E-mail: cinate.esb@ucp.pt
Tel: 22 558 0085
Monday to Friday: 9:00am-1:00pm & 2:00pm-6:00pm
- Undergraduate
- Doctorates
- Faculty members
- Masters
- All the questions and all the answers about the ESB Masters!
- Master in Biotechnology and Innovation
- Master’s in Biotechnology for the Bioeconomy
- Master's in Food Engineering
- Master's in Biomedical Engineering
- Master in Applied Microbiology
- European Master of Science in Sustainable Food Systems Engineering, Technology and Business (BiFTec-FOOD4S)
- Post-Graduate Programmes
- Advanced Training
- Students
7thMarch | 9:15 - 12:30 am | Auditório Carvalho Guerra
Welcome to UCP and ESB Isabel Vasconcelos (Vice Rector of UCP) and Paula Castro (ESB Director)
Introduction to the FitNESS Project
- Introduction to the FitNESS Project and Platform - ACTIA, Gemma Cornuau
- Overview of new features/modules in FitNESS 2.0 - Agroparistech, Steward Ouadi & Olivier Vitrac
Regulatory Overview and Recent Changes
- Environmental and human health impacts of packaging: towards more recycling - Agrosupdijon, Thomas Karbowiak
- Shifting approaches: Recent, ongoing, and future changes to FCM-related policy in Europe - Food Packaging Forum, Justin Boucher
Break (15 min) 11:15 - 11:30 am
Industry Technical Updates and Perspective
- Glass packaging – BAGlass, Nuno Vieira
- Metal packaging – Colep Packaging, Raquel Miranda
Lunch (1.5 hour) 12:30-2:00 pm
7thMarch | 2:00 - 6:00 pm | Auditório Carvalho Guerra
Industry Technical Updates and Perspective (cont.)
- Paper and board packaging - PPI, Igor Karlovits
- Developments in de-inking, sorting, etc.
- Plastics recycling overview of processes (mechanical, dissolution and chemical)
- Case of PET- Logoplaste/EcoIberia, Milena Parnigoni
- Other materials and technologies
Solvent-based recycling processes – LÖMI GmbH, tbd
Recycling of polyolefins and flexibles - Fraunhofer Institute, Max Wende
Polystyrene based materials - Styrenics Circular Solutions, Jens Kathmann
Break (30 min) 4:00 - 4:30 pm
Safety and Quality Food Contact Processes
- Design for Circularity and Safety Aspects of Recycled Plastic Packaging - Fraunhofer Institute, H-C Langowski
- Safety Assessment of Circular PET Packaging - Fraunhofer Institute, Diana Kemmer
- Safety of recycled paper and board materials - UCP, Fátima Poças
8thMarch | 9:00 - 11:00 am | Auditório Carvalho Guerra
- Overview of the new plastics Recycling Regulation and stakeholder dialogue
Plastics Europe, Michel Cassart
UCP, Fátima Poças
Fraunhofer Institute, Diana Kemmer
Zero Waste Europe, Dorota Napierska
European Plastics Converters, Bernard Merkx
Styrenics Circular Solutions, Jens Kathmann