Paula Castro

Full Professor


PhD in Biochemical Engineering from University College London (1994), she began her higher education at the Catholic University of Portugal, having graduated in Food Engineering (1989). She is a Full Professor at the Escola Superior de Biotecnologia of which she is currently also the Director.

She is responsible for disciplines in the areas of bioengineering and microbiology, with a special focus on technology and sustainability. Her research interests focus on environmental biotechnology, crossing different areas, from agri-food to health and well-being, in topics such as the biodegradation of pollutants, technologies for the treatment and recovery of wastewater and industrial by-products, phytoremediation, and the development of bioinoculants for the agroforestry sector.


Assessment of drying conditions for storage of a yeast-based decolorization solution for application in textile industrial wastewater treatment plants

Paula Castro (with Mendes, Marta). 2023. Fungal Biology

Bioaugmentation of Aerobic Granular Sludge with Dye-Decolorizing Yeast for Textile Industrial Wastewater

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Marta Mendes). 2023. Processes

Chitosan-hydroxyapatite composites made from sustainable sources: A morphology and antibacterial study

Sofia Pereira & Paula Castro (with Scalera, F.). 2023. Materials Today Sustainability

Constructed Wetlands as Nature-Based Solutions for Wastewater Treatment in the Hospitality Industry: A Review

Paula Castro (with Justino, Sara). 2023. Hydrology

Biological removal processes in aerobic granular sludge exposed to diclofenac

Paula Castro (with Vânia S. Bessa). 2022. Environmental Technology
Opinion article

Biotecnologia para um mundo em mudança

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2022. Revista Líder

Correction to: Valorization of wastewater from food industry: moving to a circular bioeconomy

Paula Castro (with Carolina F. F. A. Costa). 2022. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology

Harnessing agricultural microbiomes for human pathogen control

Paula Castro (with Fiona P Brennan). 2022. ISME Communications

Método para a produção de biomassa granular multitrófica e sua aplicação

Paula Castro 2022.

Physical, Chemical, and Microbiological Characterization of Kettara Mine Tailings, Morocco

Sofia Pereira & Paula Castro (with Benidire, Leila). 2022. Soil Systems

Valorization of Brewery Waste through Polyhydroxyalkanoates Production Supported by a Metabolic Specialized Microbiome

Paula Castro (with Carvalheira, Mónica). 2022. Life

Valorization of wastewater from food industry: moving to a circular bioeconomy

Paula Castro (with Carolina F. F. A. Costa). 2022. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology
Opinion article

A nossa relação com o ambiente - da reação à resiliência.

Paula Castro 2021. Diurna

A Two-Stage Process for Conversion of Brewer’s Spent Grain into Volatile Fatty Acids through Acidogenic Fermentation

Paula Castro (with Eliana Guarda). 2021. Applied Sciences

Composite biomaterial, obtaining methods and uses thereof

Paula Castro 2021.

Cultivable microalgae diversity from a freshwater aquaculture filtering system and its potential for polishing aquaculture-derived water streams

Paula Castro (with Couto, Ana T.). 2021. Journal of Applied Microbiology

Imobilizados de microrganismos em substâncias poliméricas extracelulares

Paula Castro 2021.

Increased extracellular polymeric substances production contributes for the robustness of aerobic granular sludge during long-term intermittent exposure to 2-fluorophenol in saline wastewater

Paula Castro (with Oliveira, Ana S.). 2021. Journal of Water Process Engineering

Iron metabolism in soybean grown in calcareous soil is influenced by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria – A functional analysis

Paula Castro (with Roriz, Mariana). 2021. Rhizosphere

Moreira, H.; Pereira, S.I.A.; Mench, M.; Cardoso, E.; Garbisu, C.; Kidd, P.; Castro, P.M.L. Technical guide on strategies to enhance phytomanagement efficiency at metal(loid)-polluted/degraded sites: planting patterns, bioinoculation and soil organic...

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2021.
Opinion article

O poder do invisível na saúde do planeta.

Paula Castro 2021. Publico
Opinion article

Os desafios da Universidade face à indiferença.

Paula Castro 2021. Jornal de Negócios
Book Chapter

Pereira, S.I.A.; Castro, P.M.L.; Calheiros, C.S.C. "Biomass Production and Energetic Valorization in Constructed Wetlands.".

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2021. Bioenergy crops: sustainable means of phytoremediation, edited by Puthur, J.T.; Dhankher, O.P..

Spatial-Temporal Changes in Removal of Fecal Indicators and Diversity of Bacterial Communities in a Constructed Wetland with Ornamental Plants

Sofia Pereira & Paula Castro (with Cristina Sousa Coutinho Calheiros). 2021. Applied Sciences

Technical Guide in strategies to enhance phytomanagement efficiency at metal(loid)-polluted/degraded sites: planting patterns, bioinoculation and soil organic amendments

Eduardo Luís Cardoso & Paula Castro (with Moreira, H.). 2021.
Book Chapter

The use of plants and associated microorganisms in the phytoremediation of salt-affected soils

Sofia Pereira & Paula Castro (with Moreira, H.). 2021. Salt Stress Responses in Plants: Perception, Signaling, Omics and Tolerance Mechanism
Opinion article

Aquacultura: Aquaval aplica tecnologias que ajudam a colmatar a limitação de água, através da reutilização

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2020. Ambiente magazine

Composite biomaterial, obtaining methods and uses thereof.

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2020.
Book Chapter

Constructed wetlands as nature-based solutions

Sofia Pereira & Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2020. An Introduction to Constructed Wetlands
Opinion article

Dia Internacional da Água: a nossa sede é inesgotável.

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2020. Público online

Do metal contamination and plant species affect microbial abundance and bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of metallophytes growing in mining areas in a semiarid climate?

Paula Castro (with Benidire, L.). 2020. Journal of Soils and Sediments

Guia Técnico para Coberturas Verdes

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2020.

Guia técnico Phytosudoe

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2020.

Legume Biofortification and the Role of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria in a Sustainable Agricultural Era

Marta Wilton Pereira Leite de Vasconcelos & Paula Castro (with Mariana Roriz). 2020. Agronomy

Methods of producing the same and their use in compositions, in particular sunscreens.

Paula Castro (with M.M Pintado). 2020.
Book Chapter


Paula Castro (with Sebastiana, Mónica). 2020. Beneficial Microbes in Agro-Ecology: Bacteria and Fungi

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) improve the growth and nutrient use efficiency in maize (Zea mays L.) under water deficit conditions

Sofia Pereira & Paula Castro (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2020. Heliyon

Quantification of fluoroquinolones in wastewaters by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

Paula Castro (with Maia, A.S.). 2020. Environmental Pollution

Sludge volume index and suspended solids estimation of mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools

Paula Castro (with Leal, C.). 2020. Separation and Purification Technology
Book Chapter

Strategies for enhancing soil phytoremediation and biomass valorisation

Paula Castro 2020. The Handbook of Environmental Remediation: Classic and Modern Techniques

Synergistic effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth-promoting bacteria benefit maize growth under increasing soil salinity

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2020. Journal of Environmental Management

Carbamazepine is degraded by the bacterial strain Labrys portucalensis F11

Paula Castro (with Bessa, V.S.). 2019. Science of the Total Environment

Diverse arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) communities colonize plants inhabiting a constructedwetland for wastewater treatment

Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2019. Water (Switzerland)

Effects of soil sterilization and metal spiking in plant growth promoting rhizobacteria selection for phytotechnology purposes

António O. S. S. Rangel, Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Helena Moreira). 2019. Geoderma

Employment of phosphate solubilising bacteria on fish scales - Turning food waste into an available phosphorus source

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Santana, C.A.). 2019. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Mench, M.; Vilela, J.; Kidd, P.; Pereira, S.I.A.; Moreira, H.; Castro, P.M.L.; Ávila, P.; etal. Guide on best practices for phytomanaging metal(loid)-contaminated soils.2019.

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2019.
Opinion article


Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2019. Voz do campo

Soil organic matter rather than ectomycorrhizal diversity is related to urban tree health

Paula Castro (with van Geel, M.). 2019. PLoS ONE

Toxicity abatement of wastewaters from tourism units by constructed wetlands

Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2019. Water (Switzerland)

Trace and major element contents, microbial communities, and enzymatic activities of urban soils of Marrakech city along an anthropization gradient

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Naylo, A.). 2019. Journal of Soils and Sediments

Uv-Filters, Methods of producing the same and their use in compositions, in particular sunscreens.

Paula Castro (with M.M Pintado). 2019.
Opinion article

A aplicação de inóculos microbianos em Quercus suber L. em viveiros florestais distintos.

Paula Castro (with Ramos, M.A.). 2018. Agrotec

A sustainable replacement for TiO<inf>2</inf> in photocatalyst construction materials: Hydroxyapatite-based photocatalytic additives, made from the valorisation of food wastes of marine origin

Paula Castro (with Saeli, M.). 2018. Journal of Cleaner Production
Opinion article

Aproveitamento de Águas Pluviais em Edifícios com Coberturas Verdes.

Paula Castro (with Monteiro, C.M.). 2018. Revista Indústria e Ambiente

Bacterial community dynamics within an aerobic granular sludge reactor treating wastewater loaded with pharmaceuticals

Paula Castro (with Amorim, C.L.). 2018. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

Biodegradation of Diclofenac by the bacterial strain Labrys portucalensis F11

Paula Castro (with Moreira, I.S.). 2018. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

Culturable bacteria associated to the rhizosphere and tissues of Iris pseudacorus plants growing in a treatment wetland for winery wastewater discharge

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2018. Ecological Engineering

Enantioselective degradation of ofloxacin and levofloxacin by the bacterial strains Labrys portucalensis F11 and Rhodococcus sp. FP1

Paula Castro (with Maia, A.S.). 2018. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

Foliar optical traits indicate that sealed planting conditions negatively affect urban tree health

Paula Castro (with Yu, K.). 2018. Ecological Indicators
Book Chapter

From Phyto to Agromining: Past, Present, and Future Scope

Paula Castro (with Novo, Luís A. B.). 2018. Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions

Performance of Quercus suber L. at nursery stage—application of two bio-inoculants under two distinct environments

Paula Castro (with Araújo, G.C.). 2018. Annals of Forest Science

Photocatalytic degradation of diclofenac by hydroxyapatite-TiO<inf>2</inf> composite material: Identification of transformation products and assessment of toxicity

Paula Castro (with Murgolo, S.). 2018. Materials
Book Chapter

Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria-Assisted Phytoremediation of Mine Soils

Paula Castro (with Novo, L.A.B.). 2018. Bio-Geotechnologies for Mine Site Rehabilitation

Sardine Canning Byproducts as Sources of Functional Ingredients

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Ana P. Carvalho). 2018. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
Book Chapter

Strategies for Biodegradation of Fluorinated Compounds

Paula Castro (with Moreira, Irina S.). 2018. Nanotechnology in the Life Sciences

The effect of fungal-bacterial interaction on the phenolic profile of Pinus pinea L.

Paula Castro (with Araújo, G.C.). 2018. Plant Growth Regulation

Variation in ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Silver linden (Tilia tomentosa) within and across urban areas

Paula Castro (with Van Geel, M.). 2018. FEMS microbiology ecology

Vegetation reflectance spectroscopy for biomonitoring of heavy metal pollution in urban soils

Paula Castro (with Yu, K.). 2018. Environmental Pollution

Wastewater Valorization by Pure Bacterial Cultures to Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) with High Emulsifying Potential and Flocculation Activities

Paula Castro (with Drakou, E.-M.). 2018. Waste and Biomass Valorization

Aerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition of hydroxyapatite-embedded titanium dioxide composite thin films

Paula Castro (with Piccirillo, C.). 2017. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry

Assessment of culturable bacterial endophytic communities colonizing Canna flaccida inhabiting a wastewater treatment constructed wetland

António O. S. S. Rangel, Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2017. Ecological Engineering

Biphasic apatite-carbon materials derived from pyrolysed fish bones for effective adsorption of persistent pollutants and heavy metals

Paula Castro (with Piccirillo, C.). 2017. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Calcium hydroxyapatite-based photocatalysts for environment remediation: Characteristics, performances and future perspectives

Paula Castro (with Piccirillo, C.). 2017. Journal of Environmental Management

Chiral analysis of pesticides and drugs of environmental concern: Biodegradation and enantiomeric fraction

Paula Castro (with Maia, A.S.). 2017. Symmetry

Effect of preparation and processing conditions on UV absorbing properties of hydroxyapatite-Fe<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> sunscreen

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with C. Teixeira, M.A.). 2017. Materials Science and Engineering C

Enrichment of bacterial strains for the biodegradation of diclofenac and carbamazepine from activated sludge

Paula Castro (with Bessa, V.S.). 2017. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation

Growing substrates for aromatic plant species in green roofs and water runoff quality: Pilot experiments in a Mediterranean climate

Paula Castro (with Monteiro, C.M.). 2017. Water Science and Technology

Luminescent calcium phosphate bioceramics doped with europium derived from fish industry byproducts

Paula Castro (with Piccirillo, C.). 2017. Journal of the American Ceramic Society

MALDI-TOF MS for the Identification of Cultivable Organic-Degrading Bacteria in Contaminated Groundwater near Unconventional Natural Gas Extraction Sites

Paula Castro (with Santos, Inês). 2017. Microorganisms

Metal(loid)-Contaminated Soils as a Source of Culturable Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria for Remediation Applications

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pires, C.). 2017. Geomicrobiology Journal

Phytomining of rare and valuable metals

Paula Castro (with Novo, L.A.B.). 2017. Phytoremediation: Management of Environmental Contaminants, Volume 5

Presence of microbial pathogens and genetic diversity of Listeria monocytogenes in a constructed wetland system

Paula Castro & Paula Teixeira (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2017. Ecological Engineering

Simultaneous partial nitrification and 2-fluorophenol biodegradation with aerobic granular biomass: Reactor performance and microbial communities

Paula Castro (with Ramos, C.). 2017. Bioresource Technology

Substrate influence on aromatic plant growth in extensive green roofs in a Mediterranean climate

Paula Castro (with Monteiro, C.M.). 2017. Urban Ecosystems

Uv-Filters, Methods of producing the same and their use in compositions, in particular sunscreens.

Paula Castro (with M. Pintado). 2017.

Water masses surface temperatures assessment and their effect on surrounding environment

Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2017. Water Science and Technology

Aerobic granular sludge: Treatment of wastewaters containing toxic compounds

Paula Castro (with Amorim, C.L.). 2016. Technologies for the Treatment and Recovery of Nutrients from Industrial Wastewater

Assessment of plant growth promoting bacterial populations in the rhizosphere of metallophytes from the Kettara mine, Marrakech

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Benidire, L.). 2016. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Bacterial degradation of moxifloxacin in the presence of acetate as a bulk substrate

Paula Castro (with Carvalho, M.F.). 2016. Journal of Environmental Management

Chiral pharmaceuticals in diverse environmental matrices: Occurrence, removal and toxicity,Fármacos quirais em diferentes matrizes ambientais: ocorrência, remoção e toxicidade

Paula Castro (with Ribeiro, A.R.). 2016. Quimica Nova

Contributions to the design of rainwater harvesting systems in buildings with green roofs in a Mediterranean climate

Paula Castro (with Monteiro, C.M.). 2016. Water Science and Technology

Development of a low pressure chromatographic flow system for monitoring the biodegradation of ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Santos, I.C.). 2016. Analytical Methods

Effects of Cu, Zn and Cu-Zn addition on the microstructure and antibacterial and photocatalytic functional properties of Cu-Zn modified TiO<inf>2</inf> nano-heterostructures

Paula Castro (with Tobaldi, D.M.). 2016. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry

Endophytic culturable bacteria colonizing Lavandula dentata L. plants: Isolation, characterization and evaluation of their plant growth-promoting activities

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2016. Ecological Engineering
Opinion article

Fármacos quirais em diferentes matrizes ambientais: ocorrência, remoção e toxicidade.

Paula Castro (with Ribeiro, A.R.). 2016. Química Nova

Fluoroquinolones biosorption onto microbial biomass: Activated sludge and aerobic granular sludge

Paula Castro (with Ferreira, V.R.A.). 2016. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation

Impact of heavy metals and metalloids on soil microorganisms of mining areas

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2016. Contaminated Soils: Sources, Properties and Impacts

Integrated liquid chromatography method in enantioselective studies: Biodegradation of ofloxacin by an activated sludge consortium

Paula Castro (with Maia, A.S.). 2016. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences

Mine land valorization through energy maize production enhanced by the application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

António O. S. S. Rangel, Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2016. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Oxygen vacancies, the optical band gap (E<inf>g</inf>) and photocatalysis of hydroxyapatite: Comparing modelling with measured data

Paula Castro (with Bystrov, V.S.). 2016. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental

Photodegradation of pharmaceutical persistent pollutants using hydroxyapatite-based materials

Paula Castro (with Márquez Brazón, E.). 2016. Journal of Environmental Management

Promotion of sunflower growth under saline water irrigation by the inoculation of beneficial microorganisms

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2016. Applied Soil Ecology

Selection of metal resistant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for the growth and metal accumulation of energy maize in a mine soil - Effect of the inoculum size

António O. S. S. Rangel, Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2016. Geoderma

Treatment of a simulated wastewater amended with a chiral pharmaceuticals mixture by an aerobic granular sludge sequencing batch reactor

Paula Castro (with Amorim, C.L.). 2016. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation
Opinion article

Uma forma natural de limpeza

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2016. Destak

Assessment of rhizospheric culturable bacteria of Phragmites australis and Juncus effusus from polluted sites

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.). 2015. Journal of Basic Microbiology

Characterization of the bacterial communities of aerobic granules in a 2-fluorophenol degrading process

Paula Castro (with Duque, A.F.). 2015. Biotechnology Reports

Constructed wetland with a polyculture of ornamental plants for wastewater treatment at a rural tourism facility

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2015. Ecological Engineering
Opinion article

Desafios e oportunidades para a água ainda chamada de “residual”

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2015. Público Online

Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and HPLC to analyse fluoxetine and metoprolol enantiomers in wastewaters

Paula Castro (with Ribeiro, A.R.). 2015. Environmental Chemistry Letters

Effect of benfluralin on Pinus pinea seedlings mycorrhized with Pisolithus tinctorius and Suillus bellinii - Study of plant antioxidant response

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Franco, A.R.). 2015. Chemosphere

Hydroxyapatite-based materials of marine origin: a bioactivity and sintering study.

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Piccirillo C). 2015. Materials Science and Engineering C

Light induced antibacterial activity and photocatalytic properties of Ag/<inf>3</inf>PO<inf>4</inf> -based material of marine origin

Paula Castro (with Piccirillo, C.). 2015. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry

Removal of fluoxetine and its effects in the performance of an aerobic granular sludge sequential batch reactor

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Moreira, I.S.). 2015. Journal of Hazardous Materials

Rhizobacteria isolated from a metal-polluted area enhance plant growth in zinc and cadmium-contaminated soil

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2015. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

Silver-containing calcium phosphate materials of marine origin with antibacterial activity

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with C. Piccirillo). 2015. Ceramics International

The response of Betula pubescens to inoculation with an ectomycorrhizal fungus and a plant growth promoting bacterium is substrate-dependent

Paula Castro (with Sousa, N.R.). 2015. Ecological Engineering

Titanium dioxide thin films deposited by electric field-assisted CVD: Effect on antimicrobial and photocatalytic properties

Paula Castro (with Romero, L.). 2015. Chemical Vapor Deposition
Opinion article

Tratamento e Monitorização de Águas Residuais Domésticas.

Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2015. Robótica-Revista técnico-científica

A genotype dependent-response to cadmium contamination in soil is displayed by Pinus pinaster in symbiosis with different mycorrhizal fungi

Paula Castro (with Sousa, N.R.). 2014. Applied Soil Ecology

A hydroxyapatite-Fe<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> based material of natural origin as an active sunscreen filter

Paula Castro (with Piccirillo, C.). 2014. Journal of Materials Chemistry B

Bacterial community dynamics in a rotating biological contactor treating 2-fluorophenol-containing wastewater

Paula Castro (with Duque, A.F.). 2014. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology

Biodegradation of ofloxacin, norfloxacin, and ciprofloxacin as single and mixed substrates by Labrys portucalensis F11

Paula Castro (with Amorim, C.L.). 2014. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Characterization and antimicrobial properties of food packaging methylcellulose films containing stem extract of Ginja cherry.

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Campos D). 2014. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture

Co-metabolic degradation of mono-fluorophenols by the ectomycorrhizal fungi Pisolithus tinctorius

António César Ferreira & Paula Castro (with Franco, A.R.). 2014. Chemosphere

Constructed Wetlands for Tannery Wastewater Treatment in Portugal: Ten Years of Experience

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2014. International Journal of Phytoremediation

Degradation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics and identification of metabolites/transformation products by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

Paula Castro (with Maia, A.S.). 2014. Journal of Chromatography A

Diversity and characterization of culturable bacterial endophytes from Zea mays and their potential as plant growth-promoting agents in metal-degraded soils

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2014. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Diversity and Persistence of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Their Effect on Nursery-Inoculated Pinus pinaster in a Post-fire Plantation in Northern Portugal

Paula Castro (with Franco, A.R.). 2014. Microbial Ecology

Enantiomeric fraction evaluation of pharmaceuticals in environmental matrices by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

Paula Castro (with Ribeiro, A.R.). 2014. Journal of Chromatography A

Enantioselective biodegradation of fluoxetine by the bacterial strain Labrys portucalensis F11

Paula Castro (with Moreira, I.S.). 2014. Chemosphere

Enantioselective quantification of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine by HPLC in wastewater effluents

Paula Castro (with Ribeiro, A.R.). 2014. Chemosphere

Environmental fate of chiral pharmaceuticals: Determination, degradation and toxicity

Paula Castro (with Ribeiro, A.R.). 2014. Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World

Feasibility of Typha Latifolia for High Salinity Effluent Treatment in Constructed Wetlands for Integration in Resource Management Systems

Paula Castro (with Jesus, J.M.). 2014. International Journal of Phytoremediation

Hydroxyapatite and chloroapatite derived from sardine by-products

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with C. Piccirillo). 2014. Ceramics International

In vitro intestinal absorption of amino acid mixtures extracted from codfish (Gadus morhua L.) salting wastewater

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Ferraro, V.). 2014. International Journal of Food Science and Technology

Inoculation of Pinus pinea seedlings with Pisolithus tinctorius and Suillus bellinii promotes plant growth in benfluralin contaminated soil

Paula Castro (with Franco, A.R.). 2014. Plant and Soil

Kinetics of release of water and nutrients from codfish (Gadus Morhua L.) through a heavy-salting

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Ferraro, V.). 2014. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation

Mineralization of 4-fluorocinnamic acid by a Rhodococcus strain

António César Ferreira & Paula Castro (with Amorim, C.L.). 2014. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Performance of aerobic granular sludge in a sequencing batch bioreactor exposed to ofloxacin, norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Amorim, C.L.). 2014. Water Research

Phosphate-solubilizing rhizobacteria enhance Zea mays growth in agricultural P-deficient soils

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2014. Ecological Engineering

Phytomanagement of Cd-contaminated soils using maize (Zea mays L.) assisted by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Moreira, H.). 2014. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Reclamation of an abandoned burned forest using ectomycorrhizal inoculated Quercus rubra

Paula Castro (with Sousa, N.R.). 2014. Forest Ecology and Management

Recovery of free amino acids and muscle proteins from codfish (Gadus morhua L.) salting wastewater by sorption on Amberlite XAD16

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Ferraro, V.). 2014. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology

Silver-modified nano-titania as an antibacterial agent and photocatalyst

Paula Castro (with Tobaldi, D.M.). 2014. Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Opinion article

Tratamento biológico de água residual – Soluções para diferentes tipologias.

Paula Castro (with Calheiros C. S. C.). 2014. Revista Ingenium

Bacteria immobilisation on hydroxyapatite surface for heavy metals removal.

Manuela Pintado, Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Piccirillo, C). 2013. Journal of environmental management

Bioaugmentation for treating transient 4-fluorocinnamic acid shock loads in a rotating biological contactor

Paula Castro (with Amorim, C.L.). 2013. Bioresource Technology

Biodegradation of fluoroanilines by the wild strain Labrys portucalensis

Paula Castro (with Amorim, C.L.). 2013. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation

Calcium phosphate-based materials of natural origin showing photocatalytic activity

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Piccirillo, C.). 2013. Journal of Materials Chemistry A

Chemical composition and antibacterial properties of stem and leaf extracts from Ginja cherry plant

António César Ferreira, Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Piccirillo, C.). 2013. Industrial Crops and Products

Effect of diflubenzuron on the development of Pinus pinaster seedlings inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius

Paula Castro (with Ramos, M.A.). 2013. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Effect of the metals iron, copper and silver on fluorobenzene biodegradation by Labrys portucalensis

António César Ferreira & Paula Castro (with Moreira, I.S.). 2013. Biodegradation

Effects of Physical Parameters onto Adsorption of the Borderline Amino Acids Glycine, Lysine, Taurine, and Tryptophan upon Amberlite XAD16 Resin

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Ferraro, Vincenza). 2013. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data

Enantioselective biodegradation of pharmaceuticals, alprenolol and propranolol, by an activated sludge inoculum

Paula Castro (with Ribeiro, A.R.). 2013. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

Enantioselective HPLC analysis and biodegradation of atenolol, metoprolol and fluoxetine

Paula Castro (with Ribeiro, A.R.). 2013. Environmental Chemistry Letters

Erratum: Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils: An overview of site remediation techniques (Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology (2011) 41:10 (879-914) DOI: 10.1080/10643380903299517)

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2013. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology

Extraction and characterisation of apatite- and tricalcium phosphate-based materials from cod fish bones

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Piccirillo, C.). 2013. Materials Science and Engineering C

Extraction of high added value biological compounds from sardine, sardine-type fish and mackerel canning residues - A review

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Ferraro, V.). 2013. Materials Science and Engineering C

Extraction of High-added-value Compounds from Codfish (Gadus morhua) Salting Wastewater

Paula Castro (with Ferraro, V.). 2013. Bioactive Compounds from Marine Foods: Plant and Animal Sources

Hydroxyapatite and Calcium Phosphates from Marine Sources

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Clara Piccirillo). 2013. Marine Biomaterials
Book Chapter

Hydroxyapatite and calcium phosphates from marine sources: Extraction and characterization

Paula Castro (with Piccirillo, C.). 2013. Marine Biomaterials: Characterization, Isolation and Applications

Inoculating Helianthus annuus (sunflower) grown in zinc and cadmium contaminated soils with plant growth promoting bacteria - Effects on phytoremediation strategies

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2013. Chemosphere
Opinion article

Leitos de Plantas aplicados ao tratamento das águas residuais: caso de estudo na indústria do couro. In: Ecoeficiência na Indústria – re-industrialização no sentido certo.

Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C). 2013. Indústria e Ambiente

Performance of an aerobic granular sequencing batch reactor fed with wastewaters contaminated with Zn<sup>2+</sup>

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2013. Journal of Environmental Management
Book Chapter

Titania nanostructures for environmental remediation

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with D. M. Tobaldi). 2013. Handbook of Functional Nanomaterials

Bioconversion of oleuropein to hydroxytyrosol by lactic acid bacteria

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Santos, M. M.). 2012. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology

Chiral pharmaceuticals in the environment

Paula Castro (with Ribeiro, A.R.). 2012. Environmental Chemistry Letters

Co-metabolic degradation of chlorobenzene by the fluorobenzene degrading wild strain Labrys portucalensis

Paula Castro (with Moreira, I.S.). 2012. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation

Combined use of Pinus pinaster plus and inoculation with selected ectomycorrhizal fungi as an ecotechnology to improve plant performance

Paula Castro (with Oliveira, R.S.). 2012. Ecological Engineering
Book Chapter

Constructed Wetlands for freshwater and saline aquaculture wastewater treatment: a microcosm experience.

Paula Castro (with Jesus J.M.). 2012. IV Foro Iberoamericano de Recursos Marinos y de Acuicultura

Degradation of difluorobenzenes by the wild strain Labrys portucalensis

Paula Castro (with Moreira, I.S.). 2012. Biodegradation

Ectomycorrhizal fungi as an alternative to the use of chemical fertilisers in nursery production of Pinus pinaster

Paula Castro (with Sousa, N.R.). 2012. Journal of Environmental Management

Isolation and characterization of a Rhodococcus strain able to degrade 2-fluorophenol

Paula Castro (with Duque, A.F.). 2012. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Metal uptake by microalgae: Underlying mechanisms and practical applications

Paula Castro (with Monteiro, C.M.). 2012. Biotechnology Progress

Microbial degradation of pharmaceuticals followed by a simple HPLC-DAD method

Paula Castro (with Ribeiro, A.R.). 2012. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering

Modelling growth of, and removal of Zn and Hg by a wild microalgal consortium

Paula Castro & Teresa Maria Ribeiro da Silva Brandão (with Monteiro, C.M.). 2012. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Mycorrhizal symbiosis affected by different genotypes of Pinus pinaster

Paula Castro (with Sousa, N.R.). 2012. Plant and Soil
Book Chapter

Potential of Constructed Wetland Phytotechnology for Tannery Wastewater Treatment

Paula Castro (with Calheiros, Cristina). 2012. Phytotechnologies

The effect of ectomycorrhizal fungi forming symbiosis with Pinus pinaster seedlings exposed to cadmium

Paula Castro (with Sousa, N.R.). 2012. Science of the Total Environment

Toxicity of High Salinity Tannery Wastewater and Effects on Constructed Wetland Plants

Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2012. International Journal of Phytoremediation

Use of constructed wetland systems with Arundo and Sarcocornia for polishing high salinity tannery wastewater

Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2012. Journal of Environmental Management

2-Fluorophenol degradation by aerobic granular sludge in a sequencing batch reactor

Paula Castro (with Duque, A.F.). 2011. Water Research

A molecular and multivariate approach to the microbial community of a commercial shallow raceway marine recirculation system operating with a Moving Bed Biofilter

Paula Castro (with Matos, A.). 2011. Aquaculture Research

Bioaugmentation of a rotating biological contactor for degradation of 2-fluorophenol

Paula Castro (with Duque, A.F.). 2011. Bioresource Technology

Biosorption of zinc ions from aqueous solution by the microalga Scenedesmus obliquus

Paula Castro (with Monteiro, C.M.). 2011. Environmental Chemistry Letters

Capacity of simultaneous removal of zinc and cadmium from contaminated media, by two microalgae isolated from a polluted site

Paula Castro (with Monteiro, C.M.). 2011. Environmental Chemistry Letters

Characterisation of high added value compounds in wastewater throughout the salting process of codfish (Gadus morhua)

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Ferraro V). 2011. Food Chemistry

Development of flow injection potentiometric methods for the off-line and on-line determination of fluoride to monitor the biodegradation of a monofluorophenol in two bioreactors

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Mesquita, R.B.R.). 2011. Talanta

Extraction of valuable compounds from Ginja cherry by-products: Effect of the solvent and antioxidant properties

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Demiray, S.). 2011. Waste and Biomass Valorization

Heavy metal accumulation in plant species indigenous to a contaminated Portuguese site: Prospects for phytoremediation

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Moreira, H.). 2011. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution

Insights into phytoremediation solutions for environmental recovery

Paula Castro (with Samardjieva, K.A.). 2011. Recent Patents on Biotechnology

Método de obtenção de materiais à base de hidroxiapatite a partir de fonte natural

Paula Castro (with M.M.E. Pintado). 2011.
Book Chapter

Microalga-Mediated Bioremediation of Heavy Metal–Contaminated Surface Waters

Paula Castro (with Monteiro, Cristina M.). 2011. Biomanagement of Metal-Contaminated Soils

Polishing domestic wastewater on a subsurface flow constructed wetland: Organic matter removal and microbial monitoring

Paula Castro (with Mina, I.A.-P.). 2011. International Journal of Phytoremediation

Reforestation of burned stands: The effect of ectomycorrhizal fungi on Pinus pinaster establishment

Paula Castro (with Sousa, N.R.). 2011. Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils: An overview of site remediation techniques

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2011. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology

Removal of heavy metals using different polymer matrixes as support for bacterial immobilisation

Paula Castro (with Pires, C.). 2011. Journal of Hazardous Materials

Solvent extraction of sodium chloride from codfish (Gadus morhua) salting processing wastewater

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Ferraro, Vincenza). 2011. Desalination

Toxicity of cadmium and zinc on two microalgae, Scenedesmus obliquus and Desmodesmus pleiomorphus, from Northern Portugal

Paula Castro (with Monteiro, C.M.). 2011. Journal of Applied Phycology
Opinion article

Tratamento de Águas Residuais por meio de Fito-ETAR - Projeto implementado no Paço de Calheiros.

Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2011. Agrotec - Revista técnico-científica agrícola

Assessment of mycorrhizal colonisation and soil nutrients in unmanaged fire-impacted soils from two target restoration sites,Evaluación de la colonización micorrícica y de los nutrientes del suelo en dos zonas de restauración afectadas por fuego

Paula Castro (with Dias, J.M.). 2010. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research

Assessment of the plant growth promotion abilities of six bacterial isolates using Zea mays as indicator plant

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2010. Soil Biology and Biochemistry

Bacterial community dynamics in horizontal flow constructed wetlands with different plants for high salinity industrial wastewater polishing

Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2010. Water Research
Book Chapter

Biodegradation of Organic Xenobiotic Pollutants in the Rhizosphere

Paula Castro (with Azaizeh, Hassan). 2010. Organic Xenobiotics and Plants

Biotreatment of industrial wastewaters under transient-state conditions: Process stability with fluctuations of organic load, substrates, toxicants, and environmental parameters

Paula Castro (with Sipma, J.). 2010. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology

Cadmium Removal by Two Strains of Desmodesmus pleiomorphus Cells

Paula Castro (with Monteiro, C.M.). 2010. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution

Characterisation of soluble nitrogen and muscle proteins in wastewater throughout the salting process of codfish (Gadus morhua)

Paula Castro (with Ferraro, V.). 2010. Chemical Engineering Transactions

Chryseobacterium palustre sp. nov. and chryseobacterium humi sp. nov., isolated from industrially contaminated sediments

Paula Castro (with Pires, C.). 2010. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
Opinion article

Fungos micorrízicos: ferramentas biotecnológicas na fitorrestauração de ecossistemas degradados e produção floresta.

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2010. Boletim de Biotecnologia

Genetic, phenotypic and functional variation within a Glomus geosporum isolate cultivated with or without the stress of a highly alkaline anthropogenic sediment

Paula Castro (with Oliveira, R.S.). 2010. Applied Soil Ecology

High added-value compounds with antibacterial properties from Ginja cherries by-products

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Piccirillo, C.). 2010. Waste and Biomass Valorization

High value added extracts pre-Ginjinha obtained from by-products: stems and leaves and their possible applications

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2010.

Management of nursery practices for efficient ectomycorrhizal fungi application in the production of Quercus ilex

Paula Castro (with Oliveira, R.S.). 2010. Symbiosis

Microbial degradation of 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol followed by a validated HPLC-DAD method

Paula Castro (with Ribeiro, A.R.). 2010. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes

On the utilization of microalgae for brewery effluent treatment and possible applications of the produced biomass

Rui Morais & Paula Castro (with de J. Raposo, M.F.). 2010. Journal of the Institute of Brewing

Phenolic contents and antioxidant activities of Ginginha pre-by-products stems and leaves.

Paula Castro (with M. M Pintado). 2010.

Valorisation of natural extracts from marine source focused on marine by-products: A review

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Ferraro, V.). 2010. Food Research International
Book Chapter

A Água e o Ambiente

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2009. Água, Um Desafio Sem Espaço Nem Tempo

Arsenic, lead and nickel accumulation in Rubus ulmifolius growing in contaminated soil in Portugal

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2009. Journal of Hazardous Materials

Biological treatment of a contaminated gaseous emission from a leather industry in a suspended-growth bioreactor

Paula Castro (with Carvalho, M.F.). 2009. Chemosphere

Changes in the bacterial community structure in two-stage constructed wetlands with different plants for industrial wastewater treatment

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2009. Bioresource Technology

Characterization of Desmodesmus pleiomorphus isolated from a heavy metal-contaminated site: Biosorption of zinc

Paula Castro (with Monteiro, C.M.). 2009. Biodegradation

Direct Metabolic Fingerprinting of Commercial Herbal Tinctures by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Politi, Matteo). 2009. Phytochemical Analysis

Investigations into the application of a combination of bioventing and biotrickling filter technologies for soil decontamination processes-A transition regime between bioventing and soil vapour extraction

Paula Castro (with Magalhães, S.M.C.). 2009. Journal of Hazardous Materials

Isolation of a Xanthobacter sp. degrading dichloromethane and characterization of the gene involved in the degradation

Paula Castro (with Emanuelsson, M.A.E.). 2009. Biodegradation
Book Chapter

Plants Indigenous To Esteiro De Estarreja - Potential For Heavy Metal Phytoremediation

Paula Castro 2009. Soil Remediation

Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils: Phytoremediation as a potentially promising clean-Up technology

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2009. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology

Substrate effect on bacterial communities from constructed wetlands planted with Typha latifolia treating industrial wastewater

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2009. Ecological Engineering

Treatment of industrial wastewater with two-stage constructed wetlands planted with Typha latifolia and Phragmites australis

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2009. Bioresource Technology

Use of the microalga scenedesmus obliquus to remove cadmium cations from aqueous solutions

Paula Castro (with Monteiro, C.M.). 2009. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology

Aerobic and anoxic growth and nitrate removal capacity of a marine denitrifying bacterium isolated from a recirculation aquaculture system

Paula Castro (with Borges, M.-T.). 2008. Microbial Ecology

Antioxidant principles and volatile constituents from the North-western Iberian mint "erva-peixeira", Mentha cervina

Manuela Pintado & Paula Castro (with Politi, M.). 2008. Natural Product Communications

Application of manure and compost to contaminated soils and its effect on zinc accumulation by Solanum nigrum inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2008. Environmental Pollution
Book Chapter

Applications of ectomycorrhizal inocula in nursery and field plantings.

Paula Castro (with Vosátka, M.). 2008. Mycorrhiza Works - Applications and real case field studies

Biodegradation of 2-fluorobenzoate and dichloromethane under simultaneous and sequential alternating pollutant feeding

Paula Castro (with Osuna, M.B.). 2008. Water Research

EDDS and EDTA-enhanced zinc accumulation by solanum nigrum inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi grown in contaminated soil

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2008. Chemosphere

Evaluation of different substrates to support the growth of Typha latifolia in constructed wetlands treating tannery wastewater over long-term operation

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2008. Bioresource Technology
Book Chapter

Field inoculation of Alnus glutinosa with mycorrhizal fungi for phytorestoration of highly alkaline anthropogenic sediments.

Paula Castro (with Oliveira, R.S.). 2008. Mycorrhiza Works - Applications and real case field studies

Labrys portucalensis sp. nov., a fluorobenzene-degrading bacterium isolated from an industrially contaminated sediment in northern Portugal

Paula Castro (with Carvalho, M.F.). 2008. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
Book Chapter

Plants Indigenous To Esteiro De Estarreja - Potential For Heavy Metal Phytoremediation.

Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2008. Soil Remediation

The effects of tannery wastewater on the development of different plant species and chromium accumulation in Phragmites australis

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2008. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

Treatment of halogenated organic compounds and monitoring of microbial dynamics in up-flow fixed bed reactors under sequentially alternating pollutant scenarios

Paula Castro (with Emanuelsson, M.A.E.). 2008. Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Adsorption of fluorobenzene onto granular activated carbon: Isotherm and bioavailability studies

Paula Castro (with Carvalho, M.F.). 2007. Bioresource Technology

Aerobic biological treatment of waste-waters containing dichloromethane

Paula Castro (with Moura, S.C.). 2007. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology

Constructed wetland systems vegetated with different plants applied to the treatment of tannery wastewater

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2007. Water Research

Effect of arsenic, lead and zinc on seed germination and plant growth in black nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.) vs. clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.)

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2007. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

Microbiology for chemical engineers - From macro to micro scale

Paula Castro (with Emanuelsson, E.A.C.). 2007. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering

Solanum nigrum grown in contaminated soil: Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on zinc accumulation and histolocalisation

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2007. Environmental Pollution

The use of an oil-absorber-bioscrubber system during biodegradation of sequentially alternating loadings of 1,2-dichloroethane and fluorobenzene in a waste gas

Paula Castro (with Koutinas, M.). 2007. Chemical Engineering Science

Zinc accumulation in plant species indigenous to a Portuguese polluted site: Relation with soil contamination

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2007. Journal of Environmental Quality

Biodegradation of 2-fluorobenzoate in upflow fixed bed bioreactors operated with different growth support materials

Paula Castro (with Emanuelsson, M.A.E.). 2006. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology

Degradation of fluorobenzene by Rhizobiales strain F11 via ortho cleavage of 4-fluorocatechol and catechol

Paula Castro (with Carvalho, M.F.). 2006. Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Different native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi influence the coexistence of two plant species in a highly alkaline anthropogenic sediment

Paula Castro (with Oliveira, R.S.). 2006. Plant and Soil

Long-term performance and microbial dynamics of an up-flow fixed bed reactor established for the biodegradation of fluorobenzene

Paula Castro (with Carvalho, M.F.). 2006. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Microbial dynamics and bioreactor stability in an oil-absorber-bioscrubber system exposed to an alternating sequence of 1,2-dichloroethane and fluorobenzene

Paula Castro (with Koutinas, M.). 2006. AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings

Zinc accumulation in Solanum nigrum is enhanced by different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Marques, A.P.G.C.). 2006. Chemosphere
Book Chapter

Ensino de Engenharia do Ambiente - uma reflexão

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 2005. APEA – 20 anos, 20 temas

Isolation and characterization of polymeric galloyl-ester-degrading bacteria from a tannery discharge place

Célia Manaia & Paula Castro (with Franco, A.R.). 2005. Microbial Ecology

Isolation and properties of a pure bacterial strain capable of fluorobenzene degradation as sole carbon and energy source

Paula Castro (with Carvalho, M.F.). 2005. Environmental Microbiology

Studies on the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the efficacy of two native isolates in a highly alkaline anthropogenic sediment

Paula Castro (with Oliveira, R.S.). 2005. Mycorrhiza

Synergistic effect of Glomus intraradices and Frankia spp. on the growth and stress recovery of Alnus glutinosa in an alkaline anthropogenic sediment

Paula Castro (with Oliveira, R.S.). 2005. Chemosphere

Biodegradation of p-chlorophenol by a microalgae consortium

Rui Morais & Paula Castro (with Lima, S.A.C.). 2004. Water Research

Biodegradation of p-nitrophenol by microalgae

Rui Morais & Paula Castro (with Lima, S.A.C.). 2003. Journal of Applied Phycology

Biological treatment of a contaminated gaseous emission containing monochlorobenzene

António O. S. S. Rangel & Paula Castro (with Bastos, F.S.C.). 2003. Environmental Technology

Biological treatment of a contaminated gaseous emission from a paint and varnish plant - From laboratory studies to pilot-scale operation

Paula Castro (with Bastos, F.S.C.). 2003. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology

Epifluorescence microscope methods for bacterial enumeration in a 4-chlorophenol degrading consortium

Paula Castro & Paula Teixeira (with Pacheco, C.C.). 2003. Biotechnology Letters

Performance of outdoor seawater treatment systems for recirculation in an intensive turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) farm

Paula Castro (with Borges, M.-T.). 2003. Aquaculture International

Enrichment of microbial cultures able to degrade 1,3-dichloro-2-propanol: A comparison between batch and continuous methods

Paula Castro (with Bastos, F.). 2002. Biodegradation

Isolation and initial characterization of a bacterial consortium able to mineralize fluorobenzene

Paula Castro (with Carvalho, M.F.). 2002. Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Phytoremediation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, anilines and phenols

Paula Castro (with Harvey, P.J.). 2002. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

A GAC biofilm reactor for the continuous degradation of 4-chlorophenol: Treatment efficiency and microbial analysis

Isabel Vasconcelos & Paula Castro (with Carvalho, M.F.). 2001. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Book Chapter

Ecoética, ou responsabilidade humana para com o ambiente.

Paula Castro (with Castro, P.M.L.). 2001. Novos Desafios à Bioética

Influence of plant components on the degradation of 4-nitrophenol by a bacterial consortium isolated from the rhizosphere of Phragmites australis

Célia Manaia & Paula Castro (with Oliveira, R.S.). 2001. Minerva Biotecnologica

The mycorrhizal status of Phragmites australis in several polluted soils and sediments of an industrialised region of Northern Portugal

Paula Castro (with Oliveira, R.S.). 2001. Mycorrhiza

4-Chlorophenol degradation by a bacterial consortium: Development of a granular activated carbon biofilm reactor

Isabel Vasconcelos & Paula Castro (with Caldeira, M.). 1999. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

CHO cell growth and recombinant interferon-γ production: Effects of BSA, Pluronic and lipids

Paula Castro (with Castro, P.M.L.). 1995. Cytotechnology

The macroheterogeneity of recombinant human interferon-γ produced by Chinese-hamster ovary cells is affected by the protein and lipid content of the culture medium

Paula Castro (with Castro, P.M.L.). 1995. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry

Effect of lipid supplements on the production and glycosylation of recombinant interferon-γ expressed in CHO cells

Paula Castro (with Jenkins, N.). 1994. Cytotechnology

Optimisation of CHO cell growth and gama-interferon production

Paula Castro (with Castro, Paula). 1994. University College London, Department of Biochemical Engineering
Book Chapter

Statistical Design of Culture Medium for Recombinant Interferon-¿ Production

Paula Castro (with Castro, P. M. L.). 1993. Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects

Application of a statistical design to the optimization of culture medium for recombinant interferon-gamma production by Chinese hamster ovary cells

Paula Castro (with Castro, P.M.L.). 1992. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology