From Science to Community: CBQF shines at the European Researchers' Night

Friday, October 11, 2024 - 09:32

The European Researchers' Night (NEI) 2024 once again brought science closer to communities, and the Centre for Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry (CBQF) at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa stood out with activities that captivated the public in Porto and Armamar. Through interactive and engaging initiatives, CBQF researchers demonstrated how science can have a direct impact on everyday life and contribute to building a more sustainable future.

In Porto, CBQF participated in activities held at the Institute of Research and Innovation in Health (i3S), where they presented advances in the fields of biotechnology applied to health and the environment. The event welcomed around 400 visitors who could explore the impact of scientific innovations on their lives. One of the researchers commented: "Participation in these events is crucial to bringing laboratory benches closer to the general community. Sharing knowledge with people from different backgrounds is enriching for us as well, opening up different perspectives on our work."

Meanwhile, in Armamar, a team of CBQF researchers took part in a special edition of the NEI aimed at decentralizing scientific knowledge and bringing it closer to regions further away from large urban centers. Joana Barbosa, one of the involved researchers, highlighted the importance of this event: "Participating in the NEI in Armamar feels like we can truly make a difference and leave a positive mark on people's lives. We brought science to a community that doesn't always have access to it, and we felt that they welcomed us with open arms. People—both young and old—eagerly 'drink in' everything we have to say; they listen attentively, ask very pertinent questions, and are eager to participate in all activities, with the spirit of those who came to learn more. This was my second participation, and it was heartwarming to hear various testimonies from people who still remembered us and the activities we brought the previous year. It was, without a doubt, enriching for both sides."

In addition to the scientific activities, CBQF's participation in the NEI reflects the center's commitment to promoting science and fostering a culture of excellence. Mariana Bexiga, Science Manager at CBQF, emphasized: "CBQF is deeply committed to disseminating scientific knowledge and promoting a culture of excellence and knowledge exchange. Participation in events like the European Researchers' Night is fundamental for sharing our innovative work with the public and inspiring new generations."