Axiology and Ethics

5 ECTS / Semestral / Português

Objectives and method

The course provides a general introduction to axiology and philosophical ethics. Key authors and fundamental problems associated with both philosophical areas are addressed. After a general introduction to philosophical ethics, the major ethical systems will be presented, followed by a philosophical approach to the issues of the morality of human acts and the moral subject. The ethics section will conclude with a discussion of issues in the field of metaethics. In the final part of the course, a general introduction to axiology will be presented.

The course unit intends to: i) help the student to become familiar with the proper language of philosophical ethics and axiology, through the contact with reference works and authors; ii) promote the critical reading, analysis and discussion of texts considered as fundamental; iii) stimulate students' critical reflection on questions and problems within axiology and ethics; iv) enable the acquisition of skills in oral and written expression.



1. general introduction to philosophical ethics
1.1 The moral dimension of the human being. Ethics and morality.
1.2 Ethics as moral philosophy: object, functions and method(s).
1.3 Ethics and other dimensions of the human being
1.4 Brief history of ethics: main authors and ethical approaches

2. Ethical systems
2.1 Ethical classifications
2.2 Ethics of virtues
2.3. Utilitarianism
2.4 Ethics of duty
2.5. Natural law, rights and duties, human dignity

3. Morality of human acts
3.1. Human acts
3.2 Morality of human acts: object, intention and circumstance
3.3 The principle of lesser evil and the principle of double effect.

4. The moral subject
4.1 Moral conscience
4.2. Freedom
4.3. Responsibility

5. Metaethical issues

6. Introduction to axiology


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