- At the beginning of the 1st year, for each student a supervisor and a possible co-supervisor are appointed. At the end of each year the PhD student has to submit a report on his/her activities, to be evaluated by his/her supervisors and a third independent senior researcher.
- The first report, elaborated within the curricular unit Thesis Plan, shall be a detailed proposal of the dissertation plan, including a review of the state of the art, description of the different tasks and corresponding time schedule, and preliminary experimental results.
- The following years reports shall contain information on work progress over the previous year. Its objective is to: describe progress, show ability and motivation for completing the PhD, and provide a realistic, structured and timetabled plan for completing the thesis. The thesis structure, drafts of thesis chapters and research publications shall be annexed.
- The annual students report has to be presented and defended publicly at the annual CBQF PhD student’s conference.
- In years one and two, the supervisors and the third expert evaluate student´s progress and decide on the student continuation on the doctoral programme.
- The main supervisor is responsible to guide the PhD student on selecting the most adequate course units to be done along the degree. These course units maybe a requirement for preparation of the PhD research work or suited to develop the adequate skills and competencies to the student envisaged career plan.
- At the end of each year, a short report will be prepared by the student and supervisor(s) including the following information: from the student side a list of objectives and those that have been achieved, explanation of any delay and its justification, request for any amendment to the initial plan and/or time extension; from the supervisors side indication on the quality of the student’s work progress and report, estimation of date for thesis submission to the ESB scientific committee, and justification in case the student needs time extension. The goal is to identify students' strengths and weaknesses and to develop strategies to support them towards completing their work within four years and to prepare them for the next steps of their careers.
Supervision & Advising
Mais Informação
If you are interested in starting a PhD program with us please get in touch:
Academic Services
Degree Coordinator
Prof. António Rangel
Email: arangel@ucp.pt
Phone: +351 22 558 00 64 (x 8064)
Steering Committee:
Prof.ª Cristina L.M. Silva
Prof. António A. Rangel
Prof.ª Paula Teixeira
Mais Informação
If you are interested in starting a PhD program with us please get in touch:
Academic Services
Degree Coordinator
Prof. António Rangel
Email: arangel@ucp.pt
Phone: +351 22 558 00 64 (x 8064)
Steering Committee:
Prof.ª Cristina L.M. Silva
Prof. António A. Rangel
Prof.ª Paula Teixeira
Mais Informação
If you are interested in starting a PhD program with us please get in touch:
Academic Services
Degree Coordinator
Prof. António Rangel
Email: arangel@ucp.pt
Phone: +351 22 558 00 64 (x 8064)
Steering Committee:
Prof.ª Cristina L.M. Silva
Prof. António A. Rangel
Prof.ª Paula Teixeira