Faculty members

71 - 80 of 91
Associate Professor
Graduate of Universidade Católica Portuguesa with a B.Sc. in Food Engineering and a PhD in Biotechnology. Associate Professor with Aggregation at Escola…
Invited Assistant Professor
Pedro has a PhD in Food Consumption and Nutrition Sciences in 2015 (FCUP/FCNAUP) and a degree in Nutrition Sciences from FCNAUP. He’s Assistant Professor at…
Invited Professor
2001 - Licenciatura Engenharia do Ambiente-Universidade Nova de Lisboa 2006 - Mestrado Gestão Ambiental - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Assistant Professor
He holds a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Porto and a MSc and BSc in Biomedical Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. He…
PhD in Biotechnology (Chemistry specialisation) by Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Raquel Mesquita graduated in Microbiology from Universidade Católica…
Senior Technician
1995-Licenciatura Eng. Alimentar-ESB-UCP 1998-Pós graduação Gestão da Qualidade para o setor Agro-Alimentar-ESB-UCP 2002-Especialização Controlo da…
Invited Assistant Professor
PhD in Biotechnology in 2006, from the Portuguese Catholic University. Consultant in Food Engineering, he is responsible for coordinating R & DT projects…
Degree in Biochemistry - specialization in Food Industries from the Science Faculty of the University of Porto in 2005. PhD in Biotechnology - specialization in…
Associate Professor
Got his Ph.D., in 1990, in Nat. Sci. from the Univ. of Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany. B.Sc. in Pharm. Sci. from the Univ. of Porto, Portugal, in 1985. He is…
Invited Professor
Rui Vieira da Cunha graduated in Law (2003) and practiced as a lawyer for five years, before completing his degree in Philosophy (2008). He has a postgraduate…