UCP completes with success the DIP4Agri Project And Awards the Best Business Solution from the Deep Tech Innovators Program

Thursday, December 28, 2023 - 16:54

Universidade Católica Portuguesa completes the first phase of DIP4Agri project (DIP4Agri.eu), which aims to train higher education institutions in innovation and entrepreneurship, in the areas of deep tech and valorization of agri-food by-products (dip4agri.eu).

On the 18th December, the project final event was held at UCP, where Manuela Pintado, the project Coordinator, presented the main achievements of the project. Luís Rochartre ( Senior Advisor at Planetiers New Generation), Tiago Duarte (Managing Partner at Simplyeast Portugal), Deolinda Silva (Executive Director at PortugalFoods) and Benedita Chaves (Director of R&D and Innovation at Lipor) were invited speakers at this event and focused on the importance of innovation and value creation from residues and by-products, for promoting the urgent change towards a higher environmental and economical sustainability, in different important economical sectors and as a society.


Best business solution from Deep Tech Innovators

The DIP4Agri project awarded a prize worth 5,000 euros to the best business solution presented during the event. This solution was developed by the “CROP Insulation” team, coming from the Deep Tech Innovators program, and proposes to value the waste produced during the pruning of olive trees, from companies in the olive oil production sector, promoting the integration of this waste in the production of insulation panels.

UCP Termina com sucesso o Projeto DIP4Agri

Sustainable entrepreneurship in the agri-food sector

By developing projects such as DIP4Agri, UCP intends to accelerate the creation of value at universities (HEIs), promoting the culture of entrepreneurship and technological innovation and improving the circularity of agri-food systems. This project was promoted by the EIT HEI initiative (https://eit-hei.eu/), founded by the European Union. The EIT HEI Initiative aims to support HEIs with expertise and coaching, with funding and access to the EIT innovation and financing ecosystem, the largest in Europe, enabling them to develop innovation action plans that complement the needs of each HEI.

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