Health Science and Technology

5 ECTS / Semester / Português

Objectives and competences

This course aims at:

Promoting the reflection on the importance of the scientific and technological development in the biomedical areas;
 Facilitating the integration of different knowledge areas related to biotechnology in the context of biomedical application;
 Reflecting on the dangers and risks to human and environmental health associated with biotechnology development.

 The skills to be acquired are:

  •  Ability to communicate with peers, the academic community and society in general, in the context of Medical Biotechnology.
  •  Ability to integrate multi-disciplinary teams involved in the improvement or development of new products, with intervention at the level of scientific, technical or legal components;
  •  Ability to develop, implement and validate strategies and tools for health promotion


Teaching Methodologies

Lectures and seminars given by experts in different areas.



  1. 1. Genetics and Molecular Biology in biomedical sciences
    1.1. Diagnosis
    1.2. Prophylaxis / Therapy
    2. Biomedical engineering
    2.2. nanotechnology
    2.3. Production of pharmaceuticals
    2.4. Biomaterials
    3.  Biomedical informatics
    3.1. Introduction to Bioinformatics
    3.2. Bioinformatics as a designing tool in Medical Biotechnology
    4. Biotechnology, ethics and social responsibility
    5. Case Studies in Science and Technology in Health


Associate Professor
Prof. João Paulo Ferreira has a diploma in Chemical Engineering from Porto University, 1987, and a Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute…