Isabel Vasconcelos

Associate Professor


Isabel Vasconcelos graduated in Chemical Engineering at the University of Porto, Portugal and got her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Biotechnology, option Microbiology, from the Institut National des Sciences Apliquées de Toulouse, France.
She is Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Global Education and Pedagogical Innovation at Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP). Previously, she was the Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology (2009-2011 and 2013-2020) at UCP. Currently she holds an appointment as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Biotechnology – UCP and belongs to the research team of the Associate Laboratory - CBQF. She was the Director of the BSc Degree on Microbiology (1997-1998) and member of the Board of the Faculty of Biotechnology since 1998.

She teaches subjects in the areas of bioprocesses and industrial microbiology. Her research interests include microbial physiology and development of biological processes. She coordinated and participated in several externally funded national and European research projects in the field of industrial biotechnology and supervised several externally funded research fellowships, including successfully concluded PhD theses and MSc theses.


Machine Learning Techniques Disclose the Combined Effect of Fermentation Conditions on Yeast Mixed-Culture Dynamics and Wine Quality

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Barbosa, C.). 2022. Microorganisms

Characterizing the Potential of the Non-Conventional Yeast Saccharomycodes ludwigii UTAD17 in Winemaking

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Esteves). 2019. Microorganisms

Development and optimization of a HS-SPME-GC-MS methodology to quantify volatile carbonyl compounds in Port wines

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Moreira, Nathalie). 2019. Food Chemistry

H. guilliermondii impacts growth kinetics and metabolic activity of S. cerevisiae: The role of initial nitrogen concentration

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Lage, P.). 2014. International Journal of Food Microbiology

1,3-Propanediol production in a two-step process fermentation from renewable feedstock

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Mendes, F.S.). 2011. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Ferreira, D., Moreira, N., Vasconcelos, I., Ricardo-da-Silva, J. R., Guedes de Pinho, P. Varietal thiols in white wines from Portuguese grape varieties

Isabel Vasconcelos 2011. ISBN 978-989-20-2449-3

Moreira, N., Ruão, P., Couto, J. A., Vasconcelos, I., Guedes de Pinho, P. Effect of malolactic fermentation on the volatile profile of wines.

Isabel Vasconcelos 2011. ISBN 978-989-20-2449-3
Opinion article

Pesquisa de compostos voláteis de enxofre varietais em vinhos brancos elementares de castas Portuguesas

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Ferreira, D., Moreira, N., Vasconcelos, I., Ricardo-da-Silva, J. M., Guedes de Pinho, P.). 2011. ENOVITIS

Relationship between nitrogen content in grapes and volatiles, namely heavy sulphur compounds, in wines

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Moreira, N.). 2011. Food Chemistry

Volatile compounds contribution of Hanseniaspora guilliermondii and Hanseniaspora uvarum during red wine vinifications

José António Couto, Isabel Vasconcelos & Tim Hogg (with Moreira, N.). 2011. Food Control

Sequential injection kinetic flow assay for monitoring glycerol in a sugar fermentation process by Saccharomyces cerevisiae

António O. S. S. Rangel & Isabel Vasconcelos (with Domínguez, K.B.H.). 2010. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Volatile sulphur compounds composition of monovarietal white wines

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Moreira, N.). 2010. Food Chemistry

Heavy sulphur compounds, higher alcohols and esters production profile of Hanseniaspora uvarum and Hanseniaspora guilliermondii grown as pure and mixed cultures in grape must

Isabel Vasconcelos & Tim Hogg (with Moreira, N.). 2008. International Journal of Food Microbiology

1,3-Propanediol production from renewable resources in a two-step process


A metabolic and genomic study of engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for high glycerol production

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Cordier, H.). 2007. Metabolic Engineering

Bioconversion of glycerol to 1;3-propanediol

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, I.). 2006. Industrial Bioprocessing

Microbial conversion of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol: Physiological comparison of a natural producer, Clostridium butyricum VPI 3266, and an engineered strain, Clostridium acetobutylicum DG1(pSPD5)

Isabel Vasconcelos (with González-Pajuelo, M.). 2006. Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Alcohols, esters and heavy sulphur compounds production by pure and mixed cultures of apiculate wine yeasts

Isabel Vasconcelos & Tim Hogg (with Moreira, N.). 2005. International Journal of Food Microbiology

Metabolic engineering of Clostridium acetobutylicum for the industrial production of 1,3-propanediol from glycerol

Isabel Vasconcelos (with González-Pajuelo, M.). 2005. Metabolic Engineering

Production of 1,3-Propanediol by Clostridium butyricum VPI 3266 in continuous cultures with high yield and productivity

Isabel Vasconcelos (with González-Pajuelo, M.). 2005. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology

Method for analysis of heavy sulphur compounds using gas chromatography with flame photometric detection

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Moreira, N.). 2004. Analytica Chimica Acta

Production of 1,3-propanediol by Clostridium butyricum VPI 3266 using a synthetic medium and raw glycerol

Isabel Vasconcelos (with González-Pajuelo, M.). 2004. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology

Continuous cultures of Clostridium acetobutylicum: Culture stability and low-grade glycerol utilisation

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Andrade, J.C.). 2003. Biotechnology Letters

Moreira, N., Mendes, F., Guedes de Pinho, P., Vasconcelos, I. Influence of addition of ammonium sulphate to grape musts on the concentration of sulphur compounds in wines.

Isabel Vasconcelos 2003. Oenologie 2003 - 7ème Symposium International d´OEnologie, Lavoisier Tec & Doc, Paris

Volatile sulphur compounds in wines related to yeast metabolism and nitrogen composition of grape musts

Isabel Vasconcelos & Tim Hogg (with Moreira, N.). 2002. Analytica Chimica Acta

A GAC biofilm reactor for the continuous degradation of 4-chlorophenol: Treatment efficiency and microbial analysis

Isabel Vasconcelos & Paula Castro (with Carvalho, M.F.). 2001. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Moreira, N., Pina, C., Mendes, F., Bolat, I., Guedes de Pinho, P., Hogg, T., Vasconcelos, I. Production of sulphur compounds during wine fermentation

Isabel Vasconcelos 2001. ISBN: 972-98476-2-2

4-Chlorophenol degradation by a bacterial consortium: Development of a granular activated carbon biofilm reactor

Isabel Vasconcelos & Paula Castro (with Caldeira, M.). 1999. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Effect of skin contact and oxygenation of musts on the composition of white port wines

Isabel Vasconcelos & Tim Hogg (with Ho, P.). 1999. Sciences des Aliments

Moreira, N., Mendes, F., Guedes de Pinho, P., Vasconcelos, I. Preliminary study of sulphur-containing compounds produced by Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeast strains in different fermentation media

Isabel Vasconcelos 1999. OEnologie99 – 6ème Symposium International d´OEnologie, Lavoisier Tec & Doc, Paris

Guedes, P., Pina, C., Santos, C., Vasconcelos, I., Silva, M. C. M., Couto, J. A., Hogg, T., Cabral, L., Vieira, M., Pessanha, Graça, A., Soares Franco, J. M. Industry/University collaboration in product focused oenological research in Portugal

Isabel Vasconcelos 1998. ISBN 972-8023-26-X

Guedes, P., Pina, C., Santos, C., Vasconcelos, I., Silva, M. C. M., Couto, J. A., Hogg, T., Cabral, L., Vieira, M., Pessanha, M., Soares Franco, J. M. Defining the uniqueness of monovarietal wines from native portuguese varieties of Vitis vinifera

Isabel Vasconcelos 1998. ISBN 972-8023-26-X

Bungay, H., Pajuelo, M., Hogg, T., Vasconcelos, I. Lowering costs of microbial cellulose

Isabel Vasconcelos 1997. Proceedings of the 2nd Joint China/USA Chemical Engineering Conference, Beijing

Medição da densidade na fermentação de vinhos através da dinâmica térmica do processo

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Moreira, P., Martins de Carvalho, J. L., Hogg, T., Vasconcelos, I.). 1996. Engenharia Industrial

Moreira, P., Martins de Carvalho, J. L., Hogg, T., Vasconcelos, I. Medição da densidade na fermentação de vinhos através da dinâmica térmica do processo

Isabel Vasconcelos 1996. Engenharia Industrial, 2: 18-21.

Vasconcelos, I., Moreira, N., Moura, F., Herdeiro, M. T., Pereira, O., De Revel, G. Étude de l´influence de la levure d´implantation et de la composition chimique du moût sur les caractéristiques aromatiques des vins blancs issus de cinq cépage...

Isabel Vasconcelos 1996. OEnologie95 - 5ème Symposium International d´OEnologie, Lavoisier Tec & Doc, Paris

How neutral red modified carbon and electron flow in Clostridium acetobutylicum grown in chemostat culture at neutral pH

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Girbal, L.). 1995. FEMS Microbiology Reviews

Regulation of metabolic shifts in Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Girbal, L.). 1995. FEMS Microbiology Reviews

Vasconcelos, I., Moura, F., Martins, M. C. P., Herdeiro, M. T., Pereira, O., De Revel, G. Effet de la souche de levure sur les proprietés organoleptiques des vins issus de cinq cépages blancs portugais

Isabel Vasconcelos 1995. I Congres International de la Vitiviniculture Atlantique, Livre des Communications (Xunta de Galicia, ed.), La Toja

Regulation of carbon and electron flow in Clostridium acetobutylicum grown in chemostat culture at neutral pH on mixtures of glucose and glycerol

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Vasconcelos, I.). 1994. Journal of Bacteriology

Transmembrane pH of Clostridium acetobutylicum is inverted (more acidic inside) when the in vivo activity of hydrogenase is decreased

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Girbal, L.). 1994. Journal of Bacteriology

Bioconversion of Biogenic and Abiogenic Volatile Fatty Acids Into the Corresponding Alcohols by Clostridium Acetobutylicum


Mass transfer during bubbling in single and multi-orifice absorbers

Isabel Vasconcelos (with Guedes de Carvalho, J.R.F.). 1986. Chemical Engineering Science