José António Couto

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. degree in Biotechnology (Microbiology) from Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Volatile and phenolic compounds in white wines produced at Campanha Gaúcha, Brazil

José António Couto (with Suélen Braga de Andrade Kaltbach). 2024. Ciência Rural

Fish By-Products: A Source of Enzymes to Generate Circular Bioactive Hydrolysates

José António Couto (with Sandra Borges). 2023. Molecules

Design of a microfluidic paper-based device for the quantification of phenolic compounds in wine samples

José António Couto (with Martínez-Pérez-Cejuela, H.). 2022. Talanta

Influence of manual and mechanical grape harvest on Merlot wine composition

José António Couto (with Suélen Braga de Andrade Kaltbach). 2022. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
Opinion article

Os compostos isoprénicos da uva e o seu papel no aroma varietal do vinho

José António Couto (with Paulo Cameira dos Santos). 2022. Vida Rural

Use of bioinoculants in wine terroir

José António Couto (with Flávia Darú). 2022. Ciência 2022, Lisboa, Portugal, 16/05/22

Use of bioinoculants in wine terroir: effects on soil microbial activity and on must properties

José António Couto (with Flávia Darú). 2022. Ciência 2022 - Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, Lisboa, 16/05/22

Valorization of porcine by-products

José António Couto (with Sandra Borges). 2022. Bioresources and Bioprocessing
Book Chapter

Wine packaging and related sustainability issues

Fátima Poças & José António Couto (with Poças, F.). 2022. Improving Sustainable Viticulture and Winemaking Practices

Fenóis voláteis em vinhos, tintos e não só

José António Couto (with José António Couto). 2021. Encontros Vínicos do Vinho Verde

Survival and metabolism of hydroxycinnamic acids by Dekkera bruxellensis in monovarietal wines

José António Couto (with de Lima, Adriana Nunes). 2021. Food Microbiology

Activity of Dekkera bruxellensis and the effect on the aroma profile of monovarietal wines

José António Couto (with Lima, Adriana). 2019. Microbiotec’19 Congress

impact of mechanical and manual grape harvesting on physicochemical aspects of merlot musts and wines produced in the campanha gaucha region – Brazil

José António Couto (with Andrade, S., Lemos, P.L., Giacomini, M., Cunha W., Couto, J.A., Herter, F., Costa, V.). 2019. 1st Science & Wine World Congress

Phenolic composition of monovarietal red wines regarding volatile phenols and its precursors

José António Couto (with Lima, Adriana). 2018. European Food Research and Technology

Phenolic composition of monovarietal red wines: volatile phenols and precursor compounds.

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2018. International Congress on Grapevine and Wine Sciences. Logroño (Spain) from 7th to 9th November, 2018

Protein-phenolic interaction as a strategy to reduce the precursors of volatile phenolics in wine

António O. S. S. Rangel & José António Couto (with Vidigal, Susana S. M. P.). 2018. Analítica 2018 - 9th Meeting of Division of Analytical Chemistry

Survival of Brettanomyces/Dekkera in monovarietal wines

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2018. Encontro Ciência 2018, FCT, Lisboa, 2- 4 July, 2018.

Characterization of the aroma and colour profiles of fortified Muscat wines: comparison of Muscat Blanc "A petit grains" grape variety with Red Muscat

José António Couto (with Jesus, Diva). 2017. European Food Research and Technology

Characterization of the aroma and colour profiles of fortified Muscat wines: comparison of Muscat Blanc “à petit grains” grape variety with Red Muscat.

José António Couto 2017. European Food Research and Technology

Fluorescence quenching as a tool for study the interaction of hydroxycinnamic acids with proteins

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2017. 10th Symposium In Vino Analytica Scientia, (IVAS, 2017), Salamanca, Spain

Fluorescence quenching as a tool for study the interaction of hydroxycinnamic acids with proteins

José António Couto (with Susana Vidigal). 2017. X Simposio Internacional In Vino Analytica Scientia, Salamanca, Spain, 17/07/17

Grapevine growth response to bioinoculants and biochar application

José António Couto (with Pereira, Sofia). 2017. Microbiotec’17 Congress

Grapevine growth response to bioinoculants and biochar application

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2017. Microbiotec’17 Congress, Porto, Portugal, 7-9 December 17

Grapevine growth response to bioinoculants and biochar application

José António Couto (with Pereira, S.I.A.). 2017. Microbiotec’17, Porto, Portugal, 7/12/17

Study of the interaction of hydroxycinnamic acids with different proteins

António O. S. S. Rangel & José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2017. Microbiotec’17 Congress, Porto, Portugal, 7-9 December 17

Survival and activity of Brettanomyces/Dekkera in monovarietal wines

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2017. Microbiotec’17 Congress, Porto, Portugal, 7-9 December 17

The effect of wine on the survival and invasiveness ability of Listeria monocytogenes

José António Couto (with Zuleta Pérez, Andrea). 2016.

The occurrence of Bisphenol A and Phthalates in Portuguese wines and the migration of selected substances from coatings in contact with a wine simulant

José António Couto (with Putzu, Claudio). 2016.
Book Chapter

Utilisation of natural and by-products to improve wine safety

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Francisco M Campos). 2016. Wine safety, consumer preference, and human health
Book Chapter

Utilisation of Natural and By-Products to Improve Wine Safety. Chaper on book: Wine Safety, Consumer Preference, and Human Health


Activity of lysozyme on <i>Lactobacillus hilgardii</i> strains isolated from Port wine

José António Couto (with Dias, Rita). 2015. Food Microbiology

Activity of lysozyme on Lactobacillus hilgardii strains isolated from Port wine

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Dias, R.). 2015. Food Microbiology

Chitosan as natural food preservative for sauces: A proof of concept

José António Couto & Ana Maria Gomes (with Couto, J. A.). 2015. 11th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group and 6th Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Viseu, 6-10 Setembro

Caracterização microbiológica de matérias primas e validação do binómio : tempo x temperatura de esterilização de preparados alimentares

José António Couto (with Lopes, Maria Teresa Bonifácio Viana). 2014.

Characterization of phenolic acid reductase and decarboxylase activities of lactic acid bateria

José António Couto (with Soares, Ana de Seabra Leão Ferreira). 2014.

Determination of the optimal phenolic extraction yield in red wines using the glories method

José António Couto (with Cristea, Elena). 2014.

Effect of food matrix on antimicrobial activity upon food spoilage Lactic Acid Bacteria

José António Couto & Ana Maria Gomes (with Costa, Eduardo M.). 2014. 1st Congress on Food Structure Design

Effect of food matrix on antimicrobial activity upon food spoilage Lactic Acid Bacteria

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2014. 1st Congress on Food Structure Design. Porto 15-17 Oct

Effect of food matrix on antimicrobial activity upon food spoilage Lactic Acid Bacteria

Ana Maria Gomes & José António Couto (with Eduardo Costa). 2014. 1st congress on food structure design, Porto, Portugal, 15/10/14

Evaluation of the activity of potential antimicrobials against lactic acid bactéria isolated from spoiled food saucces in media with or without added sucrose

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2014. International Conference on Antimicrobial Research. Madrid 1-3 Oct.

Evaluation of the activity of potential antimicrobials against lactic acid bacteria isolated from spoiled food sauces in media with or without added sucrose

José António Couto & Ana Maria Gomes (with Costa, Eduardo). 2014. International Conference on Antimicrobial Research, III, Madrid, Spain,

Evaluation of the activity of potential antimicrobials against lactic acid bacteria isolated from spoiled sauces with or without added sucrose

Ana Maria Gomes & José António Couto (with Eduardo Costa). 2014.
Book Chapter

Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of natural extracts upon wine spoilage microorganisms

José António Couto (with Miguel F Pereira). 2014. Industrial, medical and environmental applications of microorganisms
Book Chapter

Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of natural extracts upon wine spoilage microorganisms

José António Couto (with Miguel F Pereira). 2014. Industrial, medical and environmental applications of microorganisms. Current status and trends

Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of various natural antimicrobials against food spoilage lactic acid bacteria isolated from sauces

José António Couto & Ana Maria Gomes (with Couto, J. A.). 2014. 28th EFFoST. Upsalla, 25-28 Nov
Book Chapter

O Pensamento Crítico na Universidade Católica do Porto, Um Projeto em Construção

Book Chapter

Pensamento Crítico na Universidade Católica do Porto, Um Projeto em Construção

José António Couto (with Helena Gil da Costa). 2014. Pensamento Crítico: Perspetivas atuais no panorama internacional.

Production of volatile phenols by <i>Lactobacillus plantarum</i> in wine conditions

José António Couto (with Fras, Pauline). 2014. Biotechnology Letters

Production of volatile phenols by Lactobacillus plantarum in wine conditions

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Fras, P.). 2014. Biotechnology Letters

The influence of grape variety on the production of volatile phenols in Portuguese wines

José António Couto (with Weiss, Katrin Sophie). 2014.

Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of natural extracts upon wine spoilage microorganims

José António Couto (with Miguel F Pereira). 2013.

Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of natural extracts upon wine spoilage microorganisms

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2013. BioMicroWorld 2013. V international Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology. Madrid, Spain, 2-4 Oct.

Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of natural extracts upon wine spoilage microorganisms.

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2013. BioMicroWorld 2013. V international Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology. Madrid, Spain

Pensamento Crítico na Universidade Católica do Porto – um projeto em construção.

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2013. I Seminário Internacional Pensamento Crítico na Educação

The antimicrobial action of chitosan against Brettanomyces/Dekkera

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2013. 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society

The antimicrobial action of chitosan against Brettanomyces/Dekkera.

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2013. 11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society, Porto, Portugal, 5-8 May

The Antimicrobial Action of Chitosan Against the Wine Spoilage Yeast Brettanomyces/Dekkera

José António Couto (with Ferreira, Delfim). 2013. Journal of Chitin and Chitosan Science

The antimicrobial action of chitosan against the wine spoilage yeasts Brettanomyces/Dekkera

José António Couto 2013. Journal of Chitin and Chitosan Science

The antimicrobial effect of pulsed electric fields (PEF) against Brettanomyces/Dekkera yeasts

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2013. Congresso Micro-Biotec 2013. Aveiro, 6 – 8 Dez.

Acção da Lisozima sobre bactérias do ácido láctico isolados do vinho : a influência de proteínas de superfície (S-layer)

José António Couto (with Dias, Rita Luisa Gandra). 2012.

Actividade do vinho contra Listeria monocytogenes : comparação de isolados alimentares com clínicos

José António Couto (with Fontoura, Mário Filipe Gonçalves). 2012.

Aminoacid metabolism and the production of wine aroma compounds by Saccharomyces cerevisiae

José António Couto & António César Ferreira (with Araújo, Leandro Dias). 2012.

Caracterização da conversão metabólica de ácidos fenólicos em fenóis voláteis por Brettanomyces/Dekkera

José António Couto (with Gomes, Joana Lousada). 2012.

Estabilização tartárica de vinhos tintos por combinação de nanofiltração e permuta catiónica

José António Couto (with Andrade, Mário Jorge Caldeira). 2012.

Produção de compostos de enxofre por bactérias láticas do vinho durante a fermentação malolática

José António Couto (with Peixoto, Cristiana Sofia Ferreira). 2012.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae oxidative response evaluation by cyclic voltammetry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

António César Ferreira & José António Couto (with Castro, C.C.). 2012. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

The antimicrobial effect of wine on <i>Bacillus cereus</i> in simulated gastro-intestinal conditions

José António Couto (with Vaz, Miguel). 2012. Food Control

The antimicrobial effect of wine on Bacillus cereus in simulated gastro-intestinal conditions

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Vaz, M.). 2012. Food Control

The influence of selected oenological practices on the sensory impact of volatile phenols in red wines

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Barbosa, A.). 2012. Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin

The influence of selected oenological practices on the sensory impact of volatile phenols in red wines

José António Couto (with Barbosa, Antonina). 2012. OENO One

Effect of malolactic fermentation on the volatile profile of wines

José António Couto (with N. Moreira). 2011. Proceedings of the 34th World Congress of Vine and Wine

Effect of malolactic fermentation on the volatile profile of wines

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2011. 34th world congress of wine and vine (OIV)

Effect of malolactic fermentation on the volatile profile of wines.

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2011. 34th world congress of wine and vine (OIV), Porto, 20-27 June.

Factors influencing the production of volatile phenols by wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Silva, I.). 2011. International Journal of Food Microbiology

Production of volatile phenols by lactobacillus plantarum. Influence of wine related factors

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2011. 34th World Congress Of Wine And Vine (OIV),

Production of volatile phenols by lactobacillus plantarum. Influence of wine related factors

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2011. 34th World Congress Of Wine And Vine (OIV), Porto, 20-27 June.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae oxidative response by cyclic voltammetry and GC-MS

José António Couto & António César Ferreira (with Oliveira, Carla Maria). 2011.

The antimicrobial effect of wine on Bacillus cereus in simulated gastrointestinal conditions.

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2011. Congresso Micro-Biotec 2011. Braga, 1 – 3 Dez.

The influence of wine phenolic compounds on the production of volatile phenols by Brettanomyces/Dekkera

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2011. 34th World Congress Of Wine And Vine (OIV)

The influence of wine phenolic compounds on the production of volatile phenols by Brettanomyces/Dekkera

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2011. 34th World Congress Of Wine And Vine (OIV), Porto, 20-27 June.

Volatile compounds contribution of <i>Hanseniaspora guilliermondii</i> and <i>Hanseniaspora uvarum</i> during red wine vinifications

José António Couto (with Moreira, N.). 2011. Food Control

Volatile compounds contribution of Hanseniaspora guilliermondii and Hanseniaspora uvarum during red wine vinifications

José António Couto, Isabel Vasconcelos & Tim Hogg (with Moreira, N.). 2011. Food Control

Wine phenolic compounds influence the production of volatile phenols by wine-related lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Silva, I.). 2011. Journal of Applied Microbiology

The antimicrobial effect of red wine on Bacillus cereus in simulated gastrointestinal conditions

José António Couto (with Vaz, Miguel José Santos). 2010.

A contribution to elucidation of the role of yeast metabolism on resistance to oxidation of wine: A metabolomic approach with synthetic medium

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2009. 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture, Napa, California, 22-26 June, 2009.

Cell membrane damage induced by phenolic acids on wine lactic acid bacteria

António O. S. S. Rangel, José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Campos, F. M.). 2009. International Journal of Food Microbiology

Cell membrane damage induced by phenolic acids on wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Campos, Francisco). 2009. International Journal of Food Microbiology Vol. 135, pp. 144–151

Effect of phenolic acids on glucose and organic acid metabolism by lactic acid bacteria from wine

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Campos, Francisco M.). 2009. Food Microbiology

Ocorrência e determinação de ocratoxina A em vinhos

José António Couto (with Oliveira, Filipa dos Santos). 2009.

Resistência térmica de bolores e leveduras em alimentos

José António Couto (with Fernandes, Filipa Isabel Teixeira Dias). 2009.

Study on the interaction between phenolic compounds and lactic acid bactéria from wine

José António Couto (with Campos, Francisco). 2009.

The production of fermented grape products with reduced levels of alcoho

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2009.

“troubleshooting” sobre defeitos aromáticos associados à produção de vinhos sem álcool

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2009.

Activity of wine against <i>Campylobacter jejuni</i>

José António Couto (with Carneiro, Anabela). 2008. Food Control

Activity of wine against Campylobacter jejuni

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Carneiro, A.). 2008. Food Control

Building on scientific excellence via sharing of scientific expertise - The case study of food safety

José António Couto, Paula Teixeira & Tim Hogg (with Hogg, T.A.). 2008. Trends in Food Science and Technology

Building on scientific excellence via sharing scientific expertise – the case study of food safety

José António Couto (with Hogg, T. A.). 2008. Trends in Food Science and Technology

Building on scientific excellence via sharing scientific expertise – the case study of food safety

José António Couto (with Tim Hogg). 2008. Trends in food science & technology

Caracterização da qualidade aromática de vinhos “Torna-Viagem”

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2008.

Effect of phenolic aldehydes and flavonoids on growth and inactivation of <i>Oenococcus oeni</i> and <i>Lactobacillus hilgardii</i>

José António Couto (with Figueiredo, Ana Rita). 2008. Food Microbiology

Effect of phenolic aldehydes and flavonoids on growth and inactivation of Oenococcus oeni and Lactobacillus hilgardii

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Figueiredo, A.R.). 2008. Food Microbiology

Effect of phenolic aldehydes and flavonoids on growth and inactivation of Oenococcus oeni and Lactobacillus hilgardii

José António Couto (with Figueiredo, A. R.). 2008. Food Microbiology Vol. 25, pp. 105–112

Influência de algumas práticas enológicas no impacto sensorial dos fenóis voláteis

José António Couto (with Barbosa, Antonina Maria Fernandes). 2008.

Monitorização de efluxo de potássio e fosfato de células bacterianas (Listeria Innocua)

José António Couto (with Ferreira, M. Teresa S. O. B.). 2008. Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Quimíca

The Influence of wine phenolic acids on the production of volatile phenols by lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Silva, I.). 2008. Food Micro 2008 – 21st International ICFMH Symposium

Activity of wine phenolic compounds against Salmonella

José António Couto (with Santos, I.). 2007. MICRO BIOTEC 2007

Development of a flow injection method for monitoring cell membrane damage of wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Torres, André). 2007. Microchimica Acta Vol. 159, pp. 87–93

Development of a flow injection method for monitoring cell membrane damage of wine lactic acid bacteria

António O. S. S. Rangel, José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Torres, A.F.). 2007. Microchimica Acta

The antimicrobial effect of wine on <i>Listeria innocua</i> in a model stomach system

José António Couto (with Fernandes, Joao). 2007. Food Control

The antimicrobial effect of wine on Listeria innocua in a model stomach system

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Fernandes, J.). 2007. Food Control

The concentration of glucose and fructose influences the production of volatile phenols by wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Silva, I.). 2007. MICRO BIOTEC 2007

The influence of pH, malic acid and glucose on the production of volatile phenols by wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Silva, I.). 2007. VIIIème Symposium International d’Oenologie

Ability of lactic acid bacteria to produce volatile phenols

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Couto, Jose A.). 2006. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture

Development of a flow method for monitoring cell membrane damage: application to the study of phosphate release from wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Torres, André F.). 2006. Flow X - 10th International Conference on Flow Analysis

Production of volatile phenols by wine Pediococci

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2006. Food Micro 2006 – 20th International ICFMH Symposium

A cultural method for the presumptive detection of Brettanomyces/Dekkera in wines

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2005.

A simple cultural method for the presumptive detection of Brettanomyces/Dekkera in wines

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2005. Letters in Applied Microbiology

A simple cultural method for the presumptive detection of the yeasts <i>Brettanomyces/Dekkera</i> in wines

José António Couto (with Couto, JA). 2005. Letters in Applied Microbiology

A simple cultural method for the presumptive detection of the yeasts Brettanomyces/Dekkera in wines

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Couto, J.A.). 2005. Letters in Applied Microbiology

Cell membrane damage induced by phenolic acids on wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Francisco M Campos). 2005. Technical Abstracts of the ASEV 56th Annual Meeting

Cell membrane damage induced by phenolic acids on wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Campos, FM). 2005. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture

Cell membrane damage induced by phenolic acids on wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Campos, Francisco M.). 2005. ASEV 56th Annual Meeting

Fluorimetric detection of cell membrane lesions in wine lactic acid bacteria exposed to phenolic compounds

José António Couto (with Moreira, Joana). 2005. MicroBiotec’05

Influence of phenolic compounds on glucose and organic acids metabolism of wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2005. MICRO BIOTEC 2005

Production of volatile phenols by lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2005. 56th Annual Meeting American Society for Viticulture and Enology

Production of volatile phenols by lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2005. ASEV 56th Annual Meeting

The bactericidal effect of wine on Listeria innocua in a model stomach system

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2005. MICRO BIOTEC 2005

Thermal inactivation of the wine spoilage yeasts <i>Dekkera/Brettanomyces</i>

José António Couto (with Couto, JA). 2005. International Journal of Food Microbiology

Thermal inactivation of the wine spoilage yeasts Dekkera/Brettanomyces

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Couto, J.A.). 2005. International Journal of Food Microbiology

Use of chemical probes to detect cellular targets for phenolic acids in wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Araújo, Amândio). 2005. MICRO BIOTEC 2005

Ethanol tolerance of five non- Saccharomyces wine yeasts in comparison to a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae – influence of different culture conditions

José António Couto (with Pina, C.). 2004. Food Microbiology 21, 439-437

Ethanol tolerance of five non-<i>Saccharomyces</i> wine yeasts in comparison with a strain of <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> -: influence of different culture conditions

José António Couto (with Pina, C). 2004. Food Microbiology

Ethanol tolerance of five non-Saccharomyces wine yeasts in comparison with a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Influence of different culture conditions

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Pina, C.). 2004. Food Microbiology

Inferring ethanol tolerance of Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeasts by progressive inactivation

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Pina, C.). 2004. Biotechnology Letters

Detection of Brettanomyces/Dekkera in a liquid culture medium

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2003. VIIème Symposium International d’Oenologie

Determinação potenciométrica de efluxo de potássio em bactérias lácticas do vinho sujeitas a stress químico

José António Couto (with Campos, Francisco). 2003. 3º Encontro Nacional de Química Analítica

Efeito de vários factores ambientais no crescimento e produção de 4-etilfenol de leveduras do género Dekkera/Brettanomyces

José António Couto (with Silva, I.). 2003. BIOTEC 2003

Effect of phenolic acid on glucose and malic acid metabolism of Lactobacillus hilgardii

José António Couto (with Campos, Francisco). 2003. VII ème Symposium International d’Oenologie

Effect of phenolic acids on glucose and malic acid metabolism by Lactobacillus hilgardii

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2003. VIIème Symposium International d’Oenologie

Effect of phenolic acids on glucose and malic acid metabolism of Lactobacillus hilgardii

José António Couto (with Campos, F. M.). 2003. Oenologie 2003 - VIIème Symposium International d’Oenologie

Effect of phenolic acids on glucose and malic acid metabolism of Lactobacillus hilgardii

José António Couto (with Campos, Francisco M.). 2003. Sem t�tulo

Influence of phenolic acids on growth and inactivation of <i>Oenococcus oeni</i> and <i>Lactobacillus hilgardii</i>

José António Couto (with Campos, FM). 2003. Journal of Applied Microbiology

Influence of phenolic acids on growth and inactivation of Oenococcus oeni and Lactobacillus hilgardii

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Campos, F.M.). 2003. Journal of Applied Microbiology

Lactobacillus hilgardii, deterioration of fortified wine and related aspects

José António Couto (with Hogg, T. A.). 2003. VI ème Symposium International d’Oenologie

Manual de Higienização na Indústria Alimentar

José António Couto (with Pinto, P.). 2003.

Manual de Segurança Alimentar de Produtos Cárneos Tradicionais – Enchidos e Produtos Curados

José António Couto (with Silva, M. V.). 2003.

Manual de Segurança Alimentar de Produtos Cárneos Tradicionais – Enchidos e Produtos Curados

José António Couto (with Silva, M. V.). 2003.

Manual de Segurança Alimentar de Queijos Tradicionais

José António Couto (with Pintado, M.). 2003.

Manual de Segurança Alimentar na Produção de Alheiras

José António Couto (with Silva, M. V.). 2003.

Produtos tradicionais, Qualidade e Segurança a Preservar – Manual do formador sobre higiene e segurança alimentar

José António Couto (with Caldeiras, M.). 2003.

Studies on the production of 4-Ethylphenol by Dekkera spp. yeasts

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2003. VIIème Symposium International d’Oenologie

The use of gluconic acid level as an indicator of the activity of acetic acid bacteria in grapes

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2003. VIIème Symposium International d’Oenologie

Thermal inactivation of the wine spoilage yeasts Brettanomyces/Dekkera.

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2003. VIIème Symposium International d’Oenologie

Thermal inactivation of the wine spoilage yeasts Dekkera/Brettanomyces

José António Couto (with Neves, Filipe). 2003. VII ème Symposium International d’Oenologie

Citrulline as the main precursor of ethyl carbamate in model fortified wines inoculated with <i>Lactobacillus hilgardii</i>:: a marker of the levels in a spoiled fortified wine

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Azevedo, Z). 2002. Letters in Applied Microbiology

Citrulline as the main precursor of ethyl carbamate in model fortified wines inoculated with Lactobacillus hilgardii: A marker of the levels in a spoiled fortified wine

José António Couto (with Azevedo, Z.). 2002. Letters in Applied Microbiology

Produtos tradicionais, Qualidade e Segurança a Preservar – Manual do formador sobre higiene e segurança alimentar


Red wine increases the organic cation 3H-MPP+ uptake by Caco-2 cells

José António Couto (with Moreira, R.). 2002. Food Safety 2002

Detection and enumeration of wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 2001. Simpósio ASEV

Influence of different culture conditions to ethanol tolerance in 5 non-Saccharomyces wine yeasts

José António Couto (with Pina, C.). 2001. Microbial World – 9th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology

Influence of phenolic acids on growth and inactivation of some wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Campos, Francisco). 2001. 11ème Réunion du Club des Bactéries Lactiques

Influence of phenolic acids on growth and inactivation of wine lactic acid bacteria

José António Couto (with Campos, Francisco). 2001.

Survival of Hanseniaspora guilliermondii at high concentrations of ethanol

José António Couto (with Pina, C.). 2001. Simpósio ASEV

A fluorochromic system for the rapid detection and estimation of wine lactic acid bacteria by DEFT

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 1999.

A novel fluorochromic system for the rapid detection and enumeration o wine lactic acid bacteria. Application to a bottling wine

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 1999. VIème Symposium International d’Oenologie

Evaluation of a commercial fluorochromic system for the rapid detection and estimation of wine lactic acid bacteria by DEFT

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 1999. Letters in Applied Microbiology 28, 23-26

Evaluation of a commercial fluorochromic system for the rapid detection and estimation of wine lactic acid bacteria by DEFT

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Couto, JA). 1999. Letters in Applied Microbiology

Leveduras não-Saccharomyces, tolerância ao etanol e comparação com Saccharomyces cerevisiae

José António Couto (with Pina, C.). 1999. Congresso de Microbiologia MICRO99

Defining the uniqueness of monovarietal wines from native portuguese varieties of Vitis vinifera

José António Couto (with Guedes, P.). 1998. XIII Congresso Mundial da Vinha e do vinho

Industry/University collaboration in product focussed oenological research in Portugal - the SOGRAPE/UCP ESB partnership 1995-1998

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 1998. XIII Congresso Mundial da Vinha e do vinho

Qualidade e Segurança em Vinhos Licorosos - métodos para prevenir ou minimizar os efeitos da deterioração bacteriana dos vinhos

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 1998.

Cultivars of Vitis vinifera used for white wine production: initial characterization of selected portuguese varieties

José António Couto (with Guedes, P.). 1997. Annual Meeting Commitee

Enhancement of apparent resistance to ethanol in Lactobacillus hilgardii

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Couto, JA). 1997. Biotechnology Letters

Estudo da "S-layer" de Lactobacillus hilgardii.

José António Couto (with Manaia, C.). 1997. Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia Micro´97

Ethanol induced changes in the fatty acid composition of Lactobacillus hilgardii, its effects on plasma membrane fluidity and relationship with ethanol tolerance

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 1996. Journal of Applied Bacteriology

Ethanol-induced changes in the fatty acid composition of Lactobacillus hilgardii, its effects on plasma membrane fluidity and relationship with ethanol tolerance

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Couto, U.A.). 1996. Journal of Applied Bacteriology

Ethanol-induced changes in the fatty acid composition of Lactobacillus hilgardii, its effects on plasma membrane fluidity and relationship with ethanol tolerance

José António Couto (with Couto, JA). 1996. The Journal of Applied Bacteriology

Induced ethanol tolerance in Lactobacillus hilgardii

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 1996. Annual Meeting Commitee

Studies on the diversity, taxonomy and physiology of ethanol tolerant lactobacilli isolated from Douro fortified wine

José António Couto 1996. Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia

Lactobacillus hilgardii in deterioration of fortified wine and related effects

José António Couto (with Tim Hogg). 1995. Oenologie 95, Bourdaux, France, 1/06/95

Lactobacillus hilgardii, deterioration of fortified wine and related aspects

José António Couto (with Hogg, T. A.). 1995. Vème Symposium International d’Oenologie


José António Couto (with COUTO, JA). 1994. The Journal of Applied Bacteriology

Diversity of ethanol-tolerant lactobacilli isolated from Douro fortified wine: clustering and identification by numerical analysis of electrophoretic protein analysis

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 1994. Journal of Applied Bacteriology

Diversity of ethanol-tolerant lactobacilli isolated from Douro fortified wine: Clustering and identification by numerical analysis of electrophoretic protein profiles

José António Couto & Tim Hogg (with Couto, J.A.). 1994. Journal of Applied Bacteriology

Taxonomic analysis of Lactobacillus hilgardii strains from wine source by means of SDS-PAGE of total proteins and Genotypic methods

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 1994. II Congresso Ibérico de Biotecnologia

Clustering and identification of lactic acid bacterial strains isolated from Douro fortified wine

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 1993. Syposium of Apllied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Comparação do teor de frutose e glucose em amostras de Vinho do Porto degradadas e normais

José António Couto (with Capela, A.). 1990. V Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia

Estudos sobre a degradação do Vinho do Porto ocasionada por bactérias lácticas

José António Couto (with Couto, J. A.). 1990. V Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia