João Paulo Ferreira

Professor(a) Auxiliar


O Prof. João Paulo Ferreira é licenciado em Engenharia Química pela Universidade do Porto (1987) e doutorado em Engenharia Bioquímica pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1993). É professor auxiliar na ESB-UCP desde 1993 e, actualmente, é o coordenador de 5 unidades curriculares, de licenciaturas e mestrado. Coordenou o Mestrado em Engenharia Biomédica durante 10 anos. Agora é o coordenador ERASMUS da ESB. Na investigação, desenvolve projectos em tecnologia de lacticínios, tecnologia associada ao café bebida, entre outros projectos de ciência alimentar aplicada. O Prof. J. P. Ferreira também liderou vários projectos na área biomédica, como tecnologia de libertação controlada de princípios bioactivos, produção de mini-anticorpos recombinantes, microemulsões e química de proteínas aplicada. Tem publicações nas áreas referidas, bem como artigos pedagógicos de Bioquímica e de Termodinâmica; é ainda autor de um livro didáctico de Termodinâmica.

Elevating Skincare Science: Grape Seed Extract Encapsulation for Dermatological Care

João Paulo Ferreira & Manuela Pintado (with Maria Leonor Teixeira Pinto de Castro). 2024. Molecules

Endowed polyphenols for vaginal infections in advanced delivery systems

João Paulo Ferreira (with Apolinário, Eduardo). 2024. Microorganisms

Development of new food products with alternative proteins obtained from agrifood byproducts

João Paulo Ferreira (with João Ferreira). 2023.

Grape By-Products in Sustainable Cosmetics: Nanoencapsulation and Market Trends

Manuela Pintado & João Paulo Ferreira (with Maria Leonor Castro). 2023. Applied Sciences

Structural and microbiological studies of a novel fermented non-dairy product

João Paulo Ferreira (with João Ferreira). 2023.

Vegetable-based frankfurter sausage production by different emulsion gels and assessment of physical-chemical, microbiological and nutritional properties

João Paulo Ferreira (with Corrêa, Priscilla Ferreira). 2023. Food Chemistry Advances

Development of New Added-Value Dairy Products from Cheese Surpluses - Biochemical, Structural and Sensorial Characterization

João Paulo Ferreira (with João Ferreira). 2022.

A Starch-Milk Paste Enables the Incorporation of Ripened Cheese in Novel Fresh Cheeses

João Paulo Ferreira (with Elpiniki Palyvou-Gianna). 2021. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science

Yogucheeses – yogurts fortified with melted cheese: microstructural, textural and rheological characterization

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 2021. International Journal of Dairy Technology

Probing the structure-holding interactions in cheeses by dissociating agents – A review and an experimental evaluation with emmental cheese

João Paulo Ferreira (with Vilela, Tatiana Paula). 2020.

Desenvolvimento de uma Linha de Gelados para Grupos Alvo Específicos

João Paulo Ferreira (with João Ferreira). 2019.

Development of a novel fresh cheese incorporating ripened cheese surpluses

Ana Maria Gomes & João Paulo Ferreira (with Epilniki Palyvou-Gianna). 2019. MicroBiotec: Congress Of Microbiology And Biotechnology 2019

Development of a Novel Fresh Cheese Incorporating Ripened Cheese Surpluses

João Paulo Ferreira (with Elpiniki Palyvou-Gianna). 2019. MicroBiotec 19

The Effect of Dissociating Agents on the Dispersion of a Grated Cheese – Conclusions for its Structure-Holding Interactions

João Paulo Ferreira (with Paula Vilela, Tatiana). 2019. XX EuroFoodChem

Manteiga aromatizada: caracterização técnica e testes de aceitação

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 2018. TECNOALIMENTAR

Incorporação de Aromas Naturais em Manteiga e Chantili


Análise Sensorial de Café Expresso


Café Regular Americano – Caracterização e Optimização da Extração face às Preferências do Consumidor


First and second law analyses to an energetic valorization process of biogas

João Paulo Ferreira (with Carolino, C.G.). 2013. Renewable Energy

Análise Energética e Exergética de um Processo de Valorização de Biogás


Development of an immunoassay for ciprofloxacin based on phage displayed antibody fragments

João Paulo Ferreira 2010. Journal of Immunological Methods

Development of an immunoassay for ciprofloxacin based on phage-displayed antibody fragments

João Paulo Ferreira (with Brás Gomes, F.B.M.). 2010. Journal of Immunological Methods

Effects of the components of two antimicrobial emulsions

João Paulo Ferreira 2010. Food Control
Capítulo de Livro

A Água e a Física

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 2009. Água: um desafio sem espaço nem tempo

Selecção e Caracterização de Mini-Anticorpos Recombinantes Anti-Ciprofloxacina


Antimicrobial effects of a microemulsion and a nanoemulsion on enteric and other pathogens and biofilms

Paula Teixeira & João Paulo Ferreira (with Teixeira, P.C.). 2007. International Journal of Food Microbiology

Antimicrobial Effects of Microemulsions on Foodborne Bacteria and Biofilms

João Paulo Ferreira 2007. International Journal of Food Microbiology

Calculating and visualizing thermodynamic equilibrium. A tutorial on the isolated system with an internal adiabatic piston

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, J.P.M.). 2007. Journal of Chemical Education

Changes in the pool of free fatty acids in ovine, bovine and caprine milk fats, effected by viable cells and cell-free extracts of Lactococcus lactis and Debaryomyces vanrijiae

Freni Kekhasharú Tavaria & João Paulo Ferreira (with Regado, M.A.). 2007. Food Chemistry

Development of an immunoassay for ciprofloxacin using phage-displayed antibody fragments

João Paulo Ferreira (with Brás Gomes, Francisco). 2007. MicroBiotec XXXIII JPG 2007

Flavour development via lipolysis of milkfats: changes in the free fatty acids pool

João Paulo Ferreira 2007. International Journal of Food Science and Technology

Optimization of the conditions for the expression of an anti-transthyretin scFv in Pichia pastoris

João Paulo Ferreira (with Riedstra, S.). 2007. 13th European Congress on Biotechnology

Optimization of the conditions for the expression of an anti-transthyretin scFv in Pichia pastoris

João Paulo Ferreira 2007. Journal of Biotechnology

Optimization of the expression of single-chain antibodies using different E. coli systems

João Paulo Ferreira 2007. Journal of Biotechnology

Optimization of the expression of single-chain antibodies using different E. coli systems

João Paulo Ferreira (with Riedstra, Symon). 2007. 13th European Congress on Biotechnology

Optimization of the expression of single-chain antibodies using different Escherichia coli systems

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 2007. Jounal of Biotechnology

Antimicrobial Effects of Microemulsions on Foodborne Bacteria and Biofilms

João Paulo Ferreira (with Teixeira, Paula). 2006. FoodMicro2006

Como interpretar a entropia?

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 2005. Química - Boletim da SPQ

Expression of an anti-transthyretin scFv in Escherichia coli

João Paulo Ferreira (with Riedstra, S.). 2005. Microbiotec2005

Expression of an anti-transthyretin scFv in Pichia pastoris

João Paulo Ferreira (with Barbosa, A. F. F.). 2005. Microbiotec2005

Selection of anti-TTR scFv from a combinatorial phage display library

João Paulo Ferreira (with Riedstra, S.). 2005. Microbiotec2005

Understanding the Thermodynamics of equilibria across semipermeable membranes

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 2005. The Chemical Educator

Tensão superficial – sua natureza e efeitos

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 2004. Química- Boletim da SPQ

Tensão superficial – sua natureza e efeitos

João Paulo Ferreira 2004. Química - Boletim da SPQ

Termodinâmica Fundamental para Ciências e Engenharias

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 2003. Universidade Católica Editora

Segredos da Catálise Enzimática

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 2002. Boletim de Biotecnologia

Microcapsules with Chitosan for Delivering Small Proteins to the Intestine

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 2001. 13th International Symposium on Microencapsulation

Microparticles for delivering therapeutic peptides and proteins to the lumen of the small intestine

João Paulo Ferreira (with De Brito Amorim, M.J.L.G.). 2001. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics

Microparticles for Delivering Therapeutic Peptides and Proteins to the Lumen of the Small Intestine

João Paulo Ferreira 2001. European Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Biopharmaceuticals

Selection of Anti-Idiotypic scFv´s From a Phage Display Library and Their Expression in an E. coli Suppressor Strain

João Paulo Ferreira (with Riedstra, S.). 2001. Micro 2001

Selection of Anti-Idiotypic scFv´s From a Phage Display Library and Their Expression in an E. coli Suppressor Strain

João Paulo Ferreira 2001. Congresso Internacional de Microbiologia- Micro´2001

Microparticles for Delivering Therapeutic Proteins and Peptides to the Small Intestine

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 2000. The 27th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials

Development of Microparticles for Peptides and Proteins Bioactive in the GI Gut

João Paulo Ferreira (with Amorim, Maria Joao). 1999. 12th International Symposium on Microencapsulation

Effect of drug properties on the release from CAP microspheres prepared by a solvent evaporation method

João Paulo Ferreira (with Silva, J.P.S.). 1999. Journal of Microencapsulation

Proteínas terapêuticas: Presente e perspectivas futuras

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, J.P.M.). 1999. Revista Portuguesa de Farmacia

Transthyretin apheresis in FAP: an update

João Paulo Ferreira 1999. The 4th International Symposium on Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy and Other Transthyretin Related Disorders & The 3rd International Workshop on Liver Transplantation in Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy

Transthyretin apheresis in FAP: an update

João Paulo Ferreira (with Paulo, P. M. P.). 1999. The 4th International Symposium on Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy and Other Transthyretin Related Disorders

Development of immunoadsorbents for the treatment of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) type I

João Paulo Ferreira (with Riedstra, S.). 1998. 2nd European Congress on Biochemical Engineering Science

Microencapsulação: técnicas e aplicações

João Paulo Ferreira (with Sousa, J.P.). 1998. Revista Portuguesa de Farmacia

Microspheres for Sustained Release of Thiamine

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 1998. III Congresso Hispano-Luso de Libertação Controlada

Study of an anti-human transthyretin immunoadsorbent. Influence of coupling chemistry on binding capacity and ligand leakage

João Paulo Ferreira (with Riedstra, S.). 1998. Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Applications

Study of an antihuman transthyretin immunoadsorbent: influence of coupling chemistry on binding capacity and ligand leakage

João Paulo Ferreira 1998. Journal of Chromatography B


João Paulo Ferreira 1998. McGraw-Hill de Portugal

Termodinâmica, 3ª edição, de Y. A. Çengel e M. A. Boles

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 1998.
Capítulo de Livro

Catálise Enzimática

João Paulo Ferreira 1997. Bioquímica
Capítulo de Livro

Cinética Enzimática

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 1997. Bioquímica

Desenvolvimento de Microcápsulas de Libertação Modificada para Administração Oral


Drug properties and release from CAP microcapsules

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, J.P.). 1997. Proceedings of the Controlled Release Society

Drug Properties and Release from CAP Microcapsules

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 1997. 24th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials

Effects of Carboxylic Group Modification on Catalysis of Pancreatic Phospholipase A2

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 1995. Biochemical Engineering IX of Engineering Foundation

Effects of Carboxylic Group Modification on Catalysis of Pancreatic Phospholipase A2

João Paulo Ferreira 1995. Biochemical Engineering IX of The Engineering Foundation

A Study on The Functional Subunits of Phospholipases A2 by Enzyme Immobilization

João Paulo Ferreira 1994. Biochemical Journal

A study on the functional subunits of phospholipases A<inf>2</inf> by enzyme immobilization

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, J.P.M.). 1994. Biochemical Journal

Carbodiimide Modification Enhances Activity of Pig Pancreatic Phospholipase A2

João Paulo Ferreira 1994. European Journal of Biochemistry

Carbodiimide modification enhances activity of pig pancreatic phospholipase A<inf>2</inf>

João Paulo Ferreira (with FERREIRA, J.P.M.). 1994. European Journal of Biochemistry

Covalent Immobilization of Cobra Venom Phospholipase A2

João Paulo Ferreira 1994. II Congresso Ibérico de Biotecnologia

Covalent Immobilization of Phospholipase A2

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 1994. II Congresso Ibérico de Biotecnologia

Enhanced Protein Blotting from Phast-Gel Media to Membranes by Irradiation of Low Intensity Ultrasound

João Paulo Ferreira 1994. Analytical Biochemistry

Enhanced protein blotting from phastgel media to membranes by irradiation of low-intensity ultrasound

João Paulo Ferreira (with Kost, J.). 1994. Analytical Biochemistry

Enzymatic modification of plasma low density lipoproteins in rabbits: A potential treatment for hypercholesterolemia

João Paulo Ferreira (with Labeque, R.). 1993. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Enzymatic Modification of Plasma Low Density Lipoproteins: A Potential Treatment for Hypercholesterolemia

João Paulo Ferreira 1993. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Extracorporeal Enzymatic Removal of Low Density Lipoproteins in Rabbits: Efficacy and Safety

João Paulo Ferreira 1993. The International Journal of Artificial Organs

Extracorporeal enzymatic removal of low density lipoproteins in rabbits: Efficacy and safety

João Paulo Ferreira (with Shefer, S.D.). 1993. International Journal of Artificial Organs

Influence of Chemistry in Immobilization of Cobra Venom Phospholipase A2-Implications as to Mechanism

João Paulo Ferreira 1993. Biochemistry

Influence of Chemistry in Immobilization of Cobra Venom Phospholipase A<inf>2</inf>: Implications as to Mechanism

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, J.P.M.). 1993. Biochemistry

Proteínas terapêuticas: presente e perspectivas futuras

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 1993. Revista Portuguesa de Farmácia

Immobilization of Phospholipase A2

João Paulo Ferreira (with Ferreira, João Paulo). 1992. A.I.Ch.E. -1992 Annual Meeting

Immobilization of Phospholipase A2

João Paulo Ferreira 1992. A.I.Ch.E. - 1992

Phospholipase A2-catalysed modification of plasma low density lipoproteins caused reduction of hypercholesterolemic rabbit plasma cholesterol in vivo

João Paulo Ferreira 1992. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine

Phospholipase A<inf>2</inf>-catalysed modification of plasma low density lipoproteins caused reduction of hypercholesterolemic rabbit plasma cholesterol in vivo

João Paulo Ferreira (with Labeque, R.). 1992. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine

Extracorporeal Removal of Low Density Lipoproteins with Immobiized Enzyme

João Paulo Ferreira (with Schefer, S. D.). 1991. VIII Congress of the International Society for Artificial Organs

Extracorporeal Removal of Low Density Lipoproteins with Immobilized Enzyme in Packed and Fluidized Reactor

João Paulo Ferreira (with Schefer, S. D.). 1991. A.I.Ch.E. - 1991 Annual Meeting

Extracorporeal Removal of Low Density Lipoproteins with Immobilized Enzyme in Packed and Fluidized Reactor

João Paulo Ferreira 1991. A.I.Ch.E. - 1991

New polymer-based reduction of plasma low density lipoproteins with an immobilized enzyme

João Paulo Ferreira (with Labeque, R.). 1990. Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, Proceedings of the ACS Division of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering