Objectives and competences
Promote knowledge and understanding of the methodology for drawing up a nutritional / food policy, the process of drafting a law, and the influence of socio-economic and cultural factors in determining food and nutrition policies.
Promote the acquisition of the following skills: planning, programming, intervention and evaluation in education and food promotion.
Students should be able to:
Collect and systematize information to make a diagnosis of food / nutritional status and health of a population and the various systems that influence consumer behavior.
Develop concerted and sustainable strategies that integrate the various areas and actors of the food system and the socio-demographic and economic specificities of the population capable of influence the eating behavior.
Develop and implement mechanisms for management, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of nutrition policies.
Teaching Methodologies
The course is organized so that the Lectures and theoretical-practical classes are taught in seminar format.
The methodology used is the exposure of program contents using power-point presentations, CD-ROMs, videos and articles and technical documents for discussion. However, whenever possible, a space is created for the student to participate in a dynamic and interactive way.
In parallel, the students have to develop a group work that will contribute to the evaluation. The objective will be to collect and analyze existing documentation on the various topics covered in the Plan for the Promotion of Healthy Eating (PNPAS) (one per group) and the oral presentation. The aim is to stimulate a final debate between all.
- Concepts, notions, foundations and objectives;
- How to build / implement a policy;
- Responsible Institutions: governmental and non-governmental;
- Key Elements of a successful Food/Nutritional Policy
- Measures to prevent;
- The link between poverty and hunger: Economy and Amartya Sen.
Policies related to Food and Nutrition:
- Areas: Health, Social, Agricultural, Environmental, Education
- Action Plans: Diagnosis, Problems and Health Needs, Strategies, Goals, Intervention, Monitoring and Evaluation;
Policy instruments:
- Knowledge and attitudes;
- Transfer of information;
- Behavioral change;
- Food Labeling;
Marketing and Food
Theoretical practical classes:
WHO European action plan for food and nutrition policy 2007-2012:
National Plan for the Promotion of Healthy Eating
Food Balances
Food availability and dietary recommendations