Objectives and competences
The knowledge about the major influence of maternal and pediatric nutrition on healthy growth and maturation, but also by modulating health-disease life cycle.
Understanding of the role of nutrition in the preconception and during pregnancy, on maternal and offspring health.
Knowledge of childhood particularities;
Understanding the significance of nutrition during the pediatric age;
Knowledge concerning nutritional intervention in pathologic conditions;
Development of skills for clinical evaluation and nutritional intervention in pediatrics.
Clinical evaluation, dietary counseling and nutritional intervention in health/pathologic conditions in the preconception and during pregnancy.
Clinical evaluation, dietary counseling and nutritional intervention in health/pathologic conditions in pediatric age.
Teaching Methodologies
Lectures and theoretical-practical lessons with audiovisual support.
Demonstration of materials and techniques related to the themes developed.
Discussion of nutritional intervention of clinical cases.
Textbooks are indicated, and scientific papers are provided.
The role of preconcepcional nutrition.
The physiology of pregnancy and its impact in terms of nutritional and dietary requirements.
Nutritional intervention in the main gastrointestinal complaints in pregnancy and in diseases with nutritional treatment.
The influence of maternal nutrition in fetal growth; fetal nutrition and programming of adult diseases; epigenetics.
Pediatrics and Nutrition
Nutritional evaluation
Growth and maturation
Breastfeeding Feeding
Formula Feeding
Complementary feeding
Nutrition in preschool and school age and in adolescence
Childhood obesity
Digestive pathology
Chronic kidney disease
Inborn errors of metabolism
Vegetarian diets
Nutrition and Sports
Food allergy
Ketogenic diet in epilepsy
Nutritional care in children with cancer