Alcina M. M. Bernardo

Professor(a) Associado(a)


Licenciada em Engenharia Química pela Universidade do Porto (1985). Mestre (1986) e Doutora (1990) em Processamento de Alimentos pela Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires, França. Em 1985, foi contratada pela Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP-ESB), onde se tornou Professora Auxiliar, em 1990. Em 1991, frequentou um curso de Tecnologia Pós-colheita, na Universidade de Califórnia Davis, E.U.A. e realizou um pós-doutoramento, na Universidade da Flórida em Gainesville, E.U.A.

Atualmente, é Professora Associada e Presidente do Conselho Pedagógico da UCP-ESB. Membro do Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina desde sua fundação, foi Coordenadora do Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar da UCP-ESB, de 2006 a 2021 e Subdiretora Adjunta da Extensão da ESB em Caldas da Rainha, de 1999 a 2001.

Alcina Bernardo é responsável por e docente de várias unidades curriculares de cursos da UCP-ESB, nas áreas de Engenharia, Tecnologia e Matemática, e ainda da UC Sustainable Production of Plant based Products: Fruits & Vegetables ao Mestrado Europeu BiFTec-FOOD4S. Foi responsável pela colocação dos estudantes do Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar em Estágio/Tese de 2006 a 2021.

Desenvolve investigação em Ciência, Engenharia e Tecnologia Alimentar. É membro do Editorial Board da revista científica Foods. O seu trabalho de investigação foi destacado, em 2015, pela Elsevier.


Comparison among Different Green Extraction Methods of Polyphenolic Compounds from Exhausted Olive Oil Pomace and the Bioactivity of the Extracts

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Rui Morais & Manuela Pintado (with Valter F. R. Martins). 2024. Molecules

Packaging and storage of Porphyridium cruentum: Metallised polyethylene terephthalate/polyethylene (PETmet/PE) versus polyethylene (PE)

Rui Morais & Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with A.M.M.B. Morais). 2024. Acta Alimentaria

Recent Highlights in Sustainable Bio-Based Edible Films and Coatings for Fruit and Vegetable Applications

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Rui Morais & Manuela Pintado (with Valter Martins). 2024. Foods

Valorisation of Micro/Nanoencapsulated Bioactive Compounds from Plant Sources for Food Applications Towards Sustainability

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Martins, Valter F. R.). 2023. Foods

Antibacterial and antioxidant potential of aqueous extracts of bio-residues from agrocybe cylindracea and pleurotus ostreatus mycelium

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Ana Sofia Sousa). 2022. 3rd International Conference on Food Bioactives & Health, Parma, Italy, 21/06/22

Screening methodologies to extract polyphenols from olive oil pomace

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Valter F. R. Martins). 2022. XVI Encontro de Química dos Alimentos , Castelo Branco, Portugal, 23/10/22

Valorisation of Micro/Nanoencapsulated Bioactive Compounds from Plant Sources for Food Applications Towards Sustainability

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Valter F. R. Martins). 2022. Foods
Capítulo de Livro

Biodegradable Bio-based Plastics Toward Climate Change Mitigation

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais 2021. Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Flavonoid enrichment of fresh-cut apple through osmotic dehydration-assisted impregnation

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Ma. Michelle L. Lopez). 2021. British Food Journal

Impact of postharvest preservation methods on nutritional value and bioactive properties of mushrooms

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Sara Marçal). 2021. Trends in food science & technology

Packaging studies for algal biomass preservation

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Ana João Alves). 2021. AlgaEurope, Paris, France, 3/12/21
Capítulo de Livro

Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Potential of Sulphated Polysaccharides from Algae

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 2021. Polysaccharides of Microbial Origin

Physical and chemical methodologies for extraction of carotenoids from different dried microalgae biomass

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Ana João Alves). 2021. Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal - Ciência 2021, Lisboa, Portugal, 28/06/21

Pleurotus ostreatus bio-residues

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Ana Sofia Sousa). 2021. X Food Technology International Symposium, Múrcia, Spain, 17/05/21

Secondary metabolites from a microalga, Thalassiosira sp. (A4Fextca0018)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Decha Kumla). 2021. 12 European Conference on Marine Natural Products, XII ECMNP, Galway, Ireland, 30/08/21

Secondary metabolites from a microalga, Thalassiosira sp. (A4fextca0018) and their antibacterial activity

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Decha Kumla). 2021. AlgaEurope, Paris, France, 3/12/21

Flavonoid enrichment of fresh-cut apple through osmotic dehydration-assisted impregnation

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Ma. Michelle L. Lopez). 2020. British Food Journal

Flavonoid-Enrichment of Fresh-Cut Apple through Osmotic Dehydration-Assisted Impregnation

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2020. British Food Journal

Phenolics content and antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts from bio-residues of agrocybe cylindracea

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Ana Sofia Sousa). 2020. IberPhenol - International Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 5/11/20

Phenolics content and Antioxidant Activity of Aqueous Extracts from Bio-residues of Agrocybe cylindracea

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 2020. IberPhenol - International Conference

Quality of 'Royal Gala' cut apple during osmotic dehydration

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2020. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology

Valorization of Mushroom By-Products as a Source of Value-Added Compounds and Potential Applications

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Filipa Antunes). 2020. Molecules
Capítulo de Livro

Alginate: pharmaceutical and medical applications

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais 2019. Extracellular Sugar-Based Biopolymer Matrices
Capítulo de Livro

Alginate— pharmaceutical and medical applications

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Batista, P.S.P.). 2019. Extracellular Sugar-Based Biopolymer Matrices

Flavonoid enrichment of fresh-cut apple through osmotic dehydration

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 2019. XX EUROFOODCHEM Congress

Osmotic dehydration of cut apple: mass transfer kinetics and microstructural changes

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2018. Acta Alimentaria

The effect of the addition of fresh and dried starter cultures on microbiological and chemical parameters of a smoked sausage "Alheira"

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with D. Barros). 2018. New Biotechnology

Dehydration of cheese by hot air, microwave and freeze-drying

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2017. Scientific Study & Research — Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry

Dehydration of cheese by hot air, microwave and freeze-drying

Manuela Pintado & Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Ana Rita C. Pinho). 2017. Scientific Study and Research: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry

Effect of the osmotic pre-treatment on the water activity of apple cubes after hot air drying, microwave drying or freeze-drying

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 2017. MATBIM 2017, 4th International Meeting on Material/Bioproduct Interaction

Functional dehydrated foods for health preservation

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2017. Journal of Food Quality

Lactobacillus plantarum survival during the osmotic dehydration and storage of probiotic cut apple

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Paula Teixeira (with Emser, K.). 2017. Journal of Functional Foods

Lactobacillus plantarum survives during osmotic dehydration and storage of probiotic cut apple

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 2017. Congress of Microbiology and Biotecchnology, Microbiotec’17

Lactobacillus plantarum survives during osmotic dehydration and storage of probiotic cut apple

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Kassandra Emser). 2017. Microbiotec’17, Porto, Portugal, 7/12/17


Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Assis, Fernanda R.). 2017. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Mathematical modelling of osmotic dehydration of physalis

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2017. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology

Microwave drying of apple cubes — effect of the osmotic pre-treatment and comparison with hot air drying

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2017. Advances in Food Science and Engineering

Osmotic dehydration combined with freeze-drying of apple cubes and comparison with microwave drying and hot air drying

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2017. Advances in Food Science and Engineering

Osmotic dehydration with sorbitol combined with hot air convective drying of apple cubes

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Assis, F.R.). 2017. Journal of Food Science and Technology

Production of an antilisterial medium to be used in the industry of Portuguese traditional meat products

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Ariana Macieira). 2017. Microbiotec’17, Porto, Portugal, 7/12/17

Rehydration of osmotically pre-treated apple cubes dried by hot air, microwave and freeze-drying.

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2017. Acta Alimentaria

A feasibility study of Lactobacillus plantarum in fruit powders after processing and storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Cristina L. M. Silva & Paula Teixeira (with Borges, S.). 2016. International Journal of Food Science and Technology

Desidratação de queijo por ar quente, liofilização e micro-ondas

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 2016. 13º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

Desidratação osmótica de cubos de maçã e fisális com soluções de sorbito

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 2016. 13º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

Emergent sources of prebiotics: Seaweeds and microalgae

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with De Jesus Raposo, M.F.). 2016. Marine Drugs

Mass Transfer in Osmotic Dehydration of Food Products: Comparison Between Mathematical Models

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Assis, F.R.). 2016. Food Engineering Reviews

Mathematical modelling of osmotic dehydration kinetics of apple cubes

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2016. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation


Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Ana Maria Gomes, Manuela Pintado, Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Freixo, R.). 2016. Scientific Study and Research: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry

Prebiotics as drying aids for spray drying fruit juices

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Freixo, R.). 2016. Scientific Study & Research — Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry

Bioactivity and applications of polysaccharides from Marine microalgae

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with de Jesus Raposo, M.F.). 2015. Polysaccharides: Bioactivity and Biotechnology

Carotenoids from Marine Microalgae: A Valuable Natural Source for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Maria Raposo). 2015. Marine Drugs

Effects of different edible coatings on polyphenol oxidase activity and colour of fresh-cut apple during cold storage.

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Bertrand, C.). 2015. International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation

Effects of the exopolysaccharide from Porphyridium cruentum coating on polyphenol oxidase activity and colour of fresh-cut banana during cold storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Bertrand, C.). 2015. International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation

Equipment's role on the drying process of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) fruits

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Lamas, H.M.). 2015. International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology

Marine polysaccharides from algae with potential biomedical applications

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with De Jesus Raposo, M.F.). 2015. Marine Drugs

Microalgae for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Raposo, M.F.D.J.). 2015. Life Sciences

Beeswax-and candelilla wax-coconut oil edible coatings extend the shelf life of strawberry fruit at refrigeration temperatures

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Peñarubia, O.R.). 2014. International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation
Capítulo de Livro

Bioactivity and applications of polysaccharides from marine microalgae.

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Maria Filomena de Jesus Raposo). 2014. Polysaccharides

Development of dried fruits enriched with probiotics

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Ana Maria Gomes (with Sandra Borges). 2014. XIII Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação 2014, Porto, Portugal, 22/05/14

Dried fruit matrices incorporated with a probiotic strain of Lactobacillus plantarum

Paula Teixeira & Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Catarina Ribeiro). 2014. International Journal of Food Studies

Dried fruit matrices incorporated with the probiotic strains Lactobacillus plantarum

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2014. International Journal of Food Studies.

Effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria on Quality and Safety of Ready-to-eat Sliced Cured/Smoked Meat Products

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Ana Maria Gomes, Manuela Pintado & Paula Teixeira (with Jácome, S.L.). 2014. Chemical Engineering Transactions

Influence of sulphate on the composition and antibacterial and antiviral properties of the exopolysaccharide from Porphyridium cruentum

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Raposo, M.F.D.J.). 2014. Life Sciences

A functional dried fruit matrix incorporated with probiotic strains: Lactobacillus Plantarum and Lactobacillus Kefir

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Paula Teixeira 2013. Focusing on Modern Food Industry
Capítulo de Livro

Application of nisin and chitosan as antimicrobial agents in traditional cured and smoked “Alheira”

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Susana C. Fonseca). 2013. Application of nisin and chitosan as antimicrobial agents in traditional cured and smoked “Alheira”

Bioactive compounds from marine microalgae — health applications.

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Maria Filomena de Jesus Raposo). 2013. MicroBiotec’13, Aveiro, Portugal, 6/12/13

Bioactivity and applications of sulphated polysaccharides from marine microalgae

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with De Jesus Raposo, M.F.). 2013. Marine Drugs
Capítulo de Livro

Bioconservação de alimentos tradicionais por adição de bactérias ácido-lácticas e das suas bacteriocinas

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Jácome, S.L.). 2013. Estratégias Inovadoras para Desenvolvimento de Alimentos mais Saudáveis. FOODSME-HOP TECHNOLOGY BOOK

Comparison of antilisterial effects of two strains of lactic acid bacteria during processing and storage of a portuguese salami-like product alheira

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Paula Teixeira (with Vaz-Velho, M.). 2013. Chemical Engineering Transactions

Effect of pH upon viability of probiotic strains in contact with fruit pulps

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Cristina L. M. Silva (with C. Rodrigues). 2013. Nutricion Hospitalaria

Effect of pH upon viability of probiotic strains in contact with fruit pulps

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Cristina L. M. Silva (with C. Rodrigues). 2013. IV Workshop Probióticos, Prebióticos y Salud, Madrid, Spain, 31/01/13

Effect of pH upon viability of probiotic strains when in contact with fruit pulps

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Ana Maria Gomes & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Cristina Rodrigues). 2013. Nutricion Hospitalaria

Effect of pH upon viability of probiotic strains when in contact with fruit pulps

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Ana Maria Gomes & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Cristina Rodrigues). 2013. IV Workshop Probióticos, Prebióticos y Salud, Madrid, Spain, 31/01/13

Effects of edible coatings on colour and polyphenol oxidase activity of apple cubes during cold storage.

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Charlotte Bertrand). 2013. MicroBiotec’13, Aveiro, Portugal, 6/12/13

Health applications of bioactive compounds from marine microalgae

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with De Jesus Raposo, M.F.). 2013. Life Sciences

Viability throughout storage of potential probiotic strains, when in contact with fruit pulps

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Ana Maria Gomes, Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sérgio Sousa). 2013. MicroBiotec’13, Aveiro, Portugal, 6/12/13

Effects of spray-drying and storage on astaxanthin content of Haematococcus pluvialis biomass

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Raposo, M.F.J.). 2012. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology

Occurrence of Gray Mold in Stored Strawberries as Affected by Ripeness, Temperature, and Atmosphere

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M. C. N.). 2012. Proceedings of the 118th Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society

Occurrence of Gray Mold in Stored Strawberries as Affected by Ripeness, Temperature, and Atmosphere

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2012. Proc. Fla. Hort. Soc.

Optimization of spray-drying of strawberry juice

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Ana Maria Gomes & Cristina L. M. Silva (with R. Freixo). 2012. 2012 EFFoST Annual Meeting - A lunch box for tomorrow, Montpellier, France, 20/11/12

Survival of Lactobacillus strains when in contact with fruit pulps

Alcina M. M. Bernardo, Ana Maria Gomes, Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Sofia Sousa). 2012. 2012 EFFoST Annual Meeting - A lunch box for tomorrow, Montpellier, France, 20/11/12

Polyphenol oxidase activity and colour changes of peeled potato (cv. Monalisa) in vacuum

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Snoeck, D.). 2011. International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation

Polyphenol oxidase activity and colour changes of ‘Starking’ apple cubes coated with alginate and dehydrated with hot air.

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2011. Food and Nutrition Sciences

Preservation of fresh-cut 'Cavendish' banana coated with carrageenan and in controlled atmosphere

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, M.). 2011. International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation

Alterações de cor e atividade da polifenol oxidase de cubos de maç㠑Starking’ revestidos com alginato e desidratados por convecção

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Fernandes, S. D. S.). 2010. Actas do 1º Encontro Nacional de Secagem de Alimentos

Avaliação do “shrinkage” ao longo da secagem por convecção de castanha (Castanea sativa)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Ramalhosa, Elsa). 2010. 1º Encontro Nacional de Secagem de Alimentos

Chemical dips and edible coatings to retard softening and browning of fresh-cut banana

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Sadili Bico, S.L.). 2010. International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation
Artigo de Opinião

Conservação do espargo-do-mar em atmosfera controlada

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Raposo, M. Filomena J.). 2010. Frutas, Legumes e Flores



Physical characteristics and drying kinetics of Portuguese 'Longal' chestnut

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Ramalhosa, E.). 2010. 6th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry 2010, FOODSIM 2010

Quality During Storage of Fresh-Cut Papaya (Carica papaya L.) in Various Shapes

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Aurea Carla S. J. Arganosa). 2010. Philippine Agricultural Scientist

Quality during storage of fresh-cut papaya (Carica papaya L.) in various shapes

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Argañosa, A. Carla S. J.). 2010. The Philippine Agricultural Scientist

Combined effects of chemical dip and/or carrageenan coating and/or controlled atmosphere on quality of fresh-cut banana

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with Bico, S.L.S.). 2009. Food Control

Controlled atmosphere storage for preservation of Salicornia ramosissima

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Rui Morais (with De Jesus Raposo, M.F.). 2009. International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation

Efeito combinado de tratamento químico e/ou revestimento comestível e/ou atmosfera controlada na qualidade de banana fresca cortada

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Bico, Sheryl L. S). 2009. 9º Encontro de Química de Alimentos (ISBN: 978-989-20-1532-3)

Influência da aplicação de filmes comestíveis na qualidade de frutos cortados e secos

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Ribeiro, Catarina. A. S.). 2009. QUIMERA. Jornadas de Biotecnologia

Effect of cut-type on quality of minimally processed papaya

Alcina M. M. Bernardo & Paula Teixeira (with Argañosa, A.C.S.J.). 2008. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Artigo de Opinião

Revestimentos comestíveis para frutos de IV Gama

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 2008. Frutas, Legumes e Flores

Influência das condições de armazenamento na qualidade de kiwi minimamente processado

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with K. Drieghe). 2007. 8º Encontro de Química de Alimentos – Alimentos Tradicionais, Alimentos Saudáveis e Rastreabilidade, Beja, Portugal, 4/03/07

Influência das condições de armazenamento na qualidade de kiwi minimamente processado

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Drieghe, Koen). 2007. 8º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

Microbiological and sensorial analysis of salicornia shoots preserved in controlled atmosphere

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Raposo, M. Filomena J.). 2007. MICRO'07 - XXXIII JPG

Physico-chemical qualities of minimally processed carrot stored under vacuum

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2007. Journal of Foodservice

Qualidade de puré de kiwi armazenado sob vácuo

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Drieghe, Koen). 2007. V Congresso Iberoamericano de Tecnología Postcosecha y Agroexportaciones

Quality of grated carrot (var. Nantes) packed under vacuum

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, A.M.C.N.). 2007. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Role of minimally processed fruit and vegetables on the diet of the consumers in the XXI century

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, A.). 2007. Acta Horticulturae


Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2007. Acta Horticulturae
Artigo de Opinião

Vácuo prolonga vida útil de cenoura de IV gama

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 2007. Frutas, Legumes e Flores

a* values to follow lycopene concentration during ripening and storage of tomato (cv. Caruso)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha A). 2006. 3rd Central European Congress on Food, 22/05/06

a* values to follow lycopene concentration during ripening and storage of tomato (cv. Caruso)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Axelle Schauwers). 2006. Journal of Applied Horticulture

a* values to follow lycopene concentration during ripening and storage of tomato (cv. Caruso)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2006. 3rd Central European Congress on Food

Controlling Temperature and Water Loss to Maintain Ascorbic Acid Levels in Strawberries During Postharvest Handling

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2006. Journal of Food Science

Physicochemical changes during strawberry development in the field compared with those that occur in harvested fruit during storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.C.N.). 2006. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Artigo de Opinião

Cientistas estudam batata embalada sob vácuo

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2005. Frutas, Legumes e Flores

Efeito do armazenamento sob vácuo na actividade da PPO e nos compostos fenólicos da cenoura descascada (cv. Nantes)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2005. 7º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

Effects of minimal processing and temperature on respiration rate of carrot (cv. 'Nantes')

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, A.). 2005. Acta Horticulturae

Effects of minimal processing and temperature on respiration rate of carrot (cv. 'Nantes')


Impacto do processamento mínimo em cenouras (cv. Nantes) embaladas sob vácuo

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2005. V Congresso Ibérico de Ciências Hortícolas

Impacto do processamento mínimo em cenouras (cv. Nantes) embaladas sob vácuo

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2005. V Congresso Ibérico de Ciências Hortícolas, IV Congresso Iberoamericano de Ciências Hortícolas

Polyphenoloxidase activity of minimally processed 'Jonagored' apples (Malus domestica)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, A.M.C.N.). 2005. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Possible influences of water loss and polyphenol oxidase activity on anthocyanin content and discoloration in fresh ripe strawberry (cv. Oso Grande) during storage at 1°C

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.C.N.). 2005. Journal of Food Science

Prompt cooling reduces incidence and severity of decay caused by Botrytis cinerea and Rhizopus stolonifer in strawberry

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.C.N.). 2005. HortTechnology

Effects of minimally processing and temperature on respiration rate of carrot (cv. Nantes)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2004. 5ht International Postharvest Symposium

Effects of preharvest, harvest and postharvest factors on the quality of pear (cv. 'Rocha') stored under controlled atmosphere conditions

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, A.C.). 2004. Journal of Food Engineering

Modified atmosphere package for apple 'Bravo de Esmolfe'

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, A.M.C.N.). 2004. Food Control

Relação entre as alterações de cor e a actividade da polifenoloxidase em batata minimamente processada (var. Monaliza) embalada sob vácuo

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2004. IV Simpósio Ibérico em Maturação e Pós-Colheita 2004

Sensorial and physicochemical quality responses of pears (cv Rocha) to long-term storage under controlled atmospheres

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, A.C.). 2004. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Caracterização físico-química de cenoura (var. Nantes)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2003. Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação “Enjoy Eat with Us”

Effect of CA-storage on the physical and sensorial quality of 'Rocha' pear

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, A.C.). 2003. Acta Horticulturae

Effect of CA-storage on the physical and sensorial quality of ‘Rocha’ pear

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2003. Acta Horticulturae

Effect of vacuum packaging in nutritional quality of minimally processed potato

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2003. 12th World Congress of Food Science and Technology Feeding the World… Opportunities Without Boundaries

Effects of vacuum packaging on the physical quality of minimally processed potatoes

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with A.M.C.N. Rocha). 2003. Food Service Technology

Physicochemical and sensory evaluation of 'Rocha' pear following controlled atmosphere storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, A.C.). 2003. Journal of Food Science

Qualidade de batata descascada (var. Jaerla) armazenada em vácuo

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2003. BIOTEC’2003, Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia

Quantification of chlorogenic acid and poliphenol oxidase activity in ‘Rocha’ pear after CA-long storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2003. Acta Horticulturae

Quantification of chlorogenic acid and polyphenol oxidase activity in 'rocha' pear after CA-long storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, A.C.). 2003. Acta Horticulturae

Shelf life of minimally processed apple (cv. Jonagored) determined by colour changes

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, A.M.C.N.). 2003. Food Control

Effect of CA-storage on the physical and sensorial quality of ‘Rocha’ pear

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2002. Postharvest Unlimited

Effect of CA-storage on the physical and sensorial quality of ‘Rocha’ pear

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2002. Postharvest Unlimited, Leuven

Effects of controlled atmosphere (CA) storage on pectinmethylesterase (PME) activity and texture of 'Rocha' pears

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis Snchez, A.C.). 2002. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Fruit maturity and storage temperature influence response of strawberries to controlled atmospheres

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.C.N.). 2002. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science

Polyphenoloxidase activity and total phenolic content as related to browning of minimally processed 'Jonagored' apple

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, A.M.C.N.). 2002. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Polyphenoloxidase activity and total phenolic content as related to browning of minimally processed ?Jonagored? apple

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 2002. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Characterization of polyphenoloxidase (PPO) extracted from 'Jonagored' apple

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, A.M.C.N.). 2001. Food Control

Effect of harvest date and delay of storage on L-ascorbic acid content of 'Rocha' pear

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química de Alimentos em Qualidade, Segurança e Inovação

Effects of controlled atmosphere (CA) storage on pectinmethylesterase (PME) activity and texture of 'Rocha' pears

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2001. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Effects of controlled atmosphere (CA) storage on pectinmethylesterase (PME) activity on texture of 'Rocha' pear

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química de Alimentos em Qualidade, Segurança e Inovação

Identification and quantification of phenolic compounds in 'Rocha' pear after long-CA storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Andrea Catalina Galvis-Sánchez). 2001. 8th International Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference (CA2001), 8/07/01

Identification and quantification of phenolic compounds in 'Rocha' pear after long-CA storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2001. 8th International Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference (CA 2001)

Influence of controlled atmosphere storage on polyphenoloxidase activity in relation to colour changes of minimally processed 'Jonagored' apple

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, A.M.C.N.). 2001. International Journal of Food Science and Technology

Influence of controlled atmosphere storage on polyphenoloxidase in relation to color changes of minimally processed ‘Jonagored’ apple.

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2001. International Journal of Food Science and Technology

Influence of delayed ca storage on ascorbic acid content and brown-heart incidence in 'rocha' pear

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, A.M.M.B.). 2001. Acta Horticulturae

Pectinmethylesterase and polyphenoloxidase activities in 'Rocha' pear after controlled atmosphere storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química de Alimentos em Qualidade, Segurança e Inovação

Phenolic compounds in 'Rocha' pear after storage in controlled atmosphere

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2001. 5º Encontro de Química de Alimentos em Qualidade, Segurança e Inovação

Polyphenoloxidase activity and total phenolic content as related to browning of minimally processed ‘Jonagored’ apple

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2001. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Quantification of chlorogenic acid and poliphenol oxidase activity in ‘Rocha’ pear after CA-long storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2001. 8th International Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference (CA 2001)

Boas Práticas para Conservação de Produtos Hortofrutícolas

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Pinto, Pedro Z.). 2000. Associação para a Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica

Boas Práticas Pós-Colheita para Frutos Frescos

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Silva, Filipa V. M.). 2000. Associação para a Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica

Boas Práticas Pós-Colheita para Hortícolas Frescos

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Fonseca, Susana C.). 2000. Associação para a Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica

Characterization of polyphenoloxidase extracted from ‘Jonagored’ apple

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2000. Conferência Nutricionists meet Food Scientists and Technologists (NMFST 2000)

Characterization of polyphenoloxidase extracted from ‘Jonagored’ apple

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha A). 2000. Conferência Nutricionists meet Food Scientists and Technologists (NMFST 2000), 12/04/00

Effect of harvest time on ascorbic acid content of 'Rocha' pear after CA storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2000. Conferência International Institute of Refrigeration

Effect of long-term storage in controlled atmosphere on quality parameters of ‘Rocha’ pear

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2000. Conferência Nutricionists meet Food Scientists and Technologists (NMFST 2000)

Effects of controlled atmosphere on quality of minimally processed apple (cv. Jonagored)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, A.M.C.N.). 2000. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Influence of chemical treatment on polyphenoloxidase activity while related to colour changes of minimally processed ‘Jonagored’ apple

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2000. 4th International Conference on Postharvest Science

Influence of delayed CA storage on ascorbic acid content and brown heart incidence in ‘Rocha’ pear

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 2000. 4th International Conference on Postharvest Science

Modified atmosphere package for 'Bravo de Esmolfe' apple

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 2000. Conferência International Institute of Refrigeration

Phenolic compounds in pears after storage in controlled atmosphere

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Andrea Catalina Galvis-Sánchez). 2000. 4th International Conference on Postharvest Science, 26/03/00

Polyphenoloxidase and pectinmethylesterase activities in pear after controlled atmosphere storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Andrea Catalina Galvis-Sánchez). 2000. Eighth International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF 8), 9/04/00

Polyphenoloxidase and pectinmethylesterase activities in pear after controlled atmosphere storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 2000. Eighth International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF 8)

Actividade da pectinametilesterase da pêra 'Rocha' após armazenamento em atmosfera controlada

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 1999. 4ºEncontro de Química de Alimentos

Escurecimento enzimático de maçã e pêra: efeito dos tratamentos químico e térmico

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Moura, Sandra). 1999. 4º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

Polyphenoloxidase activity during ripening of pear fruit

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Monteiro, Clara M. C.). 1999. 10º Simpósio Europeu em Hidratos de Carbono

Preservação da qualidade de produtos hortofrutícolas frescos ou minimamente processados

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 1999. IX Semana das Ciências da Nutrição

Characterisation of 'starking' apple polyphenoloxidase

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, A.M.C.N.). 1998. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Controlling temperature and water loss to maintain ascorbic acid levels in strawberries during postharvest handling

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.C.N.). 1998. Journal of Food Science

Influence of chemical treatment on quality of cut apple (cv. Jonagored)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, A.M.C.N.). 1998. Journal of Food Quality

Physico-chemical and biochemical parameters to highlight quality changes of 'Rocha' pear during CA storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Avelar, M. Luísa). 1998. Madrid98 - COST915 Conference on Physiological and Technological Aspects of Gaseous and Thermal Treatments of Fresh Fruit & Vegetables

Polyphenoloxidase activity of pear reduced by CA storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 1998. II Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia de Alimentos

Polyphenoloxidase and phenolic content to highlight browning of minimally processed apple during CA storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1998. Joint Workshop COST 914 - COST 915 on Non conventional methods for the control of post-harvest disease and microbiological spoilage

Shelf-life of minimally processed apple stored at 4ºC

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 1998. II Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia de Alimentos

Texture measurements of 'Rocha' pear after storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Galvis-Sánchez, Andrea C.). 1998. Madrid98 - COST915 Conference on Physiological and Technological Aspects of Gaseous and Thermal Treatments of Fresh Fruit & Vegetables

Activity of 'Jonagored' apple polyphenoloxidase (PPO) stored in controlled atmosphere

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1997. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting

Influência do armazenamento sob atmosfera controlada na qualidade de maçã minimamente processada

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1997. 3º Encontro de Química de Alimentos

PPO and phenolic content to highlight browning of minimally processed apple during CA storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha A). 1997. Joint Workshop COST 914 - COST 915 on Non conventional methods for the control of post-harvest disease and microbiological spoilage, 9/10/97

Activity of 'Jonagored' apple polyphenoloxidase (PPO) stored in controlled atmosphere

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1996. Symposium on Chemical Reactions in Foods III

Avaliação sensorial de maçã minimamente processada (cv. Jonagored) após armazenamento sob atmosfera controlada

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1996. II Jornadas das Indústrias Agro-Alimentares

Characterization of the extraction conditions for 'Starking' apple polyphenoloxidase.

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha A). 1996. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, 22/06/96

Measurement of colour changes in minimally processed apple (cv. Jonagored) stored under controlled atmosphere

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1996. Fifth World Congress of Chemical Engineering

Modified atmosphere for preservation of asparagus

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 1996. I Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia de Alimentos

Physical, chemical and sensory changes of minimally processed apple (cv. Jonagored) during refrigerated storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1996. Phytochemistry of Fruits and Vegetables

Physicochemical and sensorial characterization of a new variety of apple (cv. Jonagored)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1996. I Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia de Alimentos

Quality of pink tomatoes (cv. Buffalo) after storage under controlled atmosphere at chilling and nonchilling temperatures

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.C.N.). 1996. Journal of Food Quality

Caracterização físico-química e sensorial de uma nova variedade de maçã (cv. Jonagored)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1995. I Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia de Alimentos

Controlling temperature and water loss to maintain vitamin C levels in strawberries during postharvest handling

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.Cecilia N.). 1995. IV North American Strawberry Conference

Effects of delays to cooling and wrapping on strawberry quality (cv. Sweet Charlie)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.C.N.). 1995. Food Control

Effects of temperature, packaging and storage time on weight loss and ascorbic acid content of strawberries

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.Cecilia N.). 1995. 9th World Conference of Food Science and Technology

Immersion time for ascorbic acid dipping of cut apple (cv. Jonagored)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1995. 2ºEncontro de Química de Alimentos

Influence of chemical treatment and controlled atmosphere on the quality of cut apple (cv. Jonagored)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1995. Conference Harvest and Postharvest Technologies for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Physical and chemical quality characteristics of strawberries after storage are reduced by a short delay to cooling

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.C.N.). 1995. Postharvest Biology and Technology

Physical, chemical and sensorial changes of minimally processed apple (cv. Jonagored) during refrigerated storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1995. Phytochemistry of Fruit and Vegetables

Quality of strawberries after storage in controlled atmospheres at above optimum storage temperatures

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.Cecilia N.). 1995. Florida State Horticultural Society One Hundred and Eighth Annual Meeting

Quality of strawberries after storage in controlled atmospheres at above optimum storage temperatures

Alcina M. M. Bernardo 1995. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.

Quality of strawberries after storage in controlled atmospheres at above optimum storage temperatures

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.Cecilia N.). 1995. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society

Quality of strawberries after storage is reduced by a short delay to cooling

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.Cecilia N.). 1995. Conference Harvest and Postharvest Technologies for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Quality of strawberries after storage is reduced by a short delay to cooling

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.Cecilia N.). 1995. International Conference Harvest and Postharvest Technologies for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Relationship between sensorial and composition characteristics of cut apple (cv. Jonagored)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1995. 9th World Conference of Food Science and Technology

Shelf-life of chilled cut orange determined by sensory quality

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1995. Food Control

Effects of delay to cooling and storage on postharvest decay of strawberry (cv. Chandler)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.Cecilia N.). 1994. II Iberian Congress of Biotechnology "BIOTEC 94"

Influence of chemical treatment and controlled atmosphere on some quality parameters of cut apple ('Jonagored') stored at 4 °C

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1994. II Iberian Congress of Biotechnology "BIOTEC 94"
Artigo de Opinião

Modelos matemáticos para projecto de embalagem sob atmosfera modificada

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Brochado, Cidália M. S.). 1994. Alitecna

Modified atmosphere packaging for extension of the shelf-life of cut apple (cv. Jonagored)

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1994. Conference EUREKA VISION "Food Processing '94"
Artigo de Opinião

Preservação de produtos horto-frutícolas sob atmosfera modificada/ controlada

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Brochado, Cidália M. S.). 1994. Alitecna

Quality evaluation of tomato (cv. Buffalo) under CA

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.Cecilia N.). 1994. Conference EUREKA VISION "Food Processing '94"

Use of perforation for modified atmosphere storage of asparagus

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Morais, Alcina M. M. B.). 1994. II Iberian Congress of Biotechnology "BIOTEC 94"

Colour changes of three different strawberry cultivars: Sweet Charlie, Oso Grande and Chandler, during storage

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.Cecilia N.). 1993. Third Conference EFFoST "Food Control: On-line Control for Improved Quality"

Controlling temperature to reduce respiration rate of fresh-cut orange

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Brochado, Cidália M. S.). 1993. Third Conference EFFoST "Food Control: On-line Control for Improved Quality"

Effects of delays to cooling and packaging on strawberry quality

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Nunes, M.Cecilia N.). 1993. Third Conference EFFoST "Food Control: On-line Control for Improved Quality"

Influence of chemical treatment on quality of refrigerated cut orange

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Rocha, Ada M. C. N.). 1993. 1ºEncontro de Química Alimentar

Shelf-life of fresh-cut orange

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Brochado, Cidália M. S.). 1993. Third Conference EFFoST "Food Control: On-line Control for Improved Quality"

Modelling of hot air drying of sugar beet fibre

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Bernardo, Alcina M. M.). 1991. 1st International Symposium on Resource(s) Utilization for Novel Food and Feed Products. NOPROT 91

Modelling of hot air drying of sugar beet fibre

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Alcina M.M. Bernardo). 1991. 1st International Symposium on Resource(s) Utilization for Novel Food and Feed Products. NOPROT 91, 4/04/91

Drying of sugar beet fiber with hot air or superheated steam

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Miranda Bernardo, A.M.). 1990. Drying Technology

Le choix d'un séchoir pour les I.A.A.

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Bernardo, Alcina M. M.). 1990. Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles

Séchage de fibres à l'air chaud et à la vapeur surchauffée

Alcina M. M. Bernardo (with Bernardo, Alcina M. M.). 1989. Récents Progrés en Génie des Procédés, Séparations, Mélanges, Reactions, Etudes finalisées
Capítulo de Livro

Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Potential of Sulphated Polysaccharides from Algae

Alcina M. M. Bernardo Polysaccharides of Microbial Origin. Biomedical Applications