Faculty of Biotechnology invites primary and secondary school students to celebrate the International Microorganism Day

Friday, July 28, 2023 - 09:52

More than 25 experiments with microorganisms, dozens of researchers and laboratory equipment and an outdoor space! This will be the setting for yet another International Microorganism Day Exhibition, organized by the Faculty of Biotechnology of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, on the 15th of September, between 9:30 am and 5:00 pm, on the Porto campus. A free initiative aimed at primary and secondary school students. Registration is mandatory and ends on September 4th.

With this initiative, we intend to make known the various practical examples of how much microbes, although invisible to the naked eye, are an integral part of our food, environment and health,” stresses Joana Barbosa, researcher and member of the organization of this initiative, adding “as an example, human cells constitute only 43% of the total cell count in the body, with the rest being microorganisms”.

Paula Castro, director of the Faculty of Biotechnology, underlines “as a faculty we have the mission of contributing to scientific literacy among young people, providing them with moments like these in which they can experience and listen to our students, researchers and scientists talking about, in this case, the important role of microorganisms in so many areas.”

Escola Superior de Biotecnologia convida estudantes do ensino básico e secundário a celebrar o Dia Internacional do Microrganismo

During one day, students will have the opportunity to participate in more than 25 experiences such as: Biomaterials in the fight against chronic wounds; There is life in the soil!; A day in the life of a Staphylococcus aureus; Molecular Gastronomy: the good microorganisms at your table; BioArte – Yeasts as we don't know them; Microorganisms clean wastewater; Discover the pair: antimicrobial peels in action; Microalgae; Large baker's yeast; Circular Kombucha; Yoghurts: a source of “good microorganisms; Refrigerator Organization; Food Wheel; Do you drink from this?

The choice of the day for the event was not by chance either, since the International Microorganism Day is celebrated on September 17 (which this year is a Sunday) and for this reason the Faculty of Biotechnology decided to anticipate it in a way that to be able to celebrate the date with all the students,” clarifies Joana Barbosa.

The International Microorganism Day is celebrated every year on the 17th because it corresponds to the date, in 1683, when for the first time (as far as we know) these beings were described in writing – in a letter to the Royal Society of London by the Dutchman Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. An event that invites everyone to see the positive side of microorganisms.

The Exhibition of the International Day of the Microorganism of the Faculty of Biotechnology of the Universidade Católica, which in 2022 brought together more than 500 students, takes place on September 15, between 9:30 am and 5:00 pm, on the Porto campus. A free event with mandatory registration until the 4th of September.