Biology II

6 ECTS / Semester / Português

Objectives and competences

KNOWLEDGE: Acquisition of basic knowledge of the ultrastructure of cell components and relation to cell function

UNDERSTANDING: Ability to understand the molecular logic of life, the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in cell normal function

APPLICATION: to use the acquired knowledge to integrate, explain an relate the different levels of eukaryotic cell organization

SYNTHESIS: to develop synthesis skills

EVALUATION: to distinguish and differentiate the different structure and functional properties of the different cell components


Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes and practical sessions.  The practical sessions take place in the laboratory having experimental protocols for guidance. The students have the opportunity to observe and verify the phenomena explained in the theoretical classes following the analysis of the data. Most of the practical work is related to the subjects taught in the theoretical classes.



Organisational levels in biology: eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Cell membrane and surface (general structure, intercellular junctions, membrane transport). Functional organisation of the nucleus: characteristics and properties, chromatin and chromosomes, nucleolus. Synthesis and degradation of macromolecules: endoplasmic reticulum, ribossomes, Golgi apparatus, lysossomes. Cytoskeleton. Energy convertion: mithocondria and chloroplasts.

Organic compounds: detection of sugars, proteins, DNA and lipids
Structure, function and cell diversity: observation of prokaryotic, animal and plant cells
DNA, function and genetic regulation: simulation of transcription and protein synthesis
Biological membranes: diffusion, the effect of molecular weight and temperature
Oxidative and anaerobic pathways: fermentation and respiration in yeasts
Photosynthesis: chlorophyl absortion spectrum, pigment separation
Mitosis and Meiosis: simulation of phases and microscopic observation


Assistant Professor
Ph.D. degree in Biotechnology (Microbiology) from Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
Microbiologist with a PhD in Biotechnology (specialisation in Microbiology) from Portuguese Catholic University, Fátima Miller is currently a researcher of…