Hospital Structures and Facilities

5 ECTS / Semi-annual / English

Objectives and competences

Provide an overview of the multiple technical, scientific, and human aspects associated with the design and operation of hospital units. Thus, at the end of the Curricular Unit, students must be aware of these requirements, know regulations, solutions, and operating practices in healthcare provider.

It is also intended to instill in students the need to investigate and force them to abandon some commonsense paradigms and preconceptions, with regard to the functioning and management processes of a healthcare provider.


Teaching Methodologies

With the theoretical exposition and visits to hospitals, students are instilled with the need to investigate and force them to abandon some paradigms and preconceptions of common sense, with regard to the functioning and management processes of a health care provider.



  • Hospital Services. The hospital organization. Description and framing of some clinical and non-clinical support services in the organizational structure. Subcontracting decisions.
  • Clinical information and large volumes of data. The importance of BIG-DATA in the provision of care and the impact of clinical equipment in the production and collection of large volumes of data.
  • Quality and Accreditation. Difference between certification and accreditation. Governance Concepts. Importance of Quality Policy in hospital organizations.
  • Hospital hygiene and disinfection. Identification of the different types of cleaning applicable to instruments and equipment used in the Hospital.
  • Hospital Waste Management. Identification of the different types of waste produced in the hospital. Methods of sorting, selection and treatment of waste.
  • Nosocomial Infections. The functioning of a hospital infection control committee
  • Evaluation of investments in facilities and equipment. Basic concepts, evaluation methods and decision indicators.
  • Sterilization. Type of service, importance and working methods.


Invited Professor
CEO of the Hospital da Prelada on Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto. Previously, a member of the Board of Directors of Centro Hospitalar de Vila…