities and challenges

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 1996. Workshop of a Copernicus project - Process Optimization and Minimal Processing of Foods, Warsaw, Poland, 13/12/96

Optimization of thermal processing conditions: Objectives, opportunities and challenges

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 1996. Workshop of a Copernicus project - Process Optimization and Minimal Processing of Foods

Optimization of thermal processing conditions: Objectives, opportunities and challenges. Invited oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1996. Workshop of a Copernicus project - Process Optimization and Minimal Processing of Foods

Desenvolvimento de novos néctares e sumos de fruto - optimização de condições de operação. Seminário

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1995. Tecnologia Alimentar

Engenharia alimentar - Realidades actuais e perspectivas futuras

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Baptista, P.). 1995.

Freezing time estimation - A new three time level explicit finite differences method. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cunha, L.M.). 1995. 9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology

Mathematical modelling of thawing processes using a modified fully explicit finite differences method. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Varga, S.). 1995. 9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology

Modeling conduction heat transfer. Seminário

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1995. Predictive Modeling and Computer Aided Food Process Safety Design

Modelling food colour change degradation kinetics - a review

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 1995. Workshop of a Copernicus project - Process Optimization and Minimal Processing of Foods

Modelling food colour change degradation kinetics - a review. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1995. workshop of a Copernicus project - Process Optimization and Minimal Processing of Foods

Modelling the thermal sterilisation of foods inside packs with two divisions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Isabel M. L. B. Ávila). 1995. Proceedings of 'M2SABI' 95: First International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Agriculture & Bio-Industries

Modelling the thermal sterilisation of foods inside packs with two divisions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ávila, I.M.L.B.). 1995. 'M2SABI' 95: First International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Agriculture & Bio-Industries

Modelling the thermal sterilisation of foods inside packs with two divisions. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ávila, I.M.L.B.). 1995. M2SABI' 95: First International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Agriculture & Bio-Industries

Optimization of hot-fill-air-water-cool pasteurization conditions for cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) pulp. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, F.V.M.). 1995. I Congresso Ibero-Americano de Ingenieria de Alimentos

Optimum sterilisation conditions for foods inside packs with two divisions. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Ávila, I.M.L.B.). 1995. 9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology

Processamento térmico de produtos pré-embalados - segurança e qualidade. Seminário

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1995. Tecnologia Alimentar

Systematic study of the least-lethality point position and optimization of sterilization processing conditions. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1995. 9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology

Critical evaluation of restrictions used to optimize sterilization processing condition. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C. L. M.). 1994. 4th Bath Food Process Engineering Conference

Critical evaluation of restrictions used to optimize sterization processing conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 1994. 4th Bath Food Process Engineering Conference, Bath, United Kingdom, 19/09/94

Critical evaluation of restrictions used to optimize sterization processing conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1994. 4th Bath Food Process Engineering Conference

Experimental validation of models for predicting optimal surface quality sterilization temperatures

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 1994. International Journal of Food Science and Technology

Influence of pH on the kinetics of acid hydrolysis of sucrose

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pinheiro Torres, A.). 1994. Journal of Food Process Engineering
Capítulo de Livro

Obtaining a well balance product quality in thermally processed conduction heating foods by analyzing surface and volume average quality optimum processing conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 1994. Minimal Processing of Foods and Process Optimization: an Interface

Obtaining a well balanced product quality in thermally processed conduction heating foods by analyzing surface and volume average quality optimum processing conditions

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 1994. Minimal processing of foods and process optimization

Optimum sterilization

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 1994. Journal of Food Process Engineering

Optimum sterilization: A comparative study between average and surface quality

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1994. Journal of Food Process Engineering

Princípios básicos de tecnologia de refrigeração e congelação. Seminário

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1994. Refrigeração, Congelação e Descongelação na Indústria Alimentar

Quality optimization of conduction heating foods sterilized in different packages

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 1994. International Journal of Food Science and Technology

The influence of pH on the kinetics of acid hydrolysis of sucrose

Cristina L. M. Silva (with A. Pinheiro Torres). 1994. Journal of Food Process Engineering

What is the most adequate sterility criteria for prepackaged conduction heating foods?. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1994. BIOTEC 94

Generalized (semi)-empirical formulae for optimal sterilization temperatures of conduction-heated foods with infinite surface heat transfer coefficients

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Hendrickx, M.). 1993. Journal of Food Engineering

Modelling optimum processing conditions for the sterilization of prepackaged foods

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1993. Food Control

Optimal sterilization temperature to maximize surface quality of conduction-heating foods - experimental validation. Oral presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1993. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists & Food Expo (IFT 93)

Quality optimization of conduction heating food products thermally processed in containers with different geometries. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1993. 3rd Conference of Food Engineering (CoFE'93), Chicago, Illinois

Critical evaluation of commonly used objective functions to optimize overall quality and nutrient retention of heat-preserved foods

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.). 1992. Journal of Food Engineering

Freezing influences diffusion of reducing sugars in carrot cortex

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Oliveira, F. A. R.). 1992. Journal of Food Science

Optimal sterilization temperatures for conduction heating foods considering finite surface heat transfer coefficients

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Cristina L.M. Silva). 1992. Journal of Food Science

Optimization of heat transfer in thermal processing of conduction heated foods

Cristina L. M. Silva (with M. E. Hendrickx). 1992. Advances in food engineering

Optimizing thermal processes of conduction heated foods

Cristina L. M. Silva (with M. Hendrickx). 1992. Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series

Optimizing thermal processes of conduction heated foods: Generalized equations for optimal processing temperatures

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Hendrickx, M.). 1992. Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series

Optimizing thermal processes of conduction heated foods: generalized equations for optimal processing temperatures. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1992. Food Engineering in a Computer Climate

Optimum processing conditions for maximizing overall quality retention of sterilized conduction heating foods. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Silva, C.L.M.). 1992. IFTEC - International Food Technology Exposition & Conference

Basic experiments on transport phenomena and fluid mechanics. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Oliveira, J.). 1991. 2nd EFFoST conference

Optimal sterilization temperatures as a function of processing variables for conduction heated foods. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Hendrickx, M.). 1991. 8th World Congress of Food Science and Technology

Optimization of heat transfer in thermal processing of conduction heated foods. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Hendrickx, M.). 1991. International Workshop on Role of Food Engineering Research in the Development of Indonesian Food Industry

The influence of freezing on the diffusional properties of carrots. Poster presentation

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Oliveira, F.). 1991. 8th World Congress of Food Science and Technology
Capítulo de Livro

Multiresponse modelling

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Teresa R.S. Brandão). Statistics in food and biotechnology
Capítulo de Livro

Ozone processing for microbial inactivation and quality attributes of beverages

Cristina L. M. Silva (with Miller, Fátima A.). Emerging green processing technologies for beverages