Machine Learning in Engineering

5 ECTS / Semi-annual / English

Objectives and competences

Teaching objectives

  1. Promote the use of Artificial Intelligence/pattern recognition tools to solve problems in Engineering;
  2. Increasing the interest in the programming area for the intelligent Engineering solutions development.

Expected results
The student should be able to:

  1. Know the principles, mechanisms, syntax and semantics of programming in Python®;
  2. Recognize the need and the advantages of automatic information processing;
  3. Express themselves correctly in an oral and written form about classification and advanced signal/data processing.
  4. Use the principles and the main advanced techniques of signal processing (eg. temporal, spectral and multiband analysis) for pattern extraction;
  5. Use classification tools for solving signal/data processing problems through the creation of support decision systems.


Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical and practical classes with student’s permanent involvement.



  1. Python® Programming Language
    - Python® Language Fundamentals
    - Variables, data types and operations
    - Decision and Loop Structures
    - Functions
    - Object oriented Programming
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    - What is it?
    - The AI main paradigms and challenges
  3. Pattern Recognition Concepts
    - What is machine learning?
    - Learning Problems
    - Overfitting and data store problems
    - Some classic machine learning tools
  4. Supervised Learning
    - Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
    - Support Vector Machines (SVM)
  5. Unsupervised Learning
    - K-means and Self-organizing maps (SOM)
  6. Theory of Learning and Models/Pattern Selection
    - Cross-validation
    - Genetic Algorithms
    - Pattern sequential selection
    - Statistical Methods
  7. Advanced Intelligent Analysis in Signal Processing
    - Smart applications in Python®


Assistant Professor
He holds a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Porto and a MSc and BSc in Biomedical Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. He…