Pedro Miguel Rodrigues

Assistant Professor


He holds a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Porto and a MSc and BSc in Biomedical Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. He is an Assistant Professor at the Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, where he is the Co-coordinator of the Bioengineering Degree and the Coordinator of the Data Science in Biomedicine Postgraduation Program. He teaches courses in signal processing, digital electronics, computer programming and machine learning. His areas of research and interest focus on the application of automatic signal/image processing and artificial intelligence techniques in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative, cardiac and speech diseases.

Cardiovascular Diseases Diagnosis Using an ECG Multi-Band Non-Linear Machine Learning Framework Analysis

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Ribeiro). 2024. Bioengineering

Classification of Sleep Quality and Aging as a Function of Brain Complexity: A Multiband Non-Linear EEG Analysis

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Lucía Penalba-Sánchez). 2024. Sensors

Evaluation of the responsiveness pattern to caffeine through a smart data-driven ECG non-linear multi-band analysis

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rita Domingues). 2024. Heliyon

Machine learning-based cardiac activity non-linear analysis for discriminating COVID-19 patients with different degrees of severity

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Ribeiro). 2024. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control

Shelf-Life Management and Ripening Assessment of ‘Hass’ Avocado (<i>Persea americana</i>) Using Deep Learning Approaches

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro A. E. L. Xavier). 2024. Foods

Shelf-Life Management and Ripening Assessment of ‘Hass’ Avocado (Persea americana) Using Deep Learning Approaches

Cristina L. M. Silva & Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Xavier). 2024. Foods

A internet das coisas como uma ferramenta auxiliar no ensino superior

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Andreia Maria Beça Magalhães). 2023. 5th International Seminar - Education, Territories and Human Development, , Porto , Portugal, 21/07/23

A Systematic Review of Natural Products for Skin Applications: Targeting Inflammation, Wound Healing, and Photo-aging

Freni Kekhasharú Tavaria & Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Andreia Fernandes). 2023. Phytomedicine

CAIDE, EEG and cognitive status

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Alice Manuel). 2023. Workshop on Novel Diagnostic Tools for Alzheimer’s Disease

CAIDE, EEG and cognitive status

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Alice Manuel). 2023. Workshop on Novel Diagnostic Tools for Alzheimer´s Disease

Ciência de Dados, o pacemaker da nova Revolução Biotecnológica

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2023. Público
Book Chapter

Classification of Severity of COVID-19 Patients Based on the Heart Rate Variability

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Daniel Pordeus). 2023.

Correlação entre Risco de Demência e Efeito de Desaceleração nos Sinais EEG

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Alice Manuel). 2023. V Congresso Iberoamericano de Neuropsicologia e no IV Simpósio International de Neuropsicologia e Reabilitação

COVID-19 Detection Based on ECG Processing. Encyclopedia.

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Ribeiro). 2023.

COVID-19 Detection by Means of ECG, Voice, and X-ray Computerized Systems: A Review

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Ribeiro). 2023. Bioengineering

Detecção da Doença de Alzheimer através de Parâmetros Não-Lineares de Sinais de Fala

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Martim Silva). 2023. Anais do XLI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais

Detecção da Doença de Alzheimer através de Parâmetros Não-Lineares de Sinais de Fala

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Martim Silva). 2023. XLI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais

Development of a smart tool for avocado fruits (Persea americana) ripening evaluation, shelf-life management and waste reduction

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues & Cristina L. M. Silva (with Pedro A. E. L. Xavier). 2023. 7th International ISEKI-Food Conference, Paris, France, 5/07/23

Editorial: Advances in machine learning approaches and technologies for supporting nervous system disease diagnosis

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2023. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Enhancing Health and Public Health through Machine Learning: Decision Support for Smarter Choices

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Miguel Rodrigues). 2023. Bioengineering
Book Chapter

Evaluation of ECG Non-linear Features in Time-Frequency Domain for the Discrimination of COVID-19 Severity Stages

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Ribeiro). 2023.

gBIOT - Nutraceutical biopolymeric-biocatalytic microbot against gut inflammatory disorders

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Ana Sofia Sousa). 2023. XXIX Porto Cancer Meeting, Porto, Portugal, 11/05/23

Health and Public Health Applications for Decision Support Using Machine Learning

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2023. MDPI

Method for obtaining an indicator of presence for Alzheimer's disease using EEG signals

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Miguel Rodrigues). 2023.
Book Chapter

SOLL as an Auxiliary Teaching and Learning Tool—Case Study in Higher Education

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Andreia Magalhães). 2023.
Book Chapter

SOLL as an Auxiliary Teaching and Learning Tool—Case Study in Higher Education

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Andreia Magalhães). 2023. Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology

Structural MRI Texture Analysis for Detecting Alzheimer's Disease

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Joana Silva). 2023. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering
Book Chapter

Training Strategies for Covid-19 Severity Classification

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Daniel Pordeus Menezes). 2023.

COVID-19 activity screening by a smart-data-driven multi-band voice analysis

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Gabriel Silva). 2022. Journal of Voice
Opinion article


Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2022. Diurna

Distinction of Different Colony Types by a Smart-Data-Driven Tool

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues & Freni Kekhasharú Tavaria (with Pedro Miguel Rodrigues). 2022. Bioengineering

Early detection of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases using multiband nonlinear EEG analysis.

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Silva, Gabriel). 2022. Psychology & Neuroscience

Early detection of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases using multiband nonlinear EEG analysis.

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Gabriel Silva). 2022. Psychology & Neuroscience

EEG and ECG nonlinear and spectral multiband analysis to explore the effect of videogames against anxiety

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Miguel Ferreira). 2022. APE 2022 Meeting

EEG wavelet packet power spectrum tool for checking alzheimer's disease progression

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Cunha Rui Miguel). 2022. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology

Image Analysis Semi-Automatic System for Colony-Forming-Unit Counting

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues & Freni Kekhasharú Tavaria (with Pedro Miguel Rodrigues). 2022. Bioengineering

Petri dishes digital images dataset of e.coli, s.aureus and p.aeruginosa.

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues & Freni Kekhasharú Tavaria (with Pedro Miguel Rodrigues). 2022.

Smart-Data-Driven System for Alzheimer Disease Detection through Electroencephalographic Signals

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Teresa Araújo). 2022. Bioengineering

Validation of Psychophysiological Measures for Caffeine Oral Films Characterization by Machine Learning Approaches

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Patrícia Batista). 2022. Bioengineering

β-glucans derived from mushroom Coriolus versicolor for applications on skin wound healing

Freni Kekhasharú Tavaria & Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Andreia Fernandes). 2022. FEBS Open Bio

A low-cost web platform for neuro-disorders diagnosis

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Silva, Gabriel). 2021. Affect, Personality, and Embodied brain - APE2021 Virtual Conference.

Artificial Intelligence System for the Automatic Detection of Alzheimer Disease through Electroencephalographic Signals

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Araújo, Teresa). 2021. Affect, Personality, and Embodied brain - APE2021 Virtual Conference

Desenvolvimento Preliminar de um Algoritmo de Detecção em Tempo Real de Estados Emocionais através de Redes Neurais Convolucionais

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Silva, Gabriel). 2021. XXXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais

Detection of cardiomyopathy activity through deep learning algorithms

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Paiva, Daniela). 2021. Affect, Personality, and Embodied brain - APE2021 Virtual Conference

Detection of Myocardial infarction activity through Convolution Neural Networks

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Sá, Joana). 2021. Affect, Personality, and Embodied brain - APE2021 Virtual Conference.

Diferenciação entre Edema de Reinke e Nódulos Vocais através de Parâmetros Não-Lineares da Voz

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Silva, Gabriel). 2021. XXXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais
Book Chapter

Early Detection of Electroencephalogram Temporal Events in Alzheimer's Disease

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2021. Research Anthology on Diagnosing and Treating Neurocognitive Disorders
Book Chapter

Electroencephalogram Signal Analysis in Alzheimer's Disease Early Detection

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2021. Research Anthology on Diagnosing and Treating Neurocognitive Disorders


Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Miguel Rodrigues). 2021. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

Lacsogram: A New EEG Tool to Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro M.). 2021. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

Machine learning models for automatic detection of Alzheimer's Disease using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Silva, Joana). 2021. Affect, Personality, and Embodied brain - APE2021 Virtual Conference

Petri dishes digital images dataset of e.coli, s.aureus and p.aeruginosa.

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Miguel Rodrigues). 2021.

Right Bundle Branch Block detection by Convolution Neural Networks

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Ribeiro, Pedro). 2021. Affect, Personality, and Embodied brain - APE2021 Virtual Conference.

Right bundle branch block detection by convolution neural networks

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Ribeiro). 2021. 2nd Affect, Personality and the Embodied Brain

Uma Análise do Método Cepstral de Cancelamento de Realimentação Acústica

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Amaral, Marcelo Carsten). 2021. XXXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais

Voice Disorders Detection Through Multiband Cepstral Features of Sustained Vowel

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Alves, Marco). 2021. Journal of Voice

Analysis of Acoustic Feedback Cancellation Systems based on Direct Closed-Loop Identification

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Bispo, Bruno). 2020. Journal of Communication and Information Systems

Desenvolvimento Preliminar de um Algoritmo de Reconhecimento Facial em Tempo Real através de Redes Neurais Convolucionais

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rocha, Diana). 2020. XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais

Detecção da Doença de Alzheimer em Diferentes Estágios através do Espectro de Potências da Wavelet Packet de Sinais EEG

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Cunha, Rui). 2020. XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais

Detecção de Distúrbios Vocais através de Parâmetros Cepstrais Multibanda de Vogal Sustentada

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Alves, Marco). 2020. XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais

Detecção Precoce das Doenças de Alzheimer e Parkinson através de Parâmetros Não-Lineares Multibanda de Sinais EEG

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Silva, Gabriel). 2020. XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais

Discrimination between neurological and laryngeal pathologies through voiced speech analysis

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2020. Affect, Personality and the Embodied Brain Conference (“APE2020”)

Heart Disease Detection Using ECG Lead I and Multiple Pattern Recognition Classifiers

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Renato Pereira). 2020. IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)

Non-linear Multiband EEG signal analysis for detecting Alzheimer and Parkinson

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2020. Affect, Personality and the Embodied Brain Conference (“APE2020”)

Parkinson disease early detection using EEG channels cross-correlation

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Gabriel Silva). 2020. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Avaliação da Capacidade Discriminante de Distribuições da Proeminência do Pico Cepstral para Identificar Nódulos Vocais

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Tokuhara, Larissa). 2019. SBRT2019

Evaluation of lead i ECG features discriminant power for cardiac diseases identification

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Renato Pereira). 2019. 25thPortuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition

Algoritmo para o Fator de Esquecimento do Método Cepstral de Cancelamento de Realimentação Acústica

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro). 2018. XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais

Deteção automática de padrões em sinais Eletrocardiográficos para auxiliar o diagnóstico de doenças cardíacas

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2018.

Deteção automática de padrões em sinais Eletrocardiográficos para auxiliar o diagnóstico de doenças cardı́acas

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues 2018. Anais de XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais

Electroencephalogram Hybrid Method for Alzheimer Early Detection

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Pedro Miguel Rodrigues). 2018. Procedia Computer Science

Electroencephalogram Signal Analysis in Alzheimer's Disease Early Detection

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues 2018. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (IJRQEH)
Book Chapter

Early Detection of Electroencephalogram Temporal Events in Alzheimer's Disease

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2017. Design, Development, and Integration of Reliable Electronic Healthcare Platforms

Alzheimer's Early Prediction with Electroencephalogram

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, P.M.). 2016. Procedia Computer Science
Book Chapter

Alzheimer's Electroencephalogram Event Scalp and Source Localization

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2016. Handbook of Research on Trends in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Conditions
Book Chapter

Alzheimer’s electroencephalogram event scalp and source localization

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues 2016. Handbook of Research on Trends in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Conditions

Assessing the cepstrum-based acoustic feedback cancellation method for short acoustic paths

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Bispo, Bruno C.). 2016. 2016 12th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON)
Book Chapter

Early detection of electroencephalogram temporal events in Alzheimer's disease

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, P.M.). 2016. Design, Development, and Integration of Reliable Electronic Healthcare Platforms
Book Chapter

Early Detection of Electroencephalogram Temporal Events in Alzheimer’s Disease

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues 2016. Design, Development, and Integration of Reliable Electronic Healthcare Platforms
Book Chapter

Alzheimer's electroencephalogram event scalp and source localization

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, P.M.). 2015. Handbook of Research on Trends in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Conditions

Alzheimer's electroencephalogram event scalp localization

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2015. 2015 IEEE 9th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems (nDS)

Electroencephalogram Cepstral Distances in Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, P.M.). 2015. Procedia Computer Science

Automated software for prosody assessment in European Portuguese

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro). 2014. IJUP

Portable Interface and Local Service Manager

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, P.M.). 2014. Procedia Computer Science

Acoustic Feedback Cancellation Based on Cepstral Analisys

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro). 2013. 17th IEEE SPA conference 2013, Poznan, Poland

Acoustic feedback cancellation based on cepstral analysis

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Bispo, B.). 2013. Signal Processing - Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications Conference Proceedings, SPA
Book Chapter

Alzheimer's Disease Recognition with Artificial Neural Networks

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2013. Information Systems and Technologies for Enhancing Health and Social Care
Book Chapter

Alzheimer’s Disease Recognition with Artificial Neural Networks

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues 2013. Information Systems and Technologies for Enhancing Health and Social Care

Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease Electroencephalogram Temporal Events

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2013. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare

EEG discrimination with artificial neural networks

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, S.D.). 2013. BIOSIGNALS 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and Signal Processing

EEG discrimination with Artificial Neural Networks

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro). 2013. International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing

Evaluation of EEG spectral features in alzheimer disease discrimination

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, P.M.). 2013. European Signal Processing Conference

Evaluation of EEG spectral features in alzheimer disease discrimination

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro). 2013. Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2013 Proceedings of the 21st European

Alzheimer Electroencephalogram Temporal Events Detection by K-means

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2012. Procedia Technology

Artificial Neural Networks in the Discrimination of Alzheimer's disease

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro). 2011. Communications in Computer and Information Science

Classification of Alzheimer's Electroencephalograms using Artificial Neural Networks and Logistic Regression

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro). 2011. Japan - Portugal Nano-Biomedical Engineering Symposium 2011

Classification of Electroencephalogram signals using Artificial Neural Networks

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel). 2010. 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics

In Vitro Blood Flow in Circular PDMS Microchannels: Effect of the Flow Rate and Hematocrit

Pedro Miguel Rodrigues (with Rodrigues, Pedro). 2010. 6th World Congress of Biomechanics