Miguel António Marcos Ramos

Invited Professor


Miguel Ramos has a degree in Microbiology from the Faculty of Biotechnology of the Portuguese Catholic University, a master's degree in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology from the Instituto Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar of the University of Porto.

At the research level, his career focused on the environmental area with a special predominance in the application of saprophytic and mycorrhizal fungi as biotechnological tools for improving forest performance, bioremediation, mitigation of abiotic effects, valorisation of agroforestry systems and development of biocomposites. He is co-author of 17 internationally indexed publications, 1 book chapter, 1 European patent and more than 30 communications in oral / poster format at national and international congresses. More recently he participated in an industrial project in partnership with the Faculty of Biotechnology for the transformation and recovery of waste and by-products from the agri-food sector into organic fertilizers. He is actively involved in projects with the Portuguese Catholic University in research and development of new mycomaterials with industrial application. He is the co-founder of a company specializing in the establishment of wild mushroom plantations and the production of ectomycorrhizal plants for the production of edible mushrooms (Mycotrend, Lda).