BIOFASE – II Congress on Research in Bioengineering in Secondary Education is an event aimed at all students and teachers developing projects and other scientific work within the scope of 10th, 11th, or 12th grades. The theme is bioengineering in its broad sense: from microbiology to biotechnology, from health to the environment… the focus is on solving problems using biologically-based tools. Other teachers, high school students, and anyone interested who do not have work to present are also very welcome (within the limits imposed by the auditorium's capacity).
IT WILL TAKE PLACE ON MAY 28, 2025 (a Wednesday) at the School of Biotechnology, Catholic University of Portugal, in Porto. The event will last the whole day, featuring plenary sessions, guest speakers, discussion groups, oral presentations, and, of course, poster evaluations. The best oral presentation and the best poster will receive a prize (€150 and €100, respectively) and a diploma. All participants will receive a certificate of participation. There is no registration fee.
Registrations are now open. Projects must be submitted by March 31 through the coordinating teacher. Coordinating teachers may or may not attend the congress; in any case, they must complete the submission form by this deadline. Projects can be presented in either Portuguese or English.
Individual participant registrations (students, teachers who are not coordinating projects, or other interested parties) will be open until May 23. However, the total number of participants is limited by the auditorium's capacity: the earlier you register, the better your chances of securing a spot. A waiting list will be created: if someone registers but later realizes they cannot attend, they should notify the organizers as soon as possible. Each registered and accepted project is guaranteed two spots in the auditorium, provided these participants register by April 30.
Confirmation of project acceptance will be sent via email on April 10. The congress's scientific committee will review and decide which projects will be presented orally and which will take the form of posters. Note that the March 31 submission deadline allows for works still in progress without final results; such results may be available by May 28. The scientific committee will take this aspect into account during its review. Oral presentations of projects are always conducted by students, but teachers are encouraged (and expected!) to attend.
All registrations are to be completed through this form.
For any additional questions, feel free to contact us at:
The abstract book from the first edition is available and can be downloaded here.
This activity is carried out as part of the BLUE DESIGN ALLIANCE project, funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) for 2021–2026.