Objectives and competences
To understand the production of industrial products in which at least part of the process is carried out by microorganisms.
The factors considered are;
i) economic; the product and markets, alternatives/competitors of other technologies, the basis of differentiation.
ii) scientific; obtaining the organism (selection, molecular manipulation), the metabolic basis of the conversion(s) and the scientific basis of downstream processes.
iii) technological; the maintenance and pre-propagation of the microbe in question, the feedstock and its characteristics, the fermentation process [settings], downstream processing and final packaging. Know how to evaluate the factors that influence the form and which industrial fermentations are designed and conducted
Teaching Methodologies
A combination of theoretical/practical classes (orientation), independent work (research and preparation of documentation), discussions and presentations.
Session 1: Orientation: Presentation and distribution of topics.
Session 2:1st Discussion – Economy and Market.
Session 3: Delivery of work – Economy and Market, Launch of work on the scientific basis.
Session 4: 1st Discussion – the scientific basis
Session 5: Delivery of works – the scientific basis. Launch of work on technology.
Session 6: 1st Discussion about technology.
Session 7: 2nd Discussion about technology.
Session 8: Global Presentations – with a panel of researchers.
Session 9: Delivery of reports.