Instrumental Analysis and Laboratory Automatization

5 ECTS / Semester / English

Objectives and competences

  •  Provide the fundamentals of some instrumental methods of analysis and automation, complementing those usually addressed in the 1st cycle.
  • Interpret the results and assess whether they are credible. To estimate precision, accuracy, sensitivity, and detection limit of instrumental analysis.
  • Knowledge and understanding fundamentals of laboratory automation and of some instrumental methods of analysis (fluorescence, and mass spectrometry).
  • Understanding the concepts and operation of the equipment corresponding to these methods.
  • Planning how to monitor chemical processes using automatic analysis methods.
  • Research: contributing for assessing the parameters involved in the development of new analytical methodologies.


Teaching Methodologies

Lectures, carried out with significant interaction with students. Laboratory classes with a duration of three hours, involving the manipulation of instrumental methods discussed in the lectures.




  • Automatic methods of analysis (batch, continuous, robotic, microfluidics)
  • Molecular fluorescence spectroscopy
  • Principles and practice of analysis by mass spectrometry
  • Specificity tamdem MS-MS
  • Chemometrics: Basics of spectrometry data processing (Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis).

T1 – Mass Spectrometry: identification of low molecular weight molecules
T2 – Mass Spectrometry: analysis of the samples volatile fraction using SPME
T3 – Study of a SIA system: determination of the alkalinity in water
T4 – Study of a FIA system: determination of the alkalinity in water
T5 – Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy



Full Professor
PhD in Biotechnology (special in Chemistry) from the Portuguese Catholic University. Degree in Chemistry from the University of Porto. António Rangel is a…