Climate Transition and Green Urban Solutions

5 ECTS / Semestral / Português

Objectives and method

  • To develop competences, skills and methods for conceptualizing and properly integrating the climate change (mitigation and adaptation) and sustainability components.
  • To develop, systematically and autonomously, bibliographic review procedures to identify the state of the art related to climate change.
  • To develop a comprehensive global view on nature-based solutions for mitigation and adaptation in an urban context.
  • To develop scientific communication skills that allow to present, autonomously, in written and oral form, research results on climate change themes, particularly in terms of urban resilience.
  • Develop critical thinking on the importance of energy, sustainable energy systems and their interaction with the environment and society in the addressing of climate change.

This course unit is based on the following methodological approaches:

  • Theoretical classes on concept presentation, exposition, audiovisual resources and information analysis, promoting topic analysis and discussion through student interaction;
  • Theoretical-practical classes and tutorial orientation to support the development of an individual thematic report and its oral presentation.



Climate Change - Problematization

  • Climate: complexity and evidence.
  • Different future scenarios.

 Climate Transition Strategies

  • Mitigation solutions.
  • Global and local strategies.
  • The pursuit of technological and cultural transformation.

 The mechanics of mitigation solutions

  • Fundamental solutions.
  • Stakeholders at the negotiating table.
  • International, national and sectoral strategies.
  • Implementation difficulties.

Adaptation measures

  • Intrinsic vulnerabilities to future climate experience.
  • Critical compartments.
  • Incorporating ethics in decision making.

 Urban ecosystem services in a climate change scenario

  • Blue and green infrastructure for sustainable cities.
  • Nature-based solutions for water, energy and organic matter management.
  • Resilience and vulnerability of the green cover in an urban setting.
  • Green roofs as ecotechnologies in circular cities.


Invited Professor
2001 - Licenciatura Engenharia do Ambiente-Universidade Nova de Lisboa 2006 - Mestrado Gestão Ambiental - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Full Professor
PhD in Biochemical Engineering from University College London (1994), she began her higher education at the Catholic University of Portugal, having graduated…