Environmental Technologies

5 ECTS / Semester / Portuguese

Objectives and competences

The main objective of this unit is to present key technologies for the treatment of water and wastewater, gaseous emissions and solid waste.
At the end of the curricular unit students must have learned to identify the main problems and be familiar with the technologies pertaining to solid waste management, water / wastewater and emissions, should be able to identify the main sources of pollution, and should understand the mode of operation of each of the treatment technologies presented during the course, identifying key parameters that influence these processes. These technologies are approached from the vantage point of resource recovery, reuse and reincorporation.


Teaching Methodologies

This unit comprises Lectures, Laboratory Work, Tutorials and Field trips. In the lectures the basic concepts about the different treatment processes are presented. These concepts are applied in solving exercises in practical classes. In laboratory classes students are faced with the operation of different treatment systems, encompassing physicochemical and biological technologies. Field trips are also made so that students are aware of the use of the technologies presented during lectures in a real context.




  • Water and wastewater: Characterization of water and wastewater, preliminary and primary treatment, biological treatment, tertiary treatment, sludge treatment and odour
  • Gaseous emissions: Typology of pollutants and atmospheric emissions; Treatment units
  • Solid Waste: Management approaches; Landfills; Composting; Incineration
  • Current legislative / regulatory framework and future perspectives


  • Characterization of Water and Wastewater. Wastewater discharge (within legal limits). Interpretation of analytical parameters: SS, TSS, VSS, TDS, BOD, COD. Mathematical model BOD vs time.


  • Optimisation of physical- chemical systems: jar-test;
  • Elementary operation of aerobic biological treatment systems and anaerobic treatment.

Field work

  • Visit Solid Waste and Wastewater Treatment Plant


Post-doctoral researcher with a PhD degree on Environmental Microbiology (University of Wageningen), is presently working within the project 3Boost, which…