Objectives and competences
This course offers an overview of the biology of the microorganisms and the consequent potential implications in human health, disease and wellbeing as well as on the multiple biotechnological applications.
Avoiding descriptive approaches, the course seeks to encourage students to use their knowledge in a critical way and to develop science-based arguments.
Teaching Methodologies
Lectures are supported by slides and short movies.
Laboratory sessions promote the autonomous work of students.
What studies the Microbiology?
Short notes on Microbiology history
Factors influencing and used control proliferation and survival of microorganisms
Eukaryotic microorganisms
Biology of prokaryotes
Microbial metabolism
Kinetics of microbial growth
Laboratory classes:
Good practices and safety in a Microbiology lab
Basic techniques and methods in Microbiology
Purification and characterization of mixed cultures of microorganisms
Morphologic, physiologic and biochemical characterization of microorganisms
Microbial growth, growth phases and kinetic parameters.