Objectives and competences
This course aims at:
Promoting the reflection on the importance of the scientific and technological development in the biomedical areas;
Facilitating the integration of different knowledge areas related to biotechnology in the context of biomedical application;
Reflecting on the dangers and risks to human and environmental health associated with biotechnology development.
The skills to be acquired are:
- Ability to communicate with peers, the academic community and society in general, in the context of Medical Biotechnology.
- Ability to integrate multi-disciplinary teams involved in the improvement or development of new products, with intervention at the level of scientific, technical or legal components;
- Ability to develop, implement and validate strategies and tools for health promotion
Teaching Methodologies
Lectures and seminars given by experts in different areas.
- 1. Genetics and Molecular Biology in biomedical sciences
1.1. Diagnosis
1.2. Prophylaxis / Therapy
2. Biomedical engineering
2.2. nanotechnology
2.3. Production of pharmaceuticals
2.4. Biomaterials
3. Biomedical informatics
3.1. Introduction to Bioinformatics
3.2. Bioinformatics as a designing tool in Medical Biotechnology
4. Biotechnology, ethics and social responsibility
5. Case Studies in Science and Technology in Health