Beatriz Bernardes - Testemunho

Beatriz Bernardes

Doctoral Student and Assistant Professor
Faculty of Biotechnology, Portuguese Catholic University
Master's in Biomedical Engineering

The master's degree in Biomedical Engineering allowed me to acquire basic and specific concepts related to healthcare, hospitals, and engineering. During the course, I had no idea how important these could be in my professional life and how much they could be applied in many areas, not only in the biomedical area. I had the opportunity to apply all these concepts in my professional life. This started in a company specialized in ​​heat transfer, more specifically, in the development of isothermal systems for the Food, Pharmaceutical and Hospital areas. The master’s in biomedical engineering allowed me to acquire skills not developed before, such as the response to certain challenges imposed during the course and the development of soft skills (critical thinking, teamwork, communication, organization, among others). ESB is a second home for me. In 2013 I started my degree and since then I have always been linked to the institution. During my academic career I was involved in the student union, biotechnology days, praxis, and mentoring program. I must thank the ESB for giving me the opportunity to grow by participating in the most varied actions created by the university and the students, as well as the interpersonal relationship we established with the organization's professors and professionals. During all this, what I miss the most is being daily with the friends that college gave me, without having great responsibilities and worries, it's no wonder that the final year touches us in the way that everyone we've been through here knows. My post-master's career started in what I always wanted, in an industry. During my academic career, I never questioned pursuing research, let alone pursuing a PhD. However, after 2 years working in the industrial sector, I realized that what really made me happy was the research area, so today, I am doing a PhD at the institution that welcomed me so well.

Francisca Costa - Testemunho

Francisca Costa

Production area (biomaterial for bone regeneration) | Collaborate with the Design & Development department
Artur Salgado, S.A.
Master's in Biomedical Engineering


The Master's in Biomedical Engineering offered me adequate technical tools that guided my immediate insertion in the job market and I believe that the versatile skills acquired in this institution will be fundamental to define my professional path in a competent and promising way. In addition, I highlight all the soft skills that I also had the opportunity to develop, from critical thinking, responsibility, teamwork or communication and organization skills, which shaped me professionally and personally!

This is an institution that distinctly promotes communication between students and faculty, establishing, from the beginning, a proactive and receptive environment that always made me feel supported and motivated throughout my academic career!

João Alexandre - Testemunho

João Alexandre

Authorization and Operations Analyst in SAP
Siemens SA
Master's in Biomedical Engineering

The passage through the Master in Biomedical Engineering enabled me to develop analytical and technical qualities, as well as work methodologies that allowed me to succeed in the job market. Additionally, I was able to take advantage of the University's Student and Employability support services, to help me with my entry into professional life.

It was at MEB where I was able to develop and mature characteristics such as: ambition, creativity, investigative spirit and problem solving. As such, these characteristics will always be transversal to my personal life and what it means to be a Biomedical Engineer.

Classes, group work, colleagues, and the possibility of working on ambitious projects together with the teachers, as an equal.

Until now, my career corresponds to what I was looking for: to enter a business and multinational environment. As for dreams, they adapt and evolve so that I can continue to pursue new goals.

Marta Sofia Magalhães Duarte - Testemunho

Marta Sofia Magalhães Duarte

PhD Scholarship in Biotechnology
Center for Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry, School of Biotechnology, Portuguese Catholic University
Master's in Biomedical Engineering

In general, the Master's in Biomedical Engineering at UCP has helped me immensely to acquire the talents and the critical and creative spirit necessary to embark on a career in scientific research. The focus on practical work and encouragement of scientific writing during my stay in this master's degree made the entering on a laboratory environment much more comfortable. More personally, it was during this master's degree that I had my first contact with the area of ​​Biomaterials, a field that captivated me immensely, and which I decided to pursue during my PhD project.

Before my stay at the UCP, I felt somewhat intimidated in laboratory environments, as much of my undergraduate training had a more theoretical focus. Due to the more practical focus of this master's degree, I was able to develop a lot in this aspect. I now feel much more confident as a researcher, and this confidence has also spread beyond the professional field.

Although I love the scientific area where I am, I miss the times as a student where you are exposed to a large number of different scientific branches and specialists, learning a little bit of everything. Absolutely. When I first applied for a degree, my desire was to pursue a career in scientific research. Being a PhD fellow is a dream come true.

Neuza Botelho

Neuza Botelho

Departamento médico
Janssen-Farmacêutica Portugal
Mestrado em Engenharia Biomédica

Esta é uma escola com grande reputação ao nível da biotecnologia, com um nível de exigência muito elevado e que promove ativamente a proximidade e interação entre alunos e professores. Em particular gostaria de destacar a rede privilegiada de contactos internacionais que me proporcionaram a fantástica e enriquecedora oportunidade de integrar a Universidade de Oxford, onde desenvolvi a minha dissertação de mestrado. O conjunto de todos os conhecimentos adquiridos e experiências vividas fizeram com que o meu percurso profissional começasse a ser traçado num rumo promissor logo após terminar o meu mestrado.

É sem dúvida uma faculdade que desenvolve não só profissionais mas também pessoas. Os meus agradecimentos a esta excelente escola!

Randy Quintus - Testemunho

Randy Quintus

Deployment and Support Engineer
Sectra – Medical imaging IT
Master's in Biomedical Engineering

Throughout my master’s degree, I was introduced to various concepts and tools related to medical imaging, hospital management and even coding. Since I am currently working in the field of medical imaging IT, I am able to apply some of that knowledge on a daily basis.

Due to the multiple group assignments during this degree, I was able to increase some of my soft skills such as: communication skills, time management and listening skills.

What I most fondly remember from my student days at ESB are the professors. The majority of the professors appeared to be very accessible. I was always able to reach out to my professors and asking them for advice/feedback, inside and outside the classroom. In fact, most professors were encouraging their students to reach out to them in case of any doubts. As a result, I always felt supported throughout my master’s degree.

Raquel Pires - Testemunho

Raquel Pires

IT Quality Assurance
Master's in Biomedical Engineering

The complete training in a laboratory area, but also the approach of the course in a more technical area, gave me an aptitude to play roles in different vacancies and different areas. I led me to discover new interests and work on important characteristics for the world of work such as resilience and critical thinking. Fortunately, my experience was relatively quick, because I managed to get a job before defending my master's thesis. What I miss the most is the group of friends I was able to build and the more familiar atmosphere that distinguishes Escola Superior de Biotecnologia from other faculties. I feel that I am in a phase of discovery and realizing the different opportunities that this course offers us, but I can certainly say that now I feel very fulfilled with the professional activity I am currently in. I consider myself happy with the professional path I'm starting to chart and looking forward to what's to come!

Teresa Araújo - Testemunho

Teresa Araújo

Tech Analyst
Deloitte Portugal
Master's in Biomedical Engineering

During my time at the Catholic University, I acquired a very complete training (both theoretically and practically), thus enhancing my professional evolution. Over the years, I acquired diversified knowledge that helped me to know how to work outside my comfort zone. Personally, I feel that I have grown a lot on a personal level, mainly due to extracurricular experiences. I would like to highlight my involvement in CASO (volunteering) and also the Erasmus experience in Rome. As a student, I will always remember the closeness and bond created with the teachers, as well as the good atmosphere with my colleagues. As the Biomedical Engineering course is very multidisciplinary, there are different types of careers that we can follow. The field of consultancy has always interested me, which is why I am highly motivated by this recent entry into the professional world.


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