Seminar "Breaking boundaries between engineering and biomedical applications"

Friday, May 24, 2024 - 17:30

Juliana R. Dias will present on May 24, 2024, at 5:30 pm, in the classroom EBI025, a lecture entitled "Breaking boundaries between engineering and biomedical applications".


Juliana R. Dias obtained her PhD in Biomedical Sciences in the end of 2017 from the University of Porto, with the thesis entitled: “Hierarchical electrospun nanostructures for skin regeneration”. Since July is Auxiliar Researcher and since last January she is Vice-director at the Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development focused on electrospun-based biostructures able to promote tissue regeneration and efficient drug delivery.

In the last 5 year was Invited Assistant Teacher of Biomechanics of tissues and Biomimetic in Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. Up to now published 21 articles on indexed international peer-reviewed journal, 14 conference abstracts/posters, 1 book chapter, 1 book, 14 oral communications, 2 patent registered and received 2 awards and 2 distinctions. Co-supervised 3 MSc dissertation, 9 BSc project, 6 researcher master fellows and 9 tutoring/mentoring. Currently, she is supervisor of 10 students (4 PhD( 3 of them funded by FCT), 2 Master students, 3 research fellows and 1 trainee), and remote evaluator of European Commission.

Regarding projects was researcher fellow of 4 projects, researcher team member of 7 projects (3 ongoing), PI of 1 ANI project and was involved in the submission of several project proposals (national and international) (~10M€).

Her main research interests include Electrospinning, Electrospun wound dressings, Tissue Engineering, Biofabrication, Additive Manufacturing, Biomaterials and its characterizations.