
PhD in Biology, Master in Toxicology and Degree in Biology from the University of Aveiro. Sofia Pereira is a researcher at the Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina and regent of the Mycology course of the Microbiology degree.

Her scientific interests focus on the development of bioinocula formulations to increase the growth and resilience of crops under stress conditions, as well as on the use of phytoremediation and phytomanagement strategies for the recovery of environmentally degraded areas. She is involved in several national and international projects, as well as, in the supervision of students from different academic levels. Currently, she is associate editor of Frontiers in Plant Science (Plant Symbiotic Interactions section) and guest editor of several special issues.


Bacterial and Macro/mesofauna Diversity of a Portuguese Mine Tailing

Sofia Pereira (with Sousa, A.S.S.). 2023. Global Soil Biodiversity
Book Chapter

Biodiversity associated to floating wetland islands

Sofia Pereira (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2023. Proceedings of The 5th International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Management: Sustainable Development of Water Resource and Environmental Management

Chitosan-hydroxyapatite composites made from sustainable sources: A morphology and antibacterial study

Sofia Pereira & Paula Castro (with Scalera, F.). 2023. Materials Today Sustainability

Editorial | Special issue - Urban food production: challenges and opportunities towards sustainable cities

Sofia Pereira (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2023.

Effect of Bioinoculants and Biochar on Grapevine-Associated Soil Microbial Communities

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2023. Global Soil Biodiversity

Fostering plant growth by the inoculation of rhizobacteria isolated from a mine tailing

Sofia Pereira (with Sousa, A.S.S.). 2023. Final Phy2Sudoe Workshop

Impact of soybean-associated plant growth-promoting bacteria on plant growth modulation under alkaline soil conditions

Sofia Pereira (with Roriz, M.). 2023. Heliyon

Improving soil macro- and meso-fauna diversity of Mediterranean agrosystems: Application to maize crops and vineyards

Sofia Pereira (with Delcourt, N.). 2023. Global Soil Biodiversity

Long-term effects of phytomanagement with Populus sp. on soil biodiversity

Sofia Pereira (with Epelde, L.). 2023. Global Soil Biodiversity

Oral presentation - Application of phytomanagement strategies in contaminated areas of the SUDOE space

Sofia Pereira (with Mench, M.). 2023. ICOBTE / ICHMET 2023

Oral presentation - Macrofauna biodiversity assessment in a real scale constructed wetland for wastewater treatment

Sofia Pereira (with Magalhães, J.). 2023. 16ª Edição Encontro Investigação Jovem Universidade do Porto

Phytotechnology implementation in marine and freshwater environments: case study of floating wetlands

Sofia Pereira (with Octaviano, A.L.). 2023. 16ª Edição Encontro Investigação Jovem Universidade do Porto
Book Chapter

Resilience of green roofs to climate change

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2023. Adapting the Built Environment for Climate Change. Design Principles for Climate Emergencies

Rhizobacterial Isolates from the Metal Hyperaccumulator Noccaea caerulescens Growing in a Ni Enriched Soil

Sofia Pereira (with Prieto-Fernández, Á.). 2023. Global Soil Biodiversity

Study of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional ripened foods and partial characterization of their bacteriocins

Sofia Pereira (with Martín, I.). 2023. LWT

Assessment of metallophytes diversity in a metal(loid) contaminated Portuguese mine for phytotechnological purposes

Sofia Pereira (with Sousa, A.S.S.). 2022. Encontro Ciência'22
Book Chapter

Biomass Production and Energetic Valorization in Constructed Wetlands.

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2022. Bioenergy crops: sustainable means of phytoremediation

Effect of microbial and biochar application on sunflower growth and metal accumulation

Sofia Pereira (with Godinho, M.). 2022. miCROPe'22 - International symposium Microbe-assisted crop production -Opportunities, challenges & needs

Effects of biochar and bioinocula on biomass and Cu accumulation of sunflower grown in a metal contaminated mining soil

Sofia Pereira (with Godinho, M.). 2022. Encontro Ciência'22

Fertilizer potential of slurry from intensive dairy cattle farms in Intensive production forestry systems

Sofia Pereira (with Menino, R.). 2022. International Journal of Hydrology

Floating islands implementation in marine and freshwater environments

Sofia Pereira (with Octaviano, A.L.M.). 2022. 2nd EUGLOH Plant Science Meeting, FCUP, Porto; Portugal

Inocula size and salinity stress impact PGPR outcomes on maize plants

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2022. miCROPe'22 - International symposium Microbe-assisted crop production -Opportunities, challenges & needs

Leaflet: ReCROP - Bioinocula and cropping systems: an integrated biotechnological approach for improving crop yield, biodiversity and resilience of mediterranean agro-ecosystemsMS

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2022.

Long term application of a constructed wetland for phytoremediation of domestic wastewater: macrofauna biodiversity assessment

Sofia Pereira (with Magalhães, J.). 2022. 2º EUGLOH Plant Science Meeting, FCUP, Porto

Nature-based solutions for urban agriculture in buildings: challenges and opportunities

Sofia Pereira (with Ma, M.W.). 2022. 2nd EUGLOH Plant Science Meeting, FCUP, Porto; Portugal

Nature-based solutions for urban climate regulation and air quality

Sofia Pereira (with Man, T.M.). 2022. Blue Think Conference 2022, September, Matosinhos, Portugal

News article: Áreas mineiras contaminadas: soluções no presente de problemas do passado... para que possa haver futuro! In: Arquivo notícias ESB-UCP

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I. A.). 2022.

News article: ESB implementa novo campo experimental em solos contaminados de Estarreja. In: Arquivo notícias ESB-UCP site.

Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2022.

News article: Escola Superior de Biotecnologia participou em projeto inovador de gestão de efluentes. In: Arquivo notícias ESB-UCP

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2022.

News article: ReCROP: projeto de investigação promove a sustentabilidade agrícola na região Mediterrânica. In: Arquivo de notícias ESB-UCP

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A). 2022.

News article: Uma visão holística do Solo. In: Arquivo notícias ESB-UCP site.

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2022.

Oral Presentation - Advancing in the application of innovative phytomanagement strategies in contaminated areas of the Sudoe space: Progress of the Phy2Sudoe project

Sofia Pereira (with Mench, M.). 2022. 8th European Bioremediation Conference

Oral presentation - Biodiversity associated to a floating wetland island in a freshwater pond

Sofia Pereira (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2022. 3rd International Conference of Ecological and Environmental Engineering

Oral Presentation - Floating wetland islands to support biodiversity promotion in a freshwater pond

Sofia Pereira (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2022. The 5th International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Management (WREM 2022)

Oral presentation -Hydroxyapatite-chitosan 3D scaffolds made from natural and sustainable sources

Sofia Pereira (with Scalera, F.). 2022. BioCeramics '32

Oral presentation- Isolation of metal-tolerant bacteria from metallophytes for bioaugmentation purposes in mine tailings

Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2022. SUITMA
Opinion article

Os efluentes da exploração intensiva de bovinos. Uma experiência estruturada na defesa do ambiente e da economia agrária.

Sofia Pereira (with Menino, R.). 2022. Voz do Campo - Agrociência

Performance assessment of a real scale constructed wetland for wastewater treatment

Sofia Pereira (with Magalhães, J.). 2022. Blue Think Conference 2022, September, Matosinhos, Portugal

Physical, Chemical, and Microbiological Characterization of Kettara Mine Tailings, Morocco

Sofia Pereira & Paula Castro (with Benidire, Leila). 2022. Soil Systems

Plant based systems for urban climate regulation and air quality

Sofia Pereira (with Man, T. M.). 2022. 2nd EUGLOH Plant Science Meeting, FCUP, Porto; Portugal

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and hydrogels as a sustainable strategy for improving maize growth under drought-stress

Sofia Pereira (with Nóbrega, V.). 2022. Encontro Ciência' 22

Proyecto ReCROP: Mejorando la diversidad microbiana del suelo en agroecosistemas mediterráneos

Sofia Pereira (with Epelde, L.). 2022. MikrobioGune. II. Basque Microbiology Meeting

ReCROP : Bioinocula and CROPping systems: an integrated biotechnological approach for improving crop yield, biodiversity and REsilience of Mediterranean agro-ecosystems

Sofia Pereira (with Delcourt, N.). 2022. Joint Meeting, International Conference on Ecological Sciences

Remediation of metal-contaminated mine tailings by the application of organic and mineral amendments

Sofia Pereira 2022. Journal of Soils and Sediments

Restoration of trace element contaminated soils using Vetiver (Chryzopogon zizanioides) and a microbial-enriched hydrogel

Sofia Pereira (with Rodrigues, N.). 2022. Encontro Ciência'22

Use of bioinoculants in wine terroir: effects on soil microbial activity and on must properties

Sofia Pereira (with Darú, F.). 2022. Encontro Ciência'22

Diversity of metallophytes and metal(loid)-tolerant bacterial strains in a portuguese mine for phytotechnologies purposes

Sofia Pereira (with Sousa, S). 2021. MicroBiotec21


Sofia Pereira & Eduardo Luís Cardoso (with R. Menino). 2021. Ruminantes
Opinion article

GO-BIOCHORUME - Sistemas biológicos de utilização do chorume proveniente de explorações de pecuária intensiva de bovinos leiteiros

Sofia Pereira (with Menino, R.). 2021. Ruminantes

Iron metabolism in soybean grown in calcareous soil is influenced by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria - a functional analysis

Sofia Pereira (with Roriz, M). 2021. Rhizosphere
Book Chapter

Microbial solutions to mitigate salt stress in food crops

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2021. Salt Stress Responses in Plants: Perception, Signaling, Omics and Tolerance Mechanism

News article: Economia circular: das vacas à terra às árvores. In: Arquivo notícias ESB-UCP site.

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2021.

News article: Há bactérias que ajudam o milho quando não chove. In: Arquivo notícias ESB-UCP site.

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2021.

News article: Projeto Phy2SUDOE pretende encontrar soluções para recuperar solos contaminados. In: Arquivo notícias ESB-UCP site.

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2021.

Oral presentation - Extracellular polymeric substances recovered from aerobic granular sludge - a natural material for different applications.

Sofia Pereira (with Oliveira, A.). 2021. 5th International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics and Finance and International Conference on Rethinking Treatment with Asset Management.

Oral presentation - Potential of slurry from intensive dairy cattle farms for Paulownia and Populus trees, as organic fertilizer: I. Effect on production.

Sofia Pereira (with Menino, R.). 2021. EurAgAgent 2021 Conference

Oral Presentation - Trace element contents, microbial communities and enzymaticactivities of urban Soils. A case Study from the City of Marrakech, Morocco

Sofia Pereira (with Boularbah, A.). 2021. VIII International Conference on Landscapeand Urban Horticulture

Phytomanagement of metal(loid)-contaminated soils: options, efficiency and value.

Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2021. Frontiers in Environmental Science.

Potential of slurry from intensive dairy cattle farms for Paulownia and Populus trees, as organic fertilizer: I. Effect on production

Sofia Pereira (with Menino, R.). 2021. Proceedings Book: EurAgAgent 2021 Conference

Spatial-Temporal Changes in Removal of Fecal Indicators and Diversity of Bacterial Communities in a Constructed Wetland with Ornamental Plants

Sofia Pereira & Paula Castro (with Cristina Sousa Coutinho Calheiros). 2021. Applied Sciences

Synergistic effect of organo-mineral amendments and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on the establishment of vegetation cover and amelioration of mine tailings

Sofia Pereira (with Benidire, L.). 2021. Chemosphere

Technical guide on strategies to enhance phytomanagement efficiency at metal(loid)-polluted/degraded sites: planting patterns, bioinoculation and soil organic amendments. ISBN: 978-972-99060-9-1.

Sofia Pereira (with Moreira H.). 2021.
Book Chapter

The use of plants and associated microorganisms in the phytoremediation of salt-affected soils

Sofia Pereira & Paula Castro (with Moreira, H.). 2021. Salt Stress Responses in Plants: Perception, Signaling, Omics and Tolerance Mechanism
Book Chapter

Constructed wetlands as nature-based solutions

Sofia Pereira & Paula Castro (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2020. An Introduction to Constructed Wetlands

Leaflet: Biochorume - Sistemas Biológicos de utilização do chorume proveniente de explorações de pecuária intensiva de bovinos leiteiros.

Sofia Pereira (with Cardoso, E.). 2020.

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) improve the growth and nutrient use efficiency in maize (Zea mays L.) under water deficit conditions

Sofia Pereira & Paula Castro (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2020. Heliyon

Synergistic effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth-promoting bacteria benefit maize growth under increasing soil salinity

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2020. Journal of Environmental Management

Diverse Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) Communities Colonize Plants Inhabiting a Constructed Wetland for Wastewater Treatment

Sofia Pereira (with Cristina S. C. Calheiros). 2019. Water

Do metal contamination and plant species affect microbial abundance and bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of metallophytes growing in mining areas in a semiarid climate?

Sofia Pereira (with Benidire, L.). 2019. Journal of Soils and Sediments

Effects of soil sterilization and metal spiking in plant growth promoting rhizobacteria selection for phytotechnology purposes

António O. S. S. Rangel, Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Helena Moreira). 2019. Geoderma

Employment of phosphate solubilising bacteria on fish scales - Turning food waste into an available phosphorus source

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Santana, C.A.). 2019. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Employment of phosphate solubilising bacteria on fish scales – Turning food waste into an available phosphorus source

Sofia Pereira (with A. Santana, C.). 2019. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Guide on best practices for phytomanaging metal(loid)-contaminated soils

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2019.

Oral presentation - Microbial assisted phytotechnologies to recover degraded soils.

Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2019. Science and Technology Summit in Portugal.

Trace and major element contents, microbial communities, and enzymatic activities of urban soils of Marrakech city along an anthropization gradient

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Naylo, A.). 2019. Journal of Soils and Sediments

Approach to Phytotechnology Regulatory and Market Trends in Europe. Future perspectives

Sofia Pereira (with Vega, A.). 2018. PhytoSUDOE Final Conference

Assessment of Metal(loid)s phytoavailability in mining soils

Sofia Pereira (with Ávila, P.). 2018. 2nd Annual Congress on Soil and Water Sciences. Berlin, Germany

Assessment of Metal(loid)s phytoavailability in mining soils

Sofia Pereira (with Ávila, P.). 2018. 2nd Annual Congress on Soil and Water Sciences. Journal of Geology & Geophysics, Conference series. 7

Beneficial effects of phytomanagement options on soil structural and functional microbial biodiversity.

Sofia Pereira (with Urra, J.). 2018. The 15th International Phytotechnologies Conference. Novi Sad, Serbia

Culturable bacteria associated to the rhizosphere and tissues of Iris pseudacorus plants growing in a treatment wetland for winery wastewater discharge

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2018. Ecological Engineering

News article: Plantations and tests for phytoremedition in site S3 (Borralha mine, Portugal). In: news archive of PhytoSudoe site

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2018.

News article: Projeto GO-Biochorume inicia trabalhos de campo. In: Arquivo notícias ESB-UCP site.

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2018.

Oral presentation - Are PGPR traits and the inoculum size relevant for inoculation purposes in mine affected soils?

Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2018. The 15th International Phytotechnologies Conference.

Oral presentation - Do soil sterilization and metal spiking affect PGPR selection for phytotechnology purposes?

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2018. The 15th International Phytotechnologies Conference

Phytotechnologies in degraded soils - the example of Borralha mine in Portugal

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2018. The 15th International Phytotechnologies Conference. Novi Sad, Serbia

Assessment of culturable bacterial endophytic communities colonizing Canna flaccida inhabiting a wastewater treatment constructed wetland

António O. S. S. Rangel, Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2017. Ecological Engineering

Bioinoculants as plants allies in phytotechnological approaches to soil requalification

Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2017. miCROPe’17 - International symposium microbe-assisted crop production – opportunities, challenges and needs. Vienna, Austria

Effect of the inoculation of plant growth promoting bacteria on maize plants to improve their growth under drought stress

Sofia Pereira (with Abreu, D.). 2017. MicroBiotec’17 - Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Porto, Portugal

Endophytic bacteria from aromatic plants and their potential for bioinoculation on Green Roofs vegetation

Sofia Pereira (with Monteiro, C.). 2017. MicroBiotec’17 - Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Porto, Portugal

Grapevine growth response to bioinoculants and biochar application

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2017. MicroBiotec’17 - Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Porto, Portugal

Metal(loid)-Contaminated Soils as a Source of Culturable Heterotrophic Aerobic Bacteria for Remediation Applications

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pires, C.). 2017. Geomicrobiology Journal

News article: Phytoremediation experiments in site S3 (Borralha mine, Portugal). In: Archive news PhtoSudoe project

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2017.

Oral presentation - Recovering contaminated soils through phytomanagement in Southwest Europe: the PhytoSUDOE project. The 14th International Phytotechnologies Conference. September 25-29, Montreal, Canada.

Sofia Pereira (with Mench, M.). 2017. The 14th International Phytotechnologies Conference

The effect of bioinoculants on grapevine development.

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2017. miCROPe’17 - International symposium microbe-assisted crop production – opportunities, challenges and needs. Vienna, Austria
Opinion article

Use Trash to carry and clean on

Sofia Pereira (with Madureira, A.R.). 2017. Voz do Campo. Agrociência

Valorisation of mining areas using phytotechnologies – a field experiment.

Sofia Pereira (with Vega, A.L.). 2017. MicroBiotec’17 - Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Porto, Portugal.

Assessment of plant growth promoting bacterial populations in the rhizosphere of metallophytes from the Kettara mine, Marrakech

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Benidire, L.). 2016. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Crop P efficiency: P-solubilising rhizobacteria

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2016. European Sustainable Phosporous Plataform. Scope Newletter nº 119

Endophytic culturable bacteria colonizing Lavandula dentata L. plants: Isolation, characterization and evaluation of their plant growth-promoting activities

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2016. Ecological Engineering

Impact of heavy metals and metalloids on soil microorganisms of mining areas

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2016. Contaminated Soils: Sources, Properties and Impacts

Mine land valorization through energy maize production enhanced by the application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

António O. S. S. Rangel, Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2016. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Promotion of sunflower growth under saline water irrigation by the inoculation of beneficial microorganisms

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2016. Applied Soil Ecology

Selection of metal resistant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for the growth and metal accumulation of energy maize in a mine soil - Effect of the inoculum size

António O. S. S. Rangel, Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2016. Geoderma

Selection of metal resistant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria for the growth and metal accumulation of energy maize in a mine soil — Effect of the inoculum size

António O. S. S. Rangel & Sofia Pereira (with Helena Moreira). 2016. Geoderma

Assessment of rhizospheric culturable bacteria of Phragmites australis and Juncus effusus from polluted sites

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.). 2015. Journal of Basic Microbiology

Bioinocula application in maize plants growing in a P-deficient agricultural soil

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2015. WETPOL 2015 - 6th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control Annual Conference of the Constructed Wetland Association. York, United Kingdom

Bioinoculants for Zea mays production in P-deficient agricultural soils

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2015. miCROPe’15 - International symposium microbe-assisted crop production – opportunities, challenges and needs. Vienna, Austria

Effect of benfluralin on Pinus pinea seedlings mycorrhized with Pisolithus tinctorius and Suillus bellinii - Study of plant antioxidant response

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Franco, A.R.). 2015. Chemosphere

Effect of benfluralin on Pinus pinea seedlings mycorrhized with Pisolithus tinctorius and Suillus bellinii – Study of plant antioxidant response

Sofia Pereira (with Franco, Albina R.). 2015. Chemosphere

Mine land valorization through energy maize production enhanced by the application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, Helena). 2015. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Oral presentation - Assessment of culturable endophytic community of Canna flaccida plants growing in a constructed wetland.

Sofia Pereira (with Calheiros, C.S.C.). 2015. WETPOL 2015 - 6th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control Annual Conference of the Constructed Wetland Association.

Oral presentation - Effects of the inoculation with soil microorganisms on maize grown in saline soils.

Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2015. EUCARPIA- European Association for Research on Plant Breeding - Working group on Implementing Plant Microbe Interaction into Plant Breeding.

Rhizobacteria isolated from a metal-polluted area enhance plant growth in zinc and cadmium-contaminated soil

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2015. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

The role of bioinocula application on plant performance in different environments

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2015. MicroBiotec’15 - Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Évora, Portugal

Application of maize and efficient rhizospheric microorganisms for the remediation of saline soils

Sofia Pereira (with Moreira, H.). 2014. International Congress on Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils. Vigo, Spain

Diversity and characterization of culturable bacterial endophytes from Zea mays and their potential as plant growth-promoting agents in metal-degraded soils

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2014. Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Growth promotional traits of five PGPR: possible uses for phytoremediation of degraded soils

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2014. International Congress on Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils. Vigo, Spain

Oral presentation - Improved biological activity and fertility of mining waste by organic and inorganic amendments.

Sofia Pereira (with Benidire, L.). 2014. 16th Congress of the African Association for Biological Nitrogen Fixation and the 4th congress of the Moroccan Association of Microbiology.

Phosphate-solubilizing rhizobacteria enhance Zea mays growth in agricultural P-deficient soils

Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2014. Ecological Engineering

Bacteria immobilisation on hydroxyapatite surface for heavy metals removal.

Manuela Pintado, Paula Castro & Sofia Pereira (with Piccirillo, C). 2013. Journal of environmental management

Bacteria immobilised on hydroxyapatite surface for waste water treatment

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2013. MicroBiotec’13. Aveiro, Portugal

Growth promotional traits of five metal resistant PGPR – possible uses for phytoattenuation of Cd and Zn contaminated land

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2013. MicroBiotec’13. Aveiro, Portugal

The effect of phosphate-solubilizing rhizobacteria on Zea mays growth on P-deficient soils

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2013. MicroBiotec’13. Aveiro, Portugal

Degradation pathway of mono-fluorophenol by Pisolithus tinctorius: Influence on protein expression

Sofia Pereira (with Franco, A.R.). 2012. 5th International Symposium on Biosorption and Bioremediation. Prague, Czech Republic

Effect of organic pollutants on ectomycorrhizal symbiosis

Sofia Pereira (with Franco, A.R.). 2012. 7th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment. Oporto, Portugal

Método de obtenção de materiais à base de hidroxiapatite a partir de fonte natural, materiais relacionados e seus usos. Patent nr. WO2013057720A2

Sofia Pereira (with Pintado, M.M.E.). 2012.

Plant growth promoting potential of rhizobacteria isolated from a contaminated area

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2012. 5th International Symposium on Biosorption and Bioremediation. Prague, Czech Republic

The Influence of Glutathione on the Tolerance of Rhizobium leguminosarum to Cadmium

Sofia Pereira (with Corticeiro Sofia). 2012. Toxicity of Heavy Metals to Legumes and Bioremediation

The role of microbial inoculants on plant growth promotion

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2012. COST FA1103: Endophytes in Biotechnology and Agriculture, Workgroup Meeting. Trento, Italy

Waste water treatment using fish by-products.

Sofia Pereira (with Piccirillo, C.). 2012. 4th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation. Oporto, Portugal.

Diversity of symbiotic metallicolous rhizobial bacteria.

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2011. RELAR - XXV Reunión Latinoamericana de Rizobiología e I Congreso Nacional de Microorganísmos Promotores del Crescímíento Vegetal.

Efeitos da toxicidade por metais pesados em Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii. Diversidade e respostas de populações isoladas da mina do Braçal.

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, Sofia). 2010. Universidade de Aveiro

Accumulation, distribution and cellular partitioning of mercury in several halophytes of a contaminated salt marsh

Sofia Pereira (with Castro, R.). 2009. Chemosphere

Oral presentation - The influence of long-term metal exposures in the tolerance and in symbiotic effectiveness of host-Rhizobium leguminosarum bv trifolii.

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2008. I Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Fixação de Azoto. XII Reunião Nacional da Sociedade Espanhola de Fixação de Azoto.

Oral presentation - Tolerância à salinidade e eficiência de nodulação em Rhizobium leguminosarum isolado de solos portugueses com diferentes condições ambientais

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2008. I Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Fixação de Azoto. XII Reunião Nacional da Sociedade Espanhola de Fixação de Azoto
Book Chapter

Rhizobium leguminosarum isolated from agricultural ecosystems subjected to different climatic influences: the relation between genetic diversity, salt tolerance and nodulation efficiency

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S. I. A.). 2008. Soil Ecology Research Developments
Book Chapter

The Importance of Extracellular Metal Immobilization for Rhizobium Persistence in Heavy Metal Contaminated soils

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2008. Microbial Biotechnology

Are phytochelatins a mechanism for Hg-phytoremediation in salt marshes?

Sofia Pereira (with Castro, R.). 2007. SOWETOX 2007 - Soil and Wetland Toxicology International Meeting. Barcelona, Spain
Book Chapter

Are Rhizobium and soil enzyme activities good indicators of heavy metal soil contamination?

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2007. Environmental Microbiology Research Trends

Effect of heavy metal stress on the oxidative status of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2007. BioMicroworld - II International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology. Seville, Spain

Heavy metal copying in Rhizobium leguminosarum: relation to soil enzyme activity and metal contamination

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2007. International Symposium Microbial Adaptation to Stress and Environment. Marburg, Germany

Hg accumulation by different salt marsh species: potential use for phytoremediation

Sofia Pereira (with Lima, A.I.G.). 2007. SOWETOX 2007 - Soil and Wetland Toxicology International Meeting. Barcelona, Spain

Hg-induced oxidative stress in different salt marsh species

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2007. SOWETOX 2007 - Soil and Wetland Toxicology International Meeting. Barcelona, Spain

Cadmium and GSH absorption and exclusion during exposure to Cd in Rhizobium leguminosarum

Sofia Pereira (with Lima, A.I.G.). 2006. International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology. Leipzig, Germany

Cadmium detoxification in roots of Pisum sativum seedlings: Relationship between toxicity levels, thiol pool alterations and growth

Sofia Pereira (with Lima, A.I.G.). 2006. Environmental and Experimental Botany

Cadmium uptake in PEA plants under environmentally-relevant exposures: The risk of food-chain transfer

Sofia Pereira (with Lima, A.I.G.). 2006. Journal of Plant Nutrition

DNA isolation from recalcitrant tissues of grapevine

Sofia Pereira (with Lima, A.I.G.). 2006. . FESPB 15th Congress on Plant Molecular Biology. Lyon, France

Heavy Metal Toxicity in Rhizobium leguminosarum Biovar Viciae Isolated from Soils Neighbouring Metalomechanics Industries

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2006. Modern Multidisciplinary Applied Microbiology

Heavy metal toxicity in Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae isolated from soils subjected to different sources of heavy-metal contamination: Effects on protein expression

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2006. Applied Soil Ecology

Screening possible mechanisms mediating cadmium resistance in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae isolated from contaminated Portuguese soils

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2006. Microbial Ecology

Sulphide incorporation and time-maturation of PC-Cd complexes in Pisum sativum

Sofia Pereira (with Lima, A.I.G.). 2006. International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology. Leipzig, Germany

Uptake and distribution of mercury in a salt marsh plant, Atriplex patula (L.)

Sofia Pereira (with Carvalho, A.). 2006. International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology. Leipzig, Germany.

Cadmium tolerance in Pisum sativum plants: considerations on metal uptake and thiol synthesis under more realistic situation

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2005. IX Congresso de Fisiologia Vegetal. Évora, Portugal

Cadmium tolerance of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae isolated from portuguese soils contaminated with heavy metals: mechanisms of tolerance

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2005. BioMicroworld - I International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology. Badajoz, Spain.

Cadmium tolerance plasticity in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae: Glutathione as a detoxifying agent

Sofia Pereira (with Figueira, E.M.D.A.P.). 2005. Canadian Journal of Microbiology

Importance of glutathione for growth and cadmium tolerance of Rhizobium leguminosarum

Sofia Pereira (with Corticeiro, S.). 2005. BioMicroworld - I International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology. Badajoz, Spain

Maturation of phytochelatin complexes in roots of Pisum sativum

Sofia Pereira (with Figueira, E.M.A.P.). 2005. IX Congresso de Fisiologia Vegetal. Évora, Portugal

Monitoring intracellular GSH and Cd levels during Cd stress induction and relieve in Rhizobium leguminosarum

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2005. MicroBiotec’ 05. Póvoa do Varzim, Portugal

The quantitative role of phytochelatin complexes from roots of Pisum sativum

Sofia Pereira (with Corticeiro, S.). 2005. IX Congresso de Fisiologia Vegetal. Évora, Portugal

The role of glutathione in Rhizobium leguminosarum as an intracellular Cd-chelator

Sofia Pereira (with Lima, A.I.G.). 2005. BioMicroworld - I International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology. Badajoz, Spain

The role of phytochelatins in Cd tolerance. Relationship between toxicity levels, thiol pool alterations and root growth

Sofia Pereira (with Lima, A.I.G.). 2005. IX Congresso de Fisiologia Vegetal. Évora, Portugal

Cadmium tolerance in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae strains: the role of LPS and the possible involvement of extrachromosomal DNA in stress coping

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2004. XIV Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica. Vilamoura, Portugal

Estudo da tolerância de Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae ao cádmio

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, Sofia). 2004. Universidade de Aveiro

Involvement of glutathione in Rhizobium leguminosarum heavy metal tolerance

Sofia Pereira (with Corticeiro, S.). 2004. XIV Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica. Vilamoura, Portugal

Isolation of high and low molecular weight cadmium-phytochelatin complexes from roots of Pisum sativum L. seedlings

Sofia Pereira (with Figueira, E.M.A.P.). 2004. XIV Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica. Vilamoura, Portugal

Oral presentation - Biochemical characterization of cadmium-phytochelatin complexes isolated from roots of Pisum sativum L.

Sofia Pereira (with Lima, A.). 2004. XIV Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica.

Oral presentation - Cadmium toxicity in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae isolated from locations with different metal contaminations: an overview of possible mechanisms involved in metal tolerance.

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2004. Simpósio Ibérico de Nutrição Mineral das Plantas.

Oral presentation - Mechanisms mediating cadmium resistance in Rhizobium leguminosarum isolated from contaminated soils.

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2004. IV Simpósio de Pós-Graduação em Biociências

The relationship between growth, monothiol and polythiol pool alterations and tolerance ability of Pisum sativum seedlings under different levels of cadmium stress

Sofia Pereira (with Lima, A.I.G.). 2004. X Simpósio Ibérico de Nutrição Mineral das Plantas. Lisboa, Portugal

The relationship between growth, monothiol and polythiol pool alterations and tolerance ability of Pisum sativum seedlings under different levels of cadmium stress

Sofia Pereira (with Lima, A.I.G.). 2004. X Simpósio Ibérico de Nutrição Mineral das Plantas

Effects of cadmium on Pisum sativum/Rhizobium leguminosarum symbiosis

Sofia Pereira (with Vilela, B.). 2002. XIII Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica. Lisbon, Portugal

Effects of salinity on protein patterns of Rhizobium leguminosarum strains with different salt tolerances

Sofia Pereira (with Lima, A.I.G.). 2002. XIII Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica. Lisbon, Portugal.

Protein profile alterations induced after cadmium exposure in Rhizobium leguminosarum

Sofia Pereira (with Pereira, S.I.A). 2002. XIII Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica. Lisbon, Portugal.