Degree in Liberal Sciences
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Program Description
«(The Degree in Liberal Sciences’) flexible and tailor-made structure promotes students’ autonomy as well as multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary training. This character is an added value for preparing professionals able to face and guide transformations (in) our actual and future society.»
2023 report from A3ES, Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency
Starting with a disciplinary base centred on biosciences, chemistry and technology and complemented with subjects from various branches of the humanities and social sciences (law, philosophy, psychology and management), the individual student will shape their learning path.
A Guidance Council has been brought together, which includes a wide range of prominent personalities from various sectors of Portuguese society. This Council will provide invaluable guidance in the continuing development of this innovative course.
For the launch of this PRR course, 15 merit scholarships are available, financed by the Training4Resilience project. See more information on this page.
Why the Degree in Liberal Sciences?
We live in uncertain times. What will be the professions of the future? What skills are needed for this near future? How can we prepare students for the great challenges we all face?
The Degree in Liberal Sciences at the Escola Superior de Biotecnologia (ESB) opens up countless options for the future in the face of current uncertainty. It prepares students with a solid and broad basic education to embrace the challenges that Society has not yet really faced.
This degree is for intellectually restless students, who want to embrace uncertainty and turn it into an opportunity to re-imagine and reinvent the future. It is a degree for those who do not want to limit their future with narrow choices and are looking to broaden their horizons.
Liberal Sciences is an innovative degree, unique in Portugal but inspired by programs from some of the best international Universities.
Who is Liberal Sciences for?
All intellectually restless and curious students who have the desire to build the future and not just live the future built by others.
The degree in Liberal Sciences is aimed at students who want to have a solid basic education, which combines scientific and humanities knowledge and broadens their horizons and prepares them for challenges that Society is not yet aware of. In the spirit of Bologna, this course is the basis that allows a student to continue their studies in numerous master's degrees after graduating or opt for the different career opportunities that the degree opens up.
Course supported by the Training for Resilience project, funded by the European Union (NextGenerationEU), Impulso Jovens STEAM and Impulso Adultos within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Program (PRR).