Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos

Professor(a) Auxiliar


Doutorada em Biotecnologia (especialidade em Biologia) pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa e pelo International Rice research Institute (Filipinas). Licenciada em Biologia pela Universidade de Lisboa. Marta Vasconcelos é Professora Auxiliar na Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, onde leciona diversas disciplinas (e.g. Tópicos de Biotecnologia, Pensamento Critico, Virologia).

Os seus interesses de investigação centram-se na área da nutrição de plantas, da genética, e na promoção de sistemas alimentares mais sustentáveis, com inclusão de agrobiodiversidade e culturas negligenciadas (e.g. leguminosas). É co-autora de mais de 70 publicações indexadas internacionalmente e está envolvida na orientação de diversas teses de mestrado e doutoramento; foi membro do grupo de Jovens Cientistas da Academia de Ciências de Lisboa. É editora chefe da revista Frontiers in Plant Nutrition e coordenador atualmente o projeto europeu do H2020-RADIANT. É membro do advisory board the projetos europeus ligados à agrobiodiversidade e parte de diversos painéis de avaliação de projetos internacionais. É presidente (mandato de 3 anos) do International Plant Nutrition Council. É membro da Direção do Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina.


Resistance of Pinus pinea to Bursaphelenchus xylophilus explained by the dynamic response of phytohormones, antioxidant activity, and stress-related gene expression

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Marta Nunes da Silva). 2025. Trees

Low water supply differentially affects the growth, yield and mineral profile of kabuli and desi chickpeas (Cicer arietinum)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Janaina S. Medeiros). 2024. Annals of Applied Biology

Nutritional value and environmental footprint of muffins made with green-lentil flour

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Rafaela Geraldo). 2024. Journal of Cleaner Production

Sustainable food chains designed for optimised resource use: Optimising downscaled food chains for sustainable resource use: A comprehensive case study on tomato juice

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Beatriz Q. Silva). 2024. Journal of Cleaner Production

The effect of silicon on the antioxidant system of tomato seedlings exposed to individual and combined nitrogen and water deficit

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Joana Machado). 2024. Annals of Applied Biology

Challenges in pea breeding for tolerance to drought: Status and prospects

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Maryam Bagheri). 2023. Annals of Applied Biology

Conceptualisation of an Ecodesign Framework for Sustainable Food Product Development across the Supply Chain

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Beatriz Q. Silva). 2023. Environments

Defence‐related pathways, phytohormones and primary metabolism are key players in kiwifruit plant tolerance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Marta Nunes da Silva). 2022. Plant, Cell & Environment

Genotypic variation in the response of soybean to elevated CO2

Manuela Pintado & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with José C. Soares). 2021. Plant-Environment Interactions

Integrated policy analysis to identify transformation paths to more sustainable legume-based food and feed value-chains in Europe

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Bálint Balázs). 2021. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems

Policy Interventions Promoting Sustainable Food- and Feed-Systems: A Delphi Study of Legume Production and Consumption

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Bálint Balázs). 2021. Sustainability

Short Term Elevated CO2 Interacts with Iron Deficiency, Further Repressing Growth, Photosynthesis and Mineral Accumulation in Soybean (Glycine max L.) and Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos & Elisabete Pinto (with Teresa Deuchande). 2021. Environments

Legume Biofortification and the Role of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria in a Sustainable Agricultural Era

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos & Paula Castro (with Mariana Roriz). 2020. Agronomy

Pulse Consumption among Portuguese Adults: Potential Drivers and Barriers towards a Sustainable Diet

Elisabete Pinto & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Mariana Duarte). 2020. Nutrients

The Effect of Sprouting in Lentil (Lens culinaris) Nutritional and Microbiological Profile

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Carla S.Santos). 2020. Foods

“Flavescence dorée” impacts growth, productivity and ultrastructure of Vitis vinifera plants in Portuguese “Vinhos Verdes” region

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Manuel J.R.A. Oliveira). 2020. Scientia Horticulturae

A biofertilizer with diazotrophic bacteria and a filamentous fungus increases Pinus pinaster tolerance to the pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)

Manuela Pintado & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with M. Nunes da Silva). 2019. Biological Control

Conventional and novel approaches for managing “flavescence dorée” in grapevine: knowledge gaps and future prospects

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with M. J. R. A. Oliveira). 2019. Plant Pathology

Editorial: Improving the nutritional content and quality of crops: Promises, achievements, and future challenges

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Ricachenevsky, F.K.). 2019. Frontiers in Plant Science

Growth and Nutritional Responses of Bean and Soybean Genotypes to Elevated CO2 in a Controlled Environment

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with José Soares). 2019. Plants

Preserving the nutritional quality of crop plants under a changing climate: importance and strategies

Manuela Pintado & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with José C. Soares). 2019. Plant and Soil

Prospects for Durable Resistance Against an Old Soybean Enemy: A Four-Decade Journey from Rpp1 (Resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi) to Rpp7

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Subhash Chander). 2019. Agronomy

Safety of Yam-Derived (Dioscorea rotundata) Foodstuffs—Chips, Flakes and Flour: Effect of Processing and Post-Processing Conditions

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Celestina Omohimi). 2019. Foods

Sargassum muticum and osmundea pinnatifida enzymatic extracts:Chemical, structural, and cytotoxic characterization


Understanding the Role of the Antioxidant System and the Tetrapyrrole Cycle in Iron Deficiency Chlorosis

António Rangel & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Carla S. Santos). 2019. Plants

Variation in Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Seed Quality Traits Defined by Physicochemical Functional Properties

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Carla S. Santos). 2019. Foods

Relationship between seed traits and pasting and cooking behaviour in a pulse germplasm collection

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Santos, C.S.). 2018. Crop and Pasture Science

Study of the proximate and mineral composition of different Nigerian yam chips, flakes and flours

Manuela Pintado & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Omohimi, C.I.). 2018. Journal of Food Science and Technology

Unravelling Actinidia molecular mechanisms against Pseudomonas syringae pv. Actinidiae and P. Syringae pv. Actinidifoliorum – First steps

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Nunes da Silva, M.). 2018. Acta Horticulturae

Biochemical markers to predict internal browning disorders in ‘Rocha’ pear during storage under high CO<inf>2</inf>

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Deuchande, T.). 2017. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Chemical and structural characterization of Pholiota nameko extracts with biological properties

Ana Maria Gomes & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Rodrigues, D.). 2017. Food Chemistry

Iron biofortification in the 21st century: setting realistic targets, overcoming obstacles, and new strategies for healthy nutrition

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Marta W Vasconcelos). 2017. Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Mineral concentrations at harvest as novel markers to predict internal browning disorders in ‘Rocha’ pear during storage under high CO<inf>2</inf>

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Deuchande, T.). 2017. Scientia Horticulturae

Moderate salinity improves stomatal functioning in rose plants grown at high relative air humidity

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Carvalho, D.R.A.). 2017. Environmental and Experimental Botany

Transcriptional and biochemical regulation of internal browning disorder in ‘Rocha’ pear as affected by O<inf>2</inf> and CO<inf>2</inf> concentrations

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Deuchande, T.). 2017. Postharvest Biology and Technology

Whole-plant mineral partitioning during the reproductive development of rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Sperotto, R.A.). 2017. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research

Biochemical basis of CO2-related internal browning disorders in pears (Pyrus communis L. cv. Rocha) during long term storage

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos 2016. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry

Biochemical basis of CO<inf>2</inf>-related internal browning disorders in pears (Pyrus communis L. cv. Rocha) during long-term storage

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Deuchande, T.). 2016. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Dothistroma needle blight, weather and possible climatic triggers for the disease's recent emergence

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Woods, A.J.). 2016. Forest Pathology

Dynamic controlled atmosphere for prevention of internal browning disorders in ‘Rocha’ pear

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Teresa Deuchande). 2016. LWT

Effect of tris(3-hydroxy-4-pyridinonate) iron(III) complexes on iron uptake and storage in soybean (Glycine max L.)

António Rangel & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Carla S. Santos). 2016. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Gene expression and physiological responses associated to stomatal functioning in Rosa × hybrida grown at high relative air humidity

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Carvalho, D.R.A.). 2016. Plant Science

Root-to-shoot ABA signaling does not contribute to genotypic variation in stomatal functioning induced by high relative air humidity

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Carvalho, D.R.A.). 2016. Environmental and Experimental Botany

Stress signaling responses in plants

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with De Vasconcelos, M.W.P.L.). 2016. BioMed Research International

A review of Pinaceae resistance mechanisms against needle and shoot pathogens with a focus on the Dothistroma-Pinus interaction.

Capítulo de Livro

Advances in refrigerated and controlled atmosphere of fruits and vegetables. In: Handbook of Research on Advances and Applications in Refrigeration Systems and Technologies

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos 2015. Handbook of Research on Advances and Applications in Refrigeration Systems and Technologies (eds. Gaspar, P. D., and Dinho da Silva, P.), Hershey, PA, IGI Global. pp. 1-907.
Capítulo de Livro

Advances in refrigerated and controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and vegetables

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Deuchande, T.). 2015. Handbook of Research on Advances and Applications in Refrigeration Systems and Technologies

Chemical composition and nutritive value of Pleurotus citrinopileatus var cornucopiae, P. eryngii, P. salmoneo stramineus, Pholiota nameko and Hericium erinaceus


Chemical composition of red, brown and green macroalgae from Buarcos bay in Central West Coast of Portugal

Ana Maria Gomes & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Rodrigues, D.). 2015. Food Chemistry

Chemical composition of red, brown and green macroalgae from Buarcos bay in Northern Portugal.


Dothistroma needle blight, weather and possible climatic triggers behind the disease’s recent emergence


Dynamic controlled atmosphere for prevention of internal browning disorders in 'Rocha' pear.

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos 2015. LWT-Food Science and Technology

Effects of air humidity and air movement on growth, visual quality and post-production stress tolerance of pot rose 'Toril'

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Carvalho, D.R.A.). 2015. Acta Horticulturae

In vitro fermentation of lupin seeds (Lupinus albus) and broad beans (Vicia faba): Dynamic modulation of the intestinal microbiota and metabolomic output

Ana Maria Gomes & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Gullón, P.). 2015. Food and Function

Internal browning disorders in 'Rocha' pear stored under high CO&lt;inf&gt;2&lt;/inf&gt; atmospheres are triggered by oxidative stress

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Deuchande, T.). 2015. Acta Horticulturae

Intraspecific variation of anatomical and chemical defensive traits in Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) as factors in susceptibility to the pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Zas, R.). 2015. Trees - Structure and Function

Iron partitioning at an early growth stage impacts iron deficiency responses in soybean plants (Glycine max L.)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Santos, C.S.). 2015. Frontiers in Plant Science

Iron partitioning at an early growth stage impacts iron deficiency responses in soybean plants.

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos 2015. Front. Plant Sci. - Plant Nutrition.

QTL analysis for stomatal functioning in tetraploid Rosa × hybrida grown at high relative air humidity and its implications on postharvest longevity


Respiration rate and functional quality of rocket leaves as affected by passive modified atmosphere packaging

Fátima Poças, Manuela Pintado & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Amaro, A.L.). 2015. Acta Horticulturae

Susceptibility to the pinewood nematode (PWN) of four pine species involved in potential range expansion across Europe

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Nunes da Silva, M.). 2015. Tree Physiology

The impact of iron deficiency on the tetrapyrrole and antioxidative systems in soybean plants (Glycine max L.).

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos 2015. In: Actas AEL nr. 6. Oral communication presented at the EUCARPIA International Symposium on Protein Crops, V Meeting AEL, Pontevedra, Spain, pp. 55-56.

Utilization of a novel biofertilizer for iron deficiency chlorosis prevention in common bean and soybean plants.

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos 2015. EUCARPIA International Symposium on Protein Crops, V Meeting AEL, Pontevedra, Spain, pp. 177-179.

Chitosan and chitooligosaccharide utilization in phytoremediation and biofortification programs: current knowledge and future perspectives

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, M.W.). 2014. Frontiers in Plant Science

Chitosan as a biocontrol agent against the pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Nunes da Silva, M.). 2014. Forest Pathology

Chitosan as a biocontrol agent against the pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus).

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Nunes da Silva, M.). 2014. Forest Pathology 

Cultivar variability of iron uptake mechanisms in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Ana Maria Gomes & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Pereira, M.P.). 2014. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Evaluation of chitooligosaccharide application on mineral accumulation and plant growth in Phaseolus vulgaris

Manuela Pintado & Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Chatelain, P.G.). 2014. Plant Science

Evaluation of constitutive iron reductase (AtFRO2) expression on mineral accumulation and distribution in soybean (Glycine max. L)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, M.W.). 2014. Frontiers in Plant Science

Evaluation of constitutive iron reductase (AtFRO2) expression on mineral accumulation and distribution in soybean (Glycine max.L). 

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, M.W.). 2014. Frontiers in Plant Science

From soil to seed: micronutrient movement into and within the plant.

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Marta Vasconcelos). 2014. Frontiers in Plant Science

High relative air humidity influences mineral accumulation and growth in iron deficient soybean plants

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Roriz, M.). 2014. Frontiers in Plant Science

Internal Browning Disorders in ‘Rocha’ Pear Stored under High CO2 Atmospheres are triggered by Oxidative Stress.

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Marta Vasconcelos). 2014. Acta Horticulturae

Morpho-physiological parameters affecting iron deficiency chlorosis in soybean (Glycine max L.)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, M.W.). 2014. Plant and Soil

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Metabolomics of Iron Deficiency in Soybean Leaves

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Marta Vasconcelos). 2014. Journal of Proteome Research
Capítulo de Livro

The legume grains: when tradition goes hand in hand with nutrition

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos & Ana Maria Gomes (with Vasconcelos, M.W.). 2014. Traditional Foods: General and Consumer Aspects
Capítulo de Livro

The use of genetic engineering to improve the nutritional profile of traditional plant foods

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Lima, M.R.M.). 2014.

Variability of iron uptake mechanisms in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos 2014. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Effect of a chitosan enriched biofertilizer on induced resistances against the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. 

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Nunes da Silva M.). 2013. Advances in chitin sciences

Producing more with less: Strategies and novel technologies for plant-based food biofortification

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Carvalho, S.M.P.). 2013. Food Research International

Susceptibility evaluation of Picea abies and Cupressus lusitanica to the pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Nunes da Silva, M.). 2013. Plant Pathology

Transcriptomic analysis of iron deficiency related genes in the legumes

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Santos, C.S.). 2013. Food Research International

Effects of different Fe supplies on mineral partitioning and remobilization during the reproductive development of rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Sperotto, R.A.). 2012. Rice

Identification of genes differentially expressed in Pinus pinaster and Pinus pinea after infection with the pine wood nematode

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with dos Santos, C.S.S.). 2012. European Journal of Plant Pathology
Artigo de Opinião

Invasive pests: finding new solutions for an old problem.

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Lima, M.). 2012. Frutas, Legumes e Flores

Production of differential volatile compounds in stems of Pinus pinaster inoculated with the pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Lima, M.R.M.). 2012. Cuadernos CEF

Searching for resistance genes to Bursaphelenchus xylophilus using high throughput screening


Susceptibility test for the pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) – optimization for large scale production

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Lima, M.R.M.). 2012. Cuadernos CEF

Are there any Pinus pinaster trees resistant to Bursaphelenchus xylophilus? Studies implemented in Portugal to address this question. 

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Costa, R.). 2011. BMC Proceedings
Artigo de Opinião

Nutrition in the legumes through biofortification

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Santos, C.). 2011. Frutas, legumes e Flores

Physiological response of Pinus spp. in the first hours after infection with Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae). 

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Santos, C.). 2011. Silva Lusitana

Population dynamics of bacteria associated with different strains of the pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus after inoculation in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Roriz, M.). 2011. Experimental Parasitology

Study of symptoms and gene expression in four Pinus species after pinewood nematode infection

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Franco, Albina R.). 2011. Plant Genetic Resources-Characterization and Utilization

Characterization of the root transcriptome for iron and zinc homeostasis-related genes in indica rice (oryza sativa l)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Chandel, G.). 2010. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Capítulo de Livro

Water and nutrition-a vehicle of interaction with men.

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, M.W.). 2009. Book of water

Characterization of the PT Clade of Oligopeptide Transporters in Rice

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, Marta W.). 2008. Plant Genome

Effects of a calcium chelator, a detergent and the soybean lecithin on the quality of the frozen-thawed goat semen,Efeito de um quelante de cálcio, um detergente e da lecitina de soja sobre a qualidade do sêmen caprino congelado-descongelado

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Bittencourt, R.F.). 2008. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science

Expression profiling of Oryza sativa metal homeostasis genes in different rice cultivars using a cDNA macroarray

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Narayanan, N.N.). 2007. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Combination of Beta-carotene biosynthesis and ferritin genes in indica rice

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Hossain, M.A.). 2006. Philippine Journal of Crop Science

Molecular and phenotypic characterization of transgenic soybean expressing the Arabidopsis ferric chelate reductase gene, FRO2

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, M.). 2006. Planta

Status and future developments involving plant iron in animal and human nutrition

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, Marta). 2006. Iron Nutrition in Plants and Rhizospheric Microorganisms

Functional analysis of transgenic rice (Oryza sativa L.) transformed with an Arabidopsis thaliana ferric reductase (AtFR02)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, M.). 2004. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

A biotechnological strategy to improve iron content in the endosperm of elite rice varieties

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, M.). 2003.

Enhanced iron and zinc accumulation in transgenic rice with the ferritin gene

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, M.). 2003. Plant Science
Capítulo de Livro

Improving nutritious rice: the transgenic approach at IRRI. Rice science: innovations and impact for livelihood. 


Tissue-specific localization of β-carotene and iron in transgenic indica rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Krishnan, S.). 2003. Current Science

Somatic embryogenesis and micropropagation of commercially important rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties. 

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, M.W.). 2000. Melhoramento

Somatic embryogenesis and molecular characterization in rice

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, M.). 2000. Plant biology

Development of transgenic tropical rice for nutrition improvement 

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Datta, S.K.). Philippine Journal of Crop Science

From soil to seed: micronutrient movement into and within the plant

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos Editorial, Frontiers in Plant Science-Plant Nutrition

Rice Research produced in Portugal: Present and Perspectives

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, M.). RiceUconf, Dissemination Conference of Current European Research on Rice