Ana Catarina Araújo

Ana Catarina Araújo

Internal Food Safety Auditor
Master's in Food Engineering

In 2015, I finished the Master’s in Food Engineering and started my career in the industry. Since then, I have had the opportunity to work in different companies in the food sector and, currently, I find myself working in Retail as an Internal Food Safety Auditor at SONAE MC.

After the Degree in Bioengineering, I had no doubts that the best option would be to continue my studies at the ESB. As decisive factors, I would highlight its proximity to the industry, the numerous national and international partnerships it offers and the close contact between students and teachers. The strong practical component of the course and the faculty’s prestige with employers were differentiating characteristics that have helped me stand out in the job market since my first professional experience.

It's always difficult to choose just one memory when you've been through years filled with positive moments but, perhaps, the day I finished my master’s is the most special of all. It was the moment when I realized that I was capable, that it was worth it and that I was prepared for the next challenges.

It was, without a doubt, the best choice that has enabled me to work in such a challenging area with so many possibilities.

Ana Mota - Testemunho

Ana Mota

Director of Quality and Food Safety
NAVIRES-Sociedade Nacional de Viveres, Lda.
Master's in Food Engineering

For me, the close monitoring by the professors of the Master’s in Food Engineering at the ESB is what drives the academic excellence of this institution. The practical component of the curricular units is excellent, both because of the diversity of equipment we get to use, much of it similar to that used in industry, and for the working methods taught, which are comparable to those used when we work in a company.

In addition, studying at a faculty of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa allows students to join a community where they have access to numerous experiences, be they competitions, such as Ecotrophelia, volunteer centers, such as UDIP – CASO or others.

When I finished my internship, my host company proposed I continue the work I was doing, and I have been working here ever since.

So, I can say with certainty, I strongly recommend the Master’s in Food Engineering at the ESB!

Joana Vieira - Testemunho

Joana Vieira

Senior Quality Technician
Super Bock Group
Master´s in Food Engineering

I believe that the Master's in Food Engineering at ESB stands out, among other factors, for the notoriety and relevance of the Curricular Units as preparation for the future but also for the great contact/proximity that students have both with Industry and with Research.

These 2 main factors allowed me, as a student, to build solid and current learning that prepared me to enter the Industry with confidence.

Miguel Freitas

Miguel Freitas

Vice President - Scientific Affairs
Food Engineering

It has been an interesting journey since I graduated from the ESB. Applying for the Food Engineering course at ESB was an obvious decision due to all the opportunities this course could offer, especially the doors it opened to international organizations and large companies in the food sector. I was interested in building an international career and I believe ESB made it possible. I am proud to be a UCP alumni and I would not have changed any of my choices along my academic and professional path.
Pilar Valinhas Morais - Testemunho

Pilar Valinhas Morais

Director of Wellness Ingredient Innovation
Food Engineering

ESB - UCP is truly a “School”.

When I made the decision to dedicate 6 years of my life to it (year zero + 5 years of a bachelor’s), I was attracted by the international recognition of its teaching. I found this and much more. In my professional life, I value the “mark” ESB in my colleagues and also in continuous training. We received an enduring knowledge of how to do and how to be, which is recognized in those who go through ESB.

What I experienced and continue to experience at the school is the symbiotic effect of its values, from which I would emphasize the promotion of the Person, their Independence and Knowledge, Solidarity and Sustainable Development.

Sofia Roby

Sofia Roby

Técnica de Qualidade
Central Lomera Portuguesa
Master's in Food Engineering

The master's degree is one of the most important stages in the professional path as it is the transitional stage between the academic world and the world of work, and the challenge is to choose a master's degree where there is a balance between these two components.

The Master's in Food Engineering has precisely this fundamental characteristic, since, thanks to numerous partnerships with renowned companies, it allows the student to become an intern and experience the day-to-day world of work. Additionally, this master's degree allows the student to develop their entrepreneurial skills through the diversity of activities that it supports, such as Ecotrophelia, a competition where I developed my first product together with my colleagues, and which allowed me to get in touch with a wide range of areas, from marketing, food safety, product development and even the economic field, always with the unconditional support of all the teachers.

One of the best memories I have of the masters were the days spent in the kitchen lab researching, developing and creating, while having unlimited access to all the resources provided by the ESB, from equipment to raw materials and, most importantly, the knowledge of the teachers.

The teaching faculty is at the heart of the master’s. The dedication they show and the affection they convey make the journey easier, because we feel supported.

I took the master's degree with the aim of entering the food industry in the area of quality, and I can say that, at the moment, I am exactly where I want to be, working in the fish area and in the quality department. This is undoubtedly due to the prestige of the Master's in Food Engineering at the ESB, not only its renowned professors, but also because its graduates are clearly so well prepared for professional world, and this reputation is recognized.


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