Training on Green Roofs at Universidade Católica do Porto: A European Partnership for Sustainability

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 15:33

GREENROOFS® Innovated by the Associação Nacional de Coberturas Verdes (ANCV) is currently involved in a European Erasmus project (, aimed at developing a training course for professionals in "Green Roof Specialists". As part of this project, ANCV organized training on Green Roofs for 20 students from partner institutions. The training took place at the Faculty of Biotechnology, Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Porto, from July 22 to 25.

This project spans 36 months and is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ KA2, Higher Education Cooperation Partnerships, in the 2022 call.

The project coordinator is POLITECHNIKA SLASKA Poland GLIWICE, and the other partners are:

  • Falco&Associati (Eurocrea Merchant Srl), Italy, Milan
  • Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije, Slovenia, Ljubljana
  • Klaipėdos Valstybinė Kolegija / Higher Education Institution, Lithuania, Klaipeda
  • Erasmus Coordinators Association, Cyprus, Nicosia
  • Universitatea Dunărea de Jos din Galați, Romania, Galați
  • Associação Nacional de Coberturas Verdes, Portugal, Maia

Institutions that partnered with ANCV for the Internships:

  • Centro de Monitorização e Interpretação Ambiental, Vila do Conde
  • Centro de Ciência Vida de Bragança

Companies that partnered with ANCV for the Internships:

  • IberFibran
  • Lipor

On July 26, the students participated in a technical visit to the Museum and the Green Roof of the Parque da Pasteleira Reservoir. Between July 29 and September 13, the students will undertake a Voluntary Internship at institutions or companies located in Portugal. During this period, they will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in Nature-Based Solutions.

Galery: Training on Green Roofs at Universidade Católica do Porto: A European Partnership for Sustainability



