Seminar: Advances in Cellulose-based materials in food packaging

Segunda-feira, Maio 22, 2023 - 09:15 a Terça-feira, Maio 23, 2023 - 13:00


imagem de embalagens de alimentos à base de fibra de celulose

This seminar aims to present and discuss some of the recent developments on cellulose fibre-based packaging for foods, and to highlight the approaches to improve their barrier properties and the impact on product shelf-life, safety and end-of-life solutions.

Target audience
Researchers in the field of food packaging, professionals of Quality and Development areas of food sector and packaging producers, converters and suppliers, with interest in cellulose-based materials and their application to packaging.

Seminar under the scope of COST Action CIRCUL-A-BILITY CA19124, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

Further information at:

Programme | 22nd May | Carvalho Guerra Auditorium

09:15 am

Registration and welcome
Introduction to Circul-a-bility COST Project CA 19124

10:00 am Cellulose-based packaging in circular economy context - Tba, Navigator
10:30 am Food protection, shelf-life and barrier properties - UCP, Fátima Poças
11:30 am Approaches to improve cellulosic-based materials - ICP, Igor Karlovits
12:30 am Lunch
02:00 pm Applications of Micro and Nano cellulose - VTT, Vinay Kumar
03:00 pm Moulded pulp packaging for chilled dairy products – challenges and opportunities - DTI, Alex Leo Bardenstein
04:00 pm Break
04:30 pm Biopolymer coatings for cellulose materials - VTT, Johanna Lahti
05:30 pm Applications of bacterial nanocellulose in active packaging - UCP, Francisco Soares


Programme | 23rd May

09:15 am

Compostability and biodegradability of fibre-based packaging - ICP, Mateja Zajc (on-line)

10:00 am Safety of cellulose-based materials for food contact - Zaragoza U, Cristina Nerín
11:00 am Break
11:30 am Approaches relying in toxicity tests - AU, Milena Corredig
12:00 am Legislation and guidelines for migration and safety evaluation - UCP, Céu Selbourne
12:30 am Final remarks and conclusions - Fátima Poças & Milena Corredig